Disclaimer - If you recoginize it, then I don't own it.
Thank you to Minako Mikoto, bottlecaps, Horsegirl, kicking-S-ass & FlamesOfFury for reviewing.
(A/N - I would like to thank all of you who read & reviewed this story. I am happy that you enjoyed it & I appreciated your support. It helped me finish my first story. So here is the last chapter of The Dragon Master. I am a big sucker for happy endings so I changed it from the original.)
Chapter 10 - Tying Up Loose Ends
It was the day after the final tie-breaking match of the Justice Five tournament. The result of the battle had been a surprise to everyone. Kinomiya Takao and Hiwatari Kai had tied! When they had been told to pick up their blades for another rematch, the two teens had refused. Both of them had smiled at the other, picked up their respective blades and had walked away.
When Boris had started shouting, the BEGA team had followed Takao back to the locker room as had G-Revolutions; considering the dispute over. The media claimed that the tie had not solved anything but they were wrong. That very evening found Takao in a conference room with Boris and the board of directors, hammering out a deal that everyone would benefit from. Boris had been furious to say the least but all the contracts that the bladers had signed had been destroyed and they were free to leave BEGA if they so wished it. He had been surprised to see that his teammates had planned to stay with Boris even after everything he had done or said to them.
Moses felt that he owed it to Boris for paying for his little sister's operation. Ming Ming felt that she owed him something as well for giving her the fame and wealth that he had. Takao wondered what everyone would think about the deal that the board of directors, Boris and Mr. Dickerson had worked out. Takao thought it had merit but knew that no matter what the outcome that his friends would never come over to the powerhouse that was BEGA but Boris wasn't totally in charge anymore and that was a relief. He had someone watching over him now and if he stepped outside the boundaries of his office, he would be booted out of his own company. It was that simple.
Takao sighed with relief since everything should work out. Now, he just had to deal with one last matter and this was going to be hard. The afternoon was chilly since fall was approaching as he walked down the street with his hands jammed in his coat pockets. The neighborhood was still the same as he walked to the dojo that he had once called home. He had been told that all of the BBA bladers would be celebrating at the Kinomiya residence by Mr. Dickerson and that was why he had come.
He cursed Akane for ditching him in favor of Brooklyn for the afternoon but knew this was something he had to do himself. She only to make amends with Grandpa Ryu and Hitoshi. She was not friends with any of the other bladers like he had been. Besides, the former chairman was suppose to make the announcement to the other bladers of the agreement that BEGA and the BBA had come too. Takao wanted to tell them of his decision in person instead of letting Mr. Dickerson do it for him so that is why he had come.
He could hear the celebration from outside the walls and hesitated as he stood at the gate. He said a prayer to the gods before he pushed it open to see the garden full of bladers talking to one another. There were several adults standing together that included Max's parents, his grandfather, Mr. Dickerson and Hitoshi. Everyone must have heard the door open and it went completely still. Everyone was staring at him as he shut the gate behind him and took another deep breath.
"Takao, I'm glad that you could come," Mr. Dickerson greeted with a cheery smile. "I wouldn't refuse a request by you, sir," he replied with a slight smile. "I was hoping that your teammates would join us," the chairman stated with a smile, "they were welcome to attend." "They had their own plans for the day," Takao informed with a shrug, "and for some odd reason couldn't change them." "Takao, do you think so little of us?" Garland's voice remarked with amusement as he turned around to see his six teammates entering the compound carrying bags and trays of various types of food.
"We couldn't come emptyhanded," Akane added with a smile, "we wanted to surprise you." "Well, you succeeded," Takao remarked and sighed with relief for the support as Hitoshi and grandpa stepped forward to offer help. "So you are my granddaughter's boyfriend," Grandpa Ryu remarked, glaring intently at Brooklyn, who blushed and nodded, "You had better take good care of my lotus blossom or else." "Grandpa," Akane protested as Takao broke into a smile and Brooklyn took safety behind her after seeing his shinai leaning against a post. Akane must have told him of his fondness for the bamboo sword.
The other bladers were watching the scene with interest but were unnaturally quiet. It was Max, who decided to break the tension. "I'm glad that you could come, Takao," he stated with an uneasy smile, "now that this is over, can we be friends again?" "Certainly," Takao replied with a grin as he rubbed the bridge of his nose before he was glomped by the perky blond, "I have missed your company." "As have I," Max added with a laugh, "It hasn't been the same without your appetite and loud opinions."
Takao looked around the garden but didn't see the face that he was searching for. In fact both Kai and Yuriy were missing from the crowd. He saw Bryan and Sergei leaning against the wall but their two teammates were missing. "You owe me a rematch, Takao!" Daichi barked, tackling him, "and I want it right now!" "Daichi," Takao growled as Hiromi pried the younger boy off of his back and chastised him for his behavior.
