Sucked In

Chapter 1 The chick flick.

Disclaimer: We do not own Peach Girl.

Author Note: This story is written by ameanda-90 and dancergirlcf.

Momo was watching T.V. when she heard the doorbell ring. She walked to do the door and answered it.

"Hey Guys!" Momo said, "You're just in time."

"Yeah! How could we miss this?" Kiley questioned.

"Come on in!" Momo told them.

They all walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

"Hey Momo! How about some popcorn?" Toji asked.

"Sure, hold on", Momo replied.

Momo went to the kitchen and put two bags of popcorn in the microwave and pushed the white button that said, "Popcorn".

Toji and Sae came in and Sae opened the fridge.

"Hey Momo, you got some pop?" Sae asked.

"Sure, I was going to bring some out", Momo replied, "And why'd you guys leave Kiley out there all by himself?"

"He's not" Toji said, "He just went to the bathroom."

"Ohh", Momo said.

The microwave beeped and Momo got two bowls and Sae grabbed 4 cans of pop.

Toji, Momo, and Sae walked back in the living room, as Kiley came down the steps.

They all sat down and Momo and Toji shared a bowl, while Kiley and Sae shared a bowl.

(A/N Yes, Toji and Momo are going out, as well as Sae and Kiley. I know! It's a weird combination.)

Momo grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V.

"Oh I forgot to put in the DVD", said Momo.

"Well that would help" Sae said sarcastically.

Momo just stuck out her tongue in defense.

"Okay can we just watch the movie?" asked Toji and Kiley together.

"Okay here we go," said Momo.

"Finally" said Sae.

The group sat there as the movie started. On the screen it flashed "Titanic"

"Ohh this is a chick flick!" cried Kiley

"Shh" hissed Momo and Sae.

"Sorry Momo, sorry Sae", Kiley whispered.

"Shh", Momo and Sae said in unision.

Toward the middle Kiley and Toji got up to get the girls tissues. They couldn't believe they were crying and nothing exciting had happened!

'Girls' thought Kiley.

'Boring' thought Toji.

"Here ya go," said Toji as he handed tissues to Momo.

"Here" Kiley said softly to Sae as he wiped her tears away.

"Thanks" Said Sae and Momo.

The movie got romantic and the girls cuddled with the guys.

'Now this is better.' Thought Kiley

'Uh-oh what am I gonna do?' Thought Toji.

Toji was scared at what he might do. He didn't want to embarrass Momo in front of their friends

Toji put his arm around Momo and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Thanks Toji" said Momo as she moved deeper into his side.

"Why can't you do something like that once in a while?" Sae asked in a whisper.

Kiley put his arm around Sae and gave her a soft kiss on the head like she had requested.

"Thank you Kiley. You're so sweet to me some times" Said Sae.

"Only some times?" asked Kiley.

"No, I can tell you love me." Said Sae, "and you know what? I love you too"

Kiley bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips as a sign of gratitude.

"I love you more than you can imagine." Said Kