Whatever makes him happy
Chapter ten
Disclaimer: Nope, not mine, never will be unless he suddenly decides to give it to me for my next birthday.
A/N: Okay then, this is the last chapter. I was watching Hamtaro a moment ago, so cute. It makes me wish I had a hamster too. Anyway on with the story. Like I said before, I've been winging this story from the beginning so if it doesn't make sense then don't flame me. If you want to flame me then it better be constructive. I only take constructive criticism, so I don't want a whole bunch of shit about how I bash Marron and why I hate her. I just hate her, it's got nothing to do with the fact she's blonde. Well maybe a little. Lol. I'm only kidding. I repeat it's got NOTHING to do with the fact she's blonde. I just reckon Trunk's would be better with Pan, cause they both fight and everything. They are so cute. Sigh If you wanted to know why they all keep a diary it's cause I keep one and it makes the story more interesting.
"Hey Trunks, wake up!" Pan nudged him.
"What is it?" He asked sleepily.
"I think I just heard your father go out. I want to go too."
"You mean he's actually going to kill them when he finds them?" He woke up shocked.
"No, he'll probably just psyche them out a bit," she laughed. "I don't want to miss anything." She whispered.
"In that case let's go. This is going to be interesting. You never know maybe I'll find them first and win." He joked.
"I reckon I'll find them first," Pan said happily.
"Is that a bet I hear?" He cocked an eyebrow and grinned.
"You're on mister!" Pan said stubbornly. "What do you want to bet on?"
"I don't know, what are you doing tomorrow night?" He smirked and she slapped his arm. "No I'm serious."
"Fine, if you win then I'll let you have your way you little hentai." She paused to think.
"Don't pretend like your mad, besides now that I have so much to gain I better concentrate hard so I'll win." He grinned again. "Besides what did you want if you win, a big emphasis on the if." Pan slapped his arm again.
"You have to do whatever I want for all of tomorrow." She said smiling.
"Fine, not that there's a big chance you'll win." He said arrogantly.
"Whatever Trunks, when I'm betting on a slave for a whole day, there's not really much of a chance I'll lose." Her grin became wider. He gulped nervously.
"Let's go then!" Trunks said quickly.
The two of them made their way outside and headed towards the gravity room. The light immediately shut down as they entered.
"Hey Vegeta, I know you're here. We wanted to know if we could play as well. " Pan shouted.
The lights immediately flicked on again. There in a corner were Bra, Goten and Vegeta. It looked like they were discussing the rules or something like that.
"Fine you can play as well," Vegeta smirked. "The more the better, besides that just means I'll have two extra punching bags."
"So you're betting too huh?" Pan asked curiously.
"Did you two bet?" asked Bra. "What did you two bet on?"
Pan blushed and turned in the opposite direction. "Nothing you'd be interested in Bra-chan."
"Oh…I see." Bra smirked. "I've got the message, anyway Goten said exactly the same thing." She blushed hard as Pan laughed.
"Why don't we split in teams?" Trunks suggested. "Me and Goten, plus Bra and Pan. You can go by yourself dad, since we'll just slow you down, as you put it. If Goten and I win then we get our way with you two huh?" He grinned. "Yeah and dad, if we win then you'll have to give up this gravity room for two weeks." Goten and Trunks sniggered as his face faltered.
"Fine, but if we win then you two have to be our slaves for a day." Pan thought about it for a moment and grinned again. "Oh yeah, if we win Vegeta then you can have those two as sparring buddies or punching bags as you put it, cause we really have nothing against you and besides we already have something to gain out of this." She looked over to the smirking Prince.
"Then if I win you all have to be my new punching bags," He said stubbornly. They all nodded their heads in agreement.
"Why Vegeta, we were being nice to you," Pan pouted. "We weren't going to make you suffer and we offered you those two." She pointed to the nervous Trunks and Goten.
"I know but four is always better than two. Besides I only having to worry about those two over there winning." He pointed to the nervous boys as well. "Not that there is much of a chance of that happening. We meet back here in half an hour, I don't think it will take that long."
"Let the games begin then." Bra shouted and the five were off.
Bra and Pan headed south, Goten and Trunks headed east, and Vegeta went north.
"So where you think she is?" Pan asked Bra, as the two flew off.
"I have a pretty good idea where that bitch is. Remember when we were 16 and Marron was 20, she had a journal that she showed off. She kept it in her car compartment." Bra said happily. "Well I read it and it said that if she had the chance to go somewhere then it'd be France.
"How do you find all these diaries?" She asked curiously.
"I have my sources." Bra said smiling. The two sped off towards their destination.
"So Trunks, where are we going?" Goten asked curiously.
