Here's the awaited moment! What will Squib say? Or sing? .-gasp- did I give it away? ;)

BTW – If you have the song 'Only One' by Yellowcard, I highly suggest you listen to it while reading! You'll see why. If you don't have the song or have never heard it (-gasp-), let me know and I can e-mail it to you!

Sorry the chapter's so short!


"Uh, hi there," he said, waving at the crowd. He obviously hadn't planned this, because he was already fidgeting on the spot, at a loss for words. "I really don't do speeches," he said, "But, uh…I'm up here, right now, because…there's something I have to say to someone. Someone really special and I hope she can find it in her heart to listen to me."

"I'm out of here," Cody said quickly.

"Cody, wait," Adena whispered, grabbing her hand.

"Adena, I'm leaving soon. The last thing I need right now is for Squib to make it harder for me than it already is." She pulled her hand away and made for the back doors of the auditorium.

"Don't go," Squib said loudly, while everyone turned to stare at Cody making her not-so-subtle exit. He sighed into the microphone. "Please, Cody?" he begged. His words broke her heart. She wanted to stay so badly. Part of her believed his excuses, but the other knew that staying would just make it harder for her to leave Cascadia. She placed her hand on the door handle.

"Fine, stay there," he said. Squib put the microphone back on its stand, and ran of stage. He returned minutes later with several band members from an earlier performance. He whispered something to them in silence, then the music began to play. Cody finally gathered the strength to face him, just as he was stepping back up to the microphone stand.

"This is for you Cody. Because I don't know how to get you to believe me, and I probably never will…"

Squib held the top of the stand with both hands, nervousness taking over his features.

"Broken this fragile thing now, and I can't, I can't pick up the pieces…And I've thrown my words all around, but I can't, I can't give you a reason. I feel so broken up, and I give up…I just wanna tell you so you know…"Squibtook the microphone off its stand and held it in his hands. "Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you, you are my only one. I let go, there's just no one who gets me like you do…you are my only, my only one."

Tears began to well up in Cody's eyes. Filled with emotion, she didn't bother to wipe them away, but let them cascade gracefully down her cheeks and onto her shirt.

"Made my mistakes, let you down…And I can't, I can't hold on for too long." Squib made eye contact with Cody, but didn't flash her his usual smile. His face was rigid with grave seriousness. It was then that Cody began to realize, maybe, just maybe, he wasn't kidding around this time. "Ran my whole life in the ground, and I can't, I can't get up when you're gone. And something's breaking up, I feel like giving up, I won't walk out until you know…Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get you, you are my only one. I let go there's jus no one who gets me like you do, you are my only, my only one..."

Someone tapped Cody's shoulder. She turned around, teary-eyed to find Remy behind her with her head bowed.

"Remy?" Cody whispered. Remy looked up at her, a few tears staining her cheek.

"I didn't know he cared about you so much, that he'd do this," she said, guiltily. "I just…I thought you'd want to know," she whispered. "Squib was telling the truth."

At that moment, Cody immediately felt sick to her stomach. All this time, he'd been telling the truth, and she never believed him. She'd accused him, yelled at him, told him to leave her alone, yet there he was up on the stage, singing his heart out, letting her know that he cared.

Tears blinding her vision almost completely, Cody ran up to the front of the auditorium, and placed both her hands on the stage, looking up at him, shame and humiliation weighing her down.

Squib kneeled on the stage floor, one hand on the floor, the other holding the microphone. His eyes were full of apology, as if he was saying sorry for letting her down.

"Here I go, so dishonestly…leave a note for you, my only one…And I know you can see right through me, so let me go and you will find someone…" Squib picked himself back up and replaced the microphone back to its stand. "Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you, you are my only one. I let go, there's just no one, no one like you, you are my only, my only one…"

"Squib," Cody cried, her voice taut with guilt.

"My only one," Squib sang on, "My only one…my only one…You are my only, my only one…"


More soon! Have patience, mes amis!