Takao glanced around to see Mystel talking to Rei and the other members of the White Tigers while Kyoujyu was drooling over Ming Ming. Rick was conversing with Moses while Garland, Akane and Brooklyn were sitting on the porch talking to Hitoshi. Hitoshi didn't seem to like the way that Brooklyn and Akane were acting especially since she was sitting in his lap and using his chest as a pillow. Takao wondered how his older brother would react when he found out about the other activities they did together. He bet that Hito would be the one chasing Brooklyn around the dojo with the shinai instead of grandpa.
"Kai is out back, homme," Grandpa Ryu stated as he turned around suddenly to see him standing directly behind him, "that is who you are looking for, right little dude?" "How did you know?" Takao questioned, looking his elder straight in the eye. "It is very obvious," he said with an all-knowing smile, "besides, I watched the match and heard your confessions. Sometimes you have to follow your heart no matter where or who it leads you too. You did the right thing at the end of your match. I am proud to call you my grandson."
He patted Takao on the shoulder before he strolled off to speak with Akane. Takao was trying to figure out how to sneak away when he saw the perfect opportunity to settle two matters at once. Mystel was talking adamantly to Rei and only mere inches away from the Neko-jin. He remembered the bet they had at BEGA HQ and knew it would be the perfect distraction. He just hoped that Mystel or Rei didn't kill him for what he was about to do.
He made it look like he was going over to Rei to apologize or make amends but tripped on a rock on purpose. When he started to fall, he bumped into Mystel and pushed the younger boy right into Rei. What happened next had everyone looking at two bladers. Mystel was pushed right into Rei as their lips made contact and they exchanged a kiss. He heard a choking sound as he looked toward the porch to see Garland trying to swallow the punch that he had been drinking.
Takao winked at his team captain and got to his feet quickly. Mystel and Rei still hadn't broke apart and their kiss seemed to be deepening. Everyone was staring wide-eyed at the two except for the members of the BEGA team, who were all smiling. When air became an issue, Mystel and Rei finally broke apart to find everyone staring at the two of them in shock or wonder. No one seemed to know what to say.
Rei muttered something in Chinese but Mystel blushed a deep shade of red. "I told you!" Brooklyn shouted happily to Garland, who suddenly looked miffed. Takao had a feeling that Garland had just lost more money on this bet as well. "That was unexpected," Lei remarked with surprise, "I didn't know that you had a crush on Mystel, Rei." "No one was suppose to know," Rei growled as his eyes dilated, "Takao!"
"Sorry, dude," Takao replied with a smirk, "but I have somewhere else I need to be!" He sprinted away from the garden just as Rei lunged for him. Takao didn't even look back but could hear the laughter of the other bladers. Everyone was taking their obvious coupling rather well and he couldn't hold back the grin. He would deal with the Neko-jin later. He had a Russian to face now.
Takao walked around the small wooded area and found Kai and Yuriy sitting near an old beydish that he had used as a small child. The two seemed to be having a serious discussion since they were speaking in Russian. Takao understood a few of the words since he had been with Balkov for the past few months and he often cursed or yelled in the language when he got mad. When Takao stepped on a small twig that snapped from his weight, their conversation came to an abrupt halt and the two stared at him. Takao was nervous and uncertain of what to say to his former teammate.
Sure, they knew their feelings were mutual but he was uncertain of how to bring the subject up. Yuriy must have knew what he wanted from Kai as he stood up. "If you need me," Yuriy spoke in English, "I'll be in the garden with the others. I don't know why we are celebrating since Boris wasn't brought down completely." Yuriy nodded at Takao as he past as the bluenette returned the friendly gesture. He had always suspected that Yuriy and Kai were close and he needed to stay on his good side in case anything happened between them.
Takao sat down on a tree stump that was across from Kai as the two stared at each other. "I thought for certain that you would be celebrating with the others," Kai remarked, darkly. "I take it that Mr. Dickerson told you about the deal that was made," Takao added as Kai nodded in reply, "it was for the best, Kai. I'm not fond of Boris but he does have some great ideas when it comes to beyblading. I think everyone should have a choice of which organization to join if they want to beyblade. Some see it as a child's game and that is fine but those of us who see its potential to be a professional sport should have the option of going pro. I think his plan is for the best and if Boris oversteps his bounds, he will be thrown out of BEGA for good."
"I still don't like it," Kai admitted as his arms crossed, "I don't trust him. He is bound to manipulate the situation to his advantage." "And that is why someone is going to be watching him," Takao informed with a smile, "between myself, Hitoshi and the other top bladers, Boris will never do anything dirty or underhanded again." "So you are staying with BEGA?" Kai ask but it was more of a statement than a question as Takao nodded, "Mr. Dickerson said that you would." "I made a deal with Boris before our match," Takao informed, "I can't go back on it. Besides, your invitation to join BEGA is still open. I would gladly welcome you in with open arms."
