
It was the only word I could possibly think of saying with my first breath in over a 150 years.

When the cool breeze of air rushed into my lungs, I found myself staring at a pair of dazzling emerald green eyes that only belonged to Susannah…

My Susannah.

My Querida…

Her eyes sparkled brightly, and I noticed a teardrop escaping down onto her pale, smooth cheek.

"Shhh…It's alright. Don't cry," I whispered gently; slowly lifting up my hand and caressing her face with my fingertips. I barely noticed Father Dominic leave the room, leaving us alone…I was too entranced in wiping my querida's tears away.

As I was doing this, there was something so very exhilarating; so entrancing about seeing my dark skin against her angelic white skin because there was something different about this time than others….

I was no longer glowing…

A ghost no more….

I can be able to love her from now on….and I WILL truly love her now.

Just the thought of love brought back memories…

The first time I had met her, I was drawn to her. Not only because she was attractive, but because there seemed to be this feeling inside of my heart, urging myself to protect. To help her. Even to admire every step that she took.

I still remember all those days I just wanted to sweep her into my arms and kiss her without thinking about what I am…What I was….

And then all the events led to all of those kisses; some light soft as could be; while others so powerful that every time seemed to light a new fire within me.

"Jesse," Susannah's voice awoke me from my deep thoughts. I just seemed to notice how close she was.

Her face hovered over mine; her lips were so close. I could smell her light perfume of white lilies. I figured that this was the time to say the words I have longed to say for so long.

"Querida, te amo," I breathed, letting one of my hands slide onto her waist and pulling her even closer. Even if our lips weren't touching yet, I could almost taste their sweetness.

I watched her give a faint smile and whisper, "you know I don't know Spanish. But…" here, she started to get quieter. "But does it have something to do with love?"

Our intense gazes landed on each other. "It has everything to do with love, querida…I love you."

Just as I had released those words, I covered her mouth with mine and I kissed her with all the passion and love I had in me, but right away regretted that I might have hurt her.

But, obviously not, because all she did was let out a little sigh and kissed me back with as much desire.

Her slender arms snaked around my neck and then finally rested in my thick hair, as she began to comb through it with her fingers.

My fingertips started to graze over her the skin just above her waist that her shirt exposed. When my skin came in contact with hers, my fingers seemed to tingle with…

Desire? Passion? Love?…

It was just unexplainable.

Susannah lifted her lips just a bit so we could breathe…

Breathe. Now, I could breathe again.

"Jesse, I love you. I've never been so happy in my life," Susannah spoke, and I listened. I had made her happy, and I would continue to do so." Jesse, please don't tell me this is all a dream."

At this, I pulled her toward me into a tight embrace and whispered into her hair, "I promise you it's not a dream. Being with you now, can only be described as heaven."

And it was true. For a century and a half, I had walked in what seemed like purgatory. But, now just holding my querida in my arms, it finally seemed like I had moved onto heaven.

Yes, you have just read yet ANOTHER cheesy love fic by me…hehe.. READ AND REVIEW?

Lub, Starry