Trunks only smirked. "After being with Marron for so long I have a pretty good idea where she might be hiding. She whines all the time about wanting to go to France." He rolled his eyes. "You didn't think I would bet on something that high if I knew I couldn't win did you?"
"Not really!" Goten replied. "Anyway lets quicken the pace. I have a feeling they know where she is as well." The two boys flew at full speed.
"You don't really think I'm that stupid do you?" Vegeta asked no one in particular. "In a way it's a good thing to know how to read minds!" He said triumphantly and then sped off as well.
"Come on Bra," Pan said quickly. "They found out as well, even though I'm not sure how."
All five of them sped towards their prey. Goten and Trunks were in the lead with Vegeta right on their tail.
"We have to do something!" Bra said worriedly. "I don't want to be a punching bag."
"But Trunks and Goten are in the lead!" Pan said confused.
"Dad has a way of making things go his way." The two of them shuddered slightly at Vegeta's tactics. He always had a way of getting somewhere first.
"I've got it!" Pan cried out. She went and whispered something in Bra's ear. "Okay?"
"Okay!" Bra said excitedly.
"YOU GUYS STOP. THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH BRA!" Pan screamed. She made fake tears roll down her face as she supported Bra.
Goten, Trunks and Vegeta all turned their heads around. Instead of heading for the house down below they all flew towards Bra and Pan.
"What's wrong with her?" Goten asked worriedly as he took the limping Bra in his arms. While they all crowded around her Pan made a dash for it.
"YOU GO GIRL!" Bra screamed. The three men turned their heads around.
"Oh no, they cheated!" Trunks said quickly. He headed after her at full speed. He was right on her tail.
Pan charged right through the roof and made a hole.
"YAY WE WON!" She shouted victoriously.
"Oh no!" Trunks and Goten muttered. The rest of them had flown down after.
"I guess that's only two punching bags!" Vegeta sighed. He wasn't as disappointed as Trunks and Goten though.
They be quiet and made their way towards the room Mark and Marron were in.
"Hello again!" Pan said smugly.
"What are you going to do to us?" Marron squeaked. She and Mark had backed into a corner.
"Nothing that will kill you!" Vegeta reassured them. He too gave a small smirk.
"Besides we're just going to have some fun!" Bra exclaimed.
Pan and Bra took turns slapping Marron while Vegeta, Trunks and Goten took turns beating the shit out of Mark.
"We need to find another way!" Pan shouted.
The five if them crowded together. They were whispering stuff, deciding on something better to do.
"Lets pretend they're those things that you bash at birthday parties. You know how kids have those paper animals that are filled with lollies and they beat the crap out of them so they fall out." Pan suggested. "We can always use the dragon balls if they happen to die."
"Good idea," Goten laughed. Vegeta, Bra and Goten began to hit furiously with bats they had found under the bed while Pan and Trunks stepped outside.
"What did you want to tell me Trunks," Pan smiled at him while looking at the bright stars.
"I wanted to tell you I love you Pan-chan and ask you something." Trunks replied warmly.
"Yeah sure, you know you can ask me anything." She grinned at him as the half moon reflected onto her eyes. Making them shine and glitter. Trunks leaned in closer and then kissed her.
"Pan-chan, I've made a lot of mistakes in the past and I want to start my life over again. I want to do it with you by my side because I love you so much. A long time ago I fell in love with a girl who had long, black ebony hair and brown sparkling eyes but I was afraid of what she might say. I didn't want to lose her and so I never told her how I felt. She left heartbroken and after eight months she returned." He paused and saw that Pan was smiling. He smiled as well and brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Now that same girl is standing right before me…Will you marry me?" He kneeled down in front of her.
"I'm not so sure." She smirked as he frowned. "Joke Trunks-kun. I love you with all my heart and I'm not about to throw it all away. Of course I'll marry you."
He slid the ring onto her finger and then stood up. After that he picked her up so she was in his arms and flew off. The fresh air whipped her hair furiously and she laughed.
"Where are we going?" She asked happily.
"Home Pan, we're going home." Trunks kissed her again and they were off.
So what did you think of my story. This is the ending. You can tell they live happily ever after cause that's usually what happens. That doesn't really happen in real life. I should know cause of this idiot guy. I told him I liked him and he was like anything else. I can't believe I used to like him, I mean we were like friends. God I'm so pissed. Anyway I'm not going to trouble you with my problems unless you want to stay and listen some more…lol. Please RR. I'll update my new story in a few days, or maybe tomorrow. Sigh Boys are such idiots. If any of you want to complain about that last statement then go ahead. Prove me wrong. Besides I don't mean everybody when I say that…Until next time, cya.