A/N: I do not own any of the characters. None. I am working on that though. Anyway, I only own Tyler, Savannah, and Matthew. Please review. Your reviews give me inspiration to keep writing my stories. Reviews are like my human catnip.

"Savannah, please keep Matthew quiet or we won't be able to get our food. Remember what happened the last time he cried while we were getting food?"

"I twying Ty." A little girl responded.

Calleigh had been woken up by the sound of a crying baby and the clanging of trashcans outside her house.

"Oh, for the love of God. Do people know how to sleep in this town. It's 1:00 in the mornin'." Calleigh whispered to herself.

Calleigh hopped out of her bed and slowly made her way to the front door to ask whoever was outside of her house to please quiet down. Calleigh opened the door and instead of seeing adults, she saw three little children.

"Dear Lord." She said when she saw them.

"uh-oh. Um, sorry if we've woken you." Said one of the children as he grabbed the baby from the girls tiny arms.

"No, it's okay. What are you doing out here so late at night. And all by yourselves?" Calleigh responded as she walked down the small flight of stairs to stand by the children.

"We're not sppossed to twak to stwangers." The little girl said.

"That is a very good answer." Calleigh said sweetly. "But what about policemen?"

"Where's your badge?" asked the boy.

"Another good answer. Hold on one sec. It's inside. Will you promise me you won't go anywhere?" she asked hopefully.

They nodded in agreement and sat on her stoop as Calleigh rushed inside and grabbed her badge.

"There y'all go. Why don't y'all come and get somethin' to eat." She said, accent thick from tiredness.