Sucked In

Chapter 04: Found, Lost, and The Uninvited Guest

Disclaimer: We do not own Peach Girl or

Inu-yasha, but dancergirlcf owns 'As I Cry My Heart Out' a poem in this story. (COPY RIGHT!)

What Happened Last Time:

"What made that foot print?" Sae asked.

"It was probably the creature that took Momo and Kagome!" Toji yelled.

"Maybe..." Shippo said.

"HELP US!" They heard Kagome and Momo yell at the same time.

"MOMO!" Toji yelled and started running to the voice, followed by Inu-Yasha who was shouting, "Kagome!" and the other chased behind them. They all went around the corner and saw...

Now The Conclusion:

"A Barrier!" Inu-yasha said in annoyance. He un sheathed the Tetsaiga an yelled WIND SCAR!" as the blade turned red. After Inu-yasha destroyed the barrier, he saw five small huts. "There's a demonic aura here. If we don't hurry, the girls could die!"

"Great job Inu-yasha! Now let's hurry and find Kagome and Momo!" said Sango as she ran past them.

"Sango!" yelled Miroku as he saw Sango being carried away by the same demon that took Momo and Kagome.

"SANGO!" Miroku yelled again.

"We'll find her Miroku, don't worry," Said Sae putting a hand on Miroku's back.

"Oh will you just shut up! Inu-yasha and I both lost the women we loved as well as this Toji guy! And all you can say is 'Don't worry'? You're lucky you know that? You and this Kiley guy are still together. Now shut up and leave me alone so I can find Kagome, Momo, and Sango especially!" Yelled Miroku as he began to cry. 'She doesn't understand! It took me three years to get her to express her love for me.'

"Miroku! We'll find them no matter what!" said Inu-yasha as he ran off.

"INU-YASHA!" yelled Miroku, Kiley, Toji, Sae, and Shippo as they ran after him.

"KAGOME! WHERE ARE YOU?" yelled Inu-yasha.

"Inu-yasha!" Kagome said. Kagome just looked down at the paper she had. It was a poem she had written for Inu-yasha. It said…

I Cry My Heart Out

As I cry,

I feel as if I could die,

I cry my heart out,

Trying to figure out what love's all about.

I try to see,

You with me,

But all I see,

Is you alone,

Maybe my love has never shown,


My love is true,

Though without you,

I am always blue,


As I cry,

I feel as if I could die,

I cry heart out,

Trying to see what love's all about……

"Inu-yasha…" Kagome said again as a tear slipped down her rose tinted cheek.

"KAGOME! SANGO! MOMO! WHERE ARE YOU?" yelled Inu-yasha again.

"INU-YASHA!" Momo yelled from a hut.

"MOMO!" Toji yelled as he ran towards the hut, but was shoved back by a demon.

"Toji! Please help me!" Momo chocked out between sobs.

"Momo! I will! Just hold on!" said Toji.

"I will Toji! I will! But please hurry!" cried Momo.

"I will Momo! Just hang on!" said Toji as he broke a branch off of a tree.

"Silly human! That will not stop me!" said the demon.

"Wanna bet?" asked Toji as he plunged the stick though the demons chest.

"ARGH!" cried the demon before he fell to the ground.

"Toji!" Momo gasped. 'He looked so evil when he did that…' She thought.

"MOMO!" yelled Toji as he ran into the hut as he embraced Momo.

"Toji…What over came you? It was as if you would kill anyone to get to me…" said Momo as she stared at Toji.

"I would have done more. But Inu-yasha said that there was a demonic aura that could kill you." Said Toji.

"Did you find Sango and Kagome yet?" asked Momo frantically.

"No not yet. Do you know where they are?" asked Inu-yasha.

"They were in the other huts," said Momo before she gasped. "The demon leader named Hidaka might have taken them!" Momo cried.

"What huts were they in?" asked Miroku.

"I don't know! They knocked us out before we were out of the woods!" cried Momo.

"Find them!" said Kiley as he ran out of the hut, followed by the others.

They quickly found Sango after they split up.

"Do you know were Kagome is?" Asked Inu-yasha.

"She wasn't with us. They were talking about her being near the mountains or something like that. Apparently they want the Shikon shards worse than Naraku!" said Sango.

"DAMN!" said Inu-yasha.

"We need to move quickly!" said Sae.

"Damn right! Let's go!" said Inu-yasha as the group ran off.

"We need to rest Inu-yasha!" said Sae, who was now breathing heavily.

"Can we take a breath break?" Toji asked, looking at Inu-Yasha who was not breathing fast.

"Sure…" Inu-Yasha said, spiting on the ground, 'Humans are so weak…' He thought.

Miroku, Sango, Kiley, Sae, Toji, Momo, Shippo, and Inu-Yasha sat down in the grass and caught their breath. Well Inu-Yasha watched everyone else breathing hard and resting.

"Can we hurry?" Inu-Yasha said, sniffing the air for Kagome's scent. 'Damn…I can't find her scent!' He thought.

"Inu-Yasha! We are only human! We need our rest!" Sae said.

"What if Kiley got taken? What would you do then? I don't think you'd be resting! I would think that you would be out looking for him because you loved him!" Inu-Yasha yelled.

"D-d-don't y-y-yell at m-m-me…" Sae said, half crying.

"Damn baby! I want to find the woman that I love, before someone else gets taken!" Said Inu-Yasha.

"You…Love…Kagome…?" asked a voice from behind Inu-Yasha.

Inu-Yasha turned around to see no one other Kikyo!

"Uhhh…Kikyo…where did you come from?" asked Inu-Yasha.

"I came from the next town to the west…Why did you say you loved her? She has MY soul. She is using the same soul that I had when I loved you…" said Kikyo.

"Kikyo, You wanted to change me…Kagome doesn't! She loves me even though I am a Hanyou!" Inu-Yasha said, standing up, and walking away.

"What's wrong with him?" Kikyo asked, looking after him.

"Maybe because you tried to change him" Sae said, running after Inu-Yasha.

"Well, stupid young girl…" Kikyo mumbled, although Toji heard her.

"Stupid girl?" Toji asked coming up to her, "If you loved someone and they were taken from you, you would be mad too, or if they tried to change you, then you would be mad too right?" Toji asked.

Kikyo started to say something but…

All of a sudden, there was a bright flash in the direction that Inu-Yasha went, and a loud scream.

"Sae!" Kiley yelled, and ran towards the flash. Everyone followed after him.

Kiley got there and saw Inu-Yasha on the ground, half awake and very weak.

"Inu-Yasha!" Kiley yelled, "What happened?"

Inu-Yasha left his head on the ground and said, very quietly and very weakly,


There's the end for this chapter! Sorry for not updating in so long! We were like, super busy with this play at the local library, but we updated for you guys!

Christina and Amanda :)