Sorry it took so long but our computer wasn't working for awhile and I've had zero ideas for this story but here you go:

Victor sees Andy's car speed out of the parking lot. "Damn it." He turns to see Leo running towards his car and sprints after him. Just as Leo is about to jump in the car Victor appears behind him. He grabs Leo's arm and hits him in the head. "Where did they go?"

Leo "I don't know."

Victor "Come on then." He starts dragging Leo towards his car intending on taking Leo with him to go look for them. Leo can guess what he wants to do and knows that he'll hurt Prue again if he gets the chance. Leo pulls away from him and jumps into his car, locking the doors. Victor pounds on the window screaming, "Where are they?" Leo just turns on the car and starts backing up. Victor gives up and starts running towards his car so he can follow Leo. Leo pulls up beside him and rolls down his window, "Just stay away from Prue. We all know what you did and you're not getting near her or her sisters again."

Victor "That was a nice little speech but no one will believe you. Where are you going to go and live where I won't be able to find you? You don't have any money, any of you. And if you get jobs you'll be on the record and I'll find you. Good luck with that."

Victor pulls away into the street and turns the corner. He parks and waits to see where Leo goes. Leo's cell phone rings, it's Andy.

Leo "Hey."

Andy "You okay?"

Leo "Yeah, where are you?"

Andy "We're just driving around right now, where should we go?"

Leo "We could go up to my uncle's cabin; he never uses it."

Andy "Okay, where is it?" Leo gives him the directions and sees Victor following him. He decides to stop by his house to get Victor off his trail. He pulls into the driveway and goes inside. Just as he suspected Victor is right behind him. As he's coming up to the door Leo sneaks out the back and around to Victor's car. He pokes holes into his tires with his pocketknife then throws a rock through the window. Then he jumps into his car and speeds off towards the cabin.

Well, there you go. I don't think I will continue with this story because I am totally out of ideas. If you have some put them in your review but otherwise this is probably is unless I get a major brainwave or something. Sorry.