Craze: Hi, sorry for the long wait but Chapter 03 is finally here, I wanted to thanks all of you for your support till this far and to Arccie too for beta-ing my fic. Now to the disclaimer...

Kiriko: Craze doesn't own any of the Tenipuri characters... well but she does own the names of Ko-chan sister and mother.

Chapter 03

A few days passed and Ryoma had recovered, which meant it was time for him to return to school. However, there was a problem. The Saeki Family in the Chiba area, while Ryoma lived in Tokyo area… although both were in Kantou and just a train trip apart, the distance meant you could be on the train a couple of hours if Ryoma continued to live in Saeki's house, he'd have difficulties getting to Seigaku. Ayako-san didn't feel happy about Ryoma living alone when he'd just recovered from his illness. So it was decided Ryoma would need to stay with one of his senpai until Kojiro was able to go to Tokyo.

Phone Conversation

"Moshi, moshi, may I speak to Oishi?" Kojiro said into the receiver.

"Oishi speaking. Saeki? Did something happen to Echizen?"

"No, but I need to discuss Ryoma's situation with you. As you know his parents are not at home now… and he needs to go back to school. Chiba is too far away from Seigaku so Kaa-san wondered if it would be okay for Ryoma to stay at your house for a while, until I'm free to be there with him."

"Eh? Sure, of course it's okay… I mean I'm Echizen's senpai after all… so are you coming down tomorrow?"

"Hai, my sister will drive Ryoma to your house tomorrow evening, if those arrangements are fine. Thanks a lot."

"I should be the one thanking you… so is Echizen feeling better now?"

"He's getting better. I'll call you again tomorrow. Bye."


End of Phone Conversation

As Kojiro finished his conversation with Oishi, he turned to Ryoma, who was resting on the sofa.

"Ryoma, I rang Oishi. He said it would be alright for you to stay at his house tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Betsuni." said Ryoma in a monotone, although he was actually a little upset.

"I'll try to finish what I have here. There's still a week until vacation begins. I'll come to Tokyo straight after school at the end of the week. So you just have to stay with Oishi for a week, okay?"

"Honto ni?"

"Really, Karupin will stay with me in the mean time… I'll bring him along when I come to Tokyo"

"Hai. Can I have ponta?"

"No! You just recovered. I'll buy you some next time. Now, go take your medicine and get some more rest." Just as Kojiro finally got Ryoma to take his medicine and get some more rest, the door bell rang

"Kojiro, could you get the door? Kiriko-chan went out a while a go, and she probably forgot to bring the house key." Ayako called from the kitchen.

"Hai. Coming" Kojiro opened the door, the person behind it being totally unexpected.

"Maa, aren't you going to let me in Saeki?"

"Fuji? Why are you here?"

"Saa I'm attending……"

"Kojiro-san, have you seen Karupin? I couldn't find…Fuji-senpai." Ryoma was shocked when he spotted the person he wanted to see least.

"Echizen! What are you doing here?" Fuji asked, his eyes fully open.

"I found him unconscious on the street and brought him home with me. His parents aren't in the country so my family have been taking care of him."

"Saa… Echizen you could have told me. Why didn't you come to my house?"

"Iie, it's okay, I'm going to Oishi-senpai's house tomorrow." Ryoma voice was cold when he answered Fuji's question. Although Ryoma did not notice, Fuji wore a sad expression, a fact which didn't go unnoticed by Kojiro.

"Souka… well, I'm attending a photography exhibition in the area, so I thought I'd drop by."

"Kojiro, is it Kiriko? Ara, Fuji-kun, it's been a while. Please come in." Ayako was shocked to see Fuji at the door but let him into the house nonetheless.

"Sorry for intruding, I was passing through the area so I thought I'd drop by."

"It's so sweet of you. Take a seat; I'll go and get a drink for you."

"Iie, its okay, I'll have to be off soon… so Echizen how are you? I've heard that you were sick." Fuji said to confirm facts.

"Eh? I'm okay now, going back to Tokyo later this week." Ryoma was confused by Fuji's concern, his guard dropping and his voice losing some of its previous coolness.

"Saa, it's good to hear that you're okay. Well then, it's getting late Ayako-san, so I'll be off. Saeki please take care of Echizen. Echizen, take care…" Fuji walked to the door, but before he stepped out of the house, he turned his head towards Ryoma, "Echizen, is it okay for me to call you Ryoma? I mean Saeki is calling you that, and I've known you longer than he has."

"Eh, sure, suit yourself."

"Well, ja ne Ryoma-kun."


Kojiro watched everything in silence, and soon realized something. Maybe, just maybe the thing between Tezuka and Fuji was not as simple as what people thought…and Fuji's behaviour was just weird. Kojiro watched Fuji walk out of the house, turning his head towards Ryoma.

"Ryoma, there's something I want to ask… does Fuji really like Tezuka?"

"What sort of question is that? Of course Fuji-senpai loves Buchou, after all I saw them…" kiss. Unable to say it, the unsaid word echoed in the silence as Ryoma blushed. The pain in his heart throbbing, although not as badly as before.

"Well, it's just that Fuji, he's acting weird. I know that Tezuka likes Fuji, but I don't really know whether Fuji does so… it's true that they are together… but Fuji seems to like someone else…"

"Huh? It can't be…well so who do you think Fuji-senpai likes?"

"He likes…" you? Could it be? Then what about Tezuka…wait…this is getting complicated.

"Who?" Ryoma asked, seeing that Kojiro wouldn't continue.

"Nobody, you're right I probably made a mistake." Now, is not the time to tell Ryoma about my theory, he probably thinks I'm insane. "Well, go get packing; you're going to Oishi's house tomorrow."

"Che." Ryoma went off to Kojiro's room to pack what he would need.

Kojiro watched Ryoma off to his room. Maybe I should discuss it with Oishi…probably should call Inui too, he's after all the "data man".


Craze: Okay, so how do you think? Getting complicated? Like it? Hate it? Please leave a review thank you.XD