This is noot Goodbye
By Kuro Kin'youbi

A/N: Thanks sooo much to shadows-of-flame, who helped me edit this story! And to Emera Took! For helping me keep my focus!

Chapter 6

She had done it.
Ashelin had stopped Veger from killing Damas. And now, Jak (Mar) had been reunited with his father. He had been there all along, since he got banished. But they had never even known it. Ashelin walked, in the shadows, back to the hidden Rift Rider. Jak was sitting there quietly, watching his past form reunite with Damas. Daxter was snoring on the floor of the Rift Rider, muttering things in his sleep that not even the most sharp eared creature could hear.


There was silence between the pair, the atmosphere around them tense.

"You're my father?" Jak uttererd eventually, not even believing the words coming out of his mouth.

Damas nodded slowly. "It all fits." He replied. "You turn up here, like the seer told me, and you have the seal."

Jak grinned. He walked up to Damas and hugged him tightly, safe in Damas' comforting embrace.


Damas hugged Jak back just as tight. Daxter woke up to hear the two talking. He rubbed his head wearily and groaned.

"What did I miss?" He moaned. "Jak? Did you... oh, Damas!"

Damas nodded, confused. "What?" He asked.

They got back to the present time eventually, after a lot more stuffing around.

Keira had been talking with Samos and Torn had turned up and they were all in the garage when the Rift Rider came back. Jak was no longer an Ottsel! He jumped out of the Rider and randomly hugged Keira.

"I'm me again!" He said. "And I have my father! ... Where is he, anyway?"

Keira looked around. Although it wasn't the most comfortable thing to do as Jak had his arms around her.

"We haven't seen him..." Torn trailed off, sounding umcomfortable.

Jak walked out of the garage, and into the city. His mind was filled with thoughts about anything, everything, Ashelin, Keira, Ashelin, Keira...

Who would he be with in the end? Keira was his life-long friend, and Ashelin... she was new to him, but so much prettier. She was more like a try-hard slut. Jak just wanted someone to love!

"AAaaaargh!" He yelled.

Anger took over him and he punched the nearby wall. His fist went right through it. Where was his father? Back in Spargus? Why wasn't he here! Jak's wrist started to hurt from punching the wall, and he hissed loudly, rubbing away the aching throb that was running through his hand.

Where are the people I love when I need them the most? My father is no-where to be seen and... Ashelin, Keira, Ashelin, Keira... WHY DO I KEEP THINKING THESE? I love... Keira. She's the one for me. Torn can have Ashelin. I've seen the way they look at each other anyway. Hmph. Why'd she kiss me, and why'd I kiss her back? What if Keira hates me? Who will I love then?

Jak stopped by the waterfront. His anger had driven him across town without him knowing it. Behind him was the Race Garage, and all his friends. They would be wondering why he stomped off... again. In front of him, at arm's reach, was the HellCat that made trips to the desert. His father was there. He could feel it. He closed his eyes and tried to think. And he walked forward. Onto the cruiser. He opened his eyes and looked out the window. The cruiser was going up into the air, leaving Haven City behind. Jak would be back, he knew it. Of course he would!

The HellCat landed slowly. Jaks heart was filling with fear. What if he had only dreamed those events? And Damas was still dead? He howled with even the though of that! He ran across the desert to the gates. They opened too slow for his liking. He went in calmly, so he didn't frighten the citizens, and headed for the Palace. He went up the lift. When he got up there he noticed the throne was un-occupied. His heart sank. He had been dreaming after all. He let out a moan, and sank to his knees. But, then again, the whole atmosphere of the city had changed.

"Who's there?"

Jak looked up. He had lost hope. Out of the shadows came ... Sig, and his Peace Maker.

"Oh, hi Sig." Jak mumbled, looking at the floor.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you in Haven?"

Jak muttered something that only he could have heard.

"Eh?" Sig said.

"Have you seen Damas?" Jak nearly yelled in frustration.

Sig narrowed his eyes.


Jak was mortified. Sig didn't remember Damas?

"Oh, Damas!" Sig said. "Yeah, I've seen him chili pepper. He was at the Monk Temple."

Jak groaned loudly. Sig looked at him, concerned. Jak got up and started to leave. He looked over his shoulder and said:

"I'll be back later!"

Jak got out of the Dune Hopper and looked around. Another 'ride' was there, so he assumed Damas was too. He went in and looked around. The eye that always used to glare at him was gone, so he casually walked through. No-one was down there, so he went back to the entrance and climbed on to the roof. Damas was talking to Seem there, as well as a few other Monks.

"This time..." Seem commanded them, "Look out for Metal Heads. You have POWERS, so USE them. Now go."

The monks took a glider and jumped off the side of the Temple. Jak could see them disappear into the distance, like birds going south for the winter. Jak pulled himself onto the ledge and made his presence known. The two turned around.

"Jak?" Seem hissed.

Damas, however, had a huge grin on his face.

"Mar!" He said, pulling Jak into the tightest father-son hug he had ever known.

Jak hugged Damas too, glad to know that the efforts of going back in time to save him had paid off.

"Father." Jak said.

Damas nodded. They had another hug.

"I would never have thought." The King said proudly. "That my own son, all grown up, was right under my nose all that time."

Jak grinned, and the two rolled their eyes.

"Shall we go back to the city?" Jak said. "Or back to Haven?"

"Wherever you want to go, my boy." Damas said. "The future awaits."

And that was that, really. The hero had been reunited with the lost Warrior King. Father and Son. Damas and Mar. Nothing was going to stop these two from living the life that had been taken from them those years ago.

And that's a wrap! The end of the story! Thanks again to everyone who reviews this story, it means a lot that people actually tell me about my work! But, one question remains: to have a sequel or not? What are your ideas on this?