Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Wish I did...mmm, Hyde drools
When Eric Foreman and his friends are bored (which is usually) they head towards the basement, their hideout. And whether it was fooling around or watching Linda Carter spinning round and round in her strapless suite there was always something going on in the basement.
Today was a "Wonder Woman" day. Hyde sat comfortably in his chair that stood farthest from the door. His arms crossed, as always, and one leg resting on the small table between the couch and the TV. Opposite him was Kelso, who had his same hopefully pitiful look that maybe, just maybe this would be the lost topless episode that Hyde told him the media was stashing away until the perfect day came.
It wasn't the perfect day and Linda Carter kept her clothes on, regardless of Kelso's wishes.
Fez sat on the couch closest to Kelso. He fidgeted excitedly in his spot, bouncing, shaking, and grinning all at once. He'd make short replies like "Yes, Linda spin " or "Oh Fez is happy, yes he is", in which Hyde would bark at him to shut up.
Wonder Woman was now in her spinning mode and all three guys said a short prayer to God, thanking him for that ass.
But of course, with any good thing that comes something bad follows. The door ripped open and in bounded the overly perk Jacki Burkhart. After the careless slam of her enterance did nothing to draw attention to herself, Jackie took a standing position in front of the TV.
"Steven, I'm ready." She announced.
Hyde tried to see around his girl's small figure"Alright, meetcha in the bedroom in ten."
Jackie placed her hands on her hips and shifted her weight onto her right leg, causing her hip/butt to appear more curvy. "That's not what I mean you pig"
Now full in block of his viewing, Hyde looked up at Jackie, a puzzled look on his face.
Jackie inhaled and exhaled deeply. "You said you'd come to my practice today."
Once again Hyde was confused. "What? No I didn't."
"Yes you did." Fez spoke up. "She said 'Steven, you are coming to my practice like your promised tomorrow, right?' And then you said 'Wha' ev'r.' And then she squealed and then you two did it, while Fez sat out here all alone."
Hyde chuckled. "Oh yeah. I remember that."
"So you're coming" Jackie pepped up.
Hyde leaned back in his chair, casually stretching his arms and chest out. "Jackie, I'm not goin' to your stupid cheerleading practice."
Jackie twisted her face into a frown. "Fine" She glared. "No more sex." And with that, little miss Jackie Burkhart turned on her heel and left the basement with another slam of the door.
Hyde sat for a few minutes staring at the TV. His face was expressionless, but it was obvious of what he was thinking about. "Damn it" He got up from his chair and followed Jackie's motion of leaving the basement.
Fez, meanwhile, looked over to Kelso, who was still fixed on Wonder Woman. The foreigner sighed"Yes...all alone."