Kai took a deep breath and hmphed in reply. They sat in silence for a few minutes but could hear the laughter and merriment from the dojo. "Did Rei finally admit his feelings for Mystel?" Kai ask, catching Takao completely off-guard. "What?" Takao choked out as the dual-haired boy actually smiled. "I was just wondering what all of the noise was about before," Kai admitted with a shrug, "and if it had anything to do with the two of them."
"I kind of pushed their relationship along," Takao replied with a grin, "I found out about Mystel's crush before our match. I actually placed a bet on it and I believe several of my teammates owe me some cash. I'm going to collect on it when I go back." "Is it enough to pay for dinner for the two of us?" Kai ask as Takao's mouth dropped open. Did he just get ask out in a weird round-a-bout sort of way in which he would have to pay?
"Why?" Takao questioned, "Is this an invitation to dinner?" "Maybe," Kai informed with a slight smirk, "we have to start somewhere. Takao, about before-" "You don't have to apologize, Kai," Takao stated, cutting him off, "you were right. I did betray you to Balkov when I let my anger get the better of me. I was a big jerk and I am not ashamed to admit it."
"When I said that you had changed," Kai continued, motioning for him not to speak but to hear him out, "You did change but I think it was for the better. You are more mature now and you dress better. I like this new Takao." "Well, you have to thank Akane for the wardrobe change," Takao informed, "she is the one who convinced me to wear black. I wasn't giving up my lucky hat however."
"Your sister has good taste," Kai noted as they both rose, "did she convince you to buy any leather pants?" "She tried to convince me to get my ear pierced," Takao explained, "but I refused. I knew grandpa wouldn't approve of it. Then she remarked something about a belly button piercing but after Brooklyn told me how she screamed getting hers done that made me definitely say no. I don't know why she was so determined to change me when she hasn't tried it with Brooklyn yet."
As he was babbling, Takao failed to notice that Kai had moved closer to him. When he stopped to take a breath, he looked up into a pair of crimson eyes as their noses practically touched. "Kai?" he questioned and before he could say another word, his soft lips were on his own. Takao revelled in the sensation as the kiss deepened and he could feel Kai's tongue asking for permission to enter. He parted his lips in reply as he wrapped his arms around his neck and grabbed his soft hair into his fists.
Their tongues duelled for dominance and if Kai thought he was going to be the seme of this relationship, he was wrong. Takao wasn't giving in to anyone without a fight and that included Kai. They both mapped out the interior of the other's mouth and enjoyed the taste. When air became an issue, they both pulled apart suddenly and gasped for breath. They both leaned forward as their foreheads touched and their eyes locked on the other.
"That was wonderful," Takao whispered as Kai chuckled slightly and wrapped his arms around him. Takao felt at ease and peace in Kai's strong arms. "I think this is the start of something special," Kai whispered, his voice deeper and more seductive than usual. "I hope it is," Takao replied with a chuckle, "I'm looking forward to exploring more of you." They leaned in to kiss again as their lips brushed against the other but their moment was interrupted by a certain nosy older sister.
"SEE!" Akane shrieked as they turned to see her standing near them and watching with wide eyes, "I told you they were kissing and none of you believed me!" Like most girls, she couldn't resist watching two gorgeous boys kiss and it didn't matter that one of them was her younger brother. "Akane, who are you talking too?" Takao ask as she looked around suddenly to see that her friends had abandoned her. "Well, I-" she began as she blushed with embarrassment, "where the hell did everyone go?" She put her hands on her hips as Takao and Kai exchanged a look and understood without having to say a word to the other. Akane ranted for a few minutes before she saw the predatory look in Takao's eyes.
"I think I'll head back to the dojo," she stuttered as she pointed back to the house, "I'm certain that Brooklyn is waiting for me." "You do not think that I'm going to allow you to get by with ruining our moment," Takao smirked, "then go back and gossip to the others do you?" "I-" she replied, her eyes wide as she took off at a sprint to the house, "BROOKLYN! HITOSHI! GRANDPA! ANYBODY HELP ME!" "I'll meet you there, love," Takao said with a quick peck on the lips as he took off after her, leaving Kai wondering what had just happened. "What am I getting into with this family?" he murmured as he laughed to himself and followed the screaming pair of siblings back to the house.
The End!
(A/N 2 - Well, there it is! The end to my very first story. I hope you liked it and that the kiss is satisfactory. I'm not use to writing romance especially b/t 2 boys. I might write a sequel eventually but for now read my other story Chibi Chaos! You might like it.)
Thanks again!
Astera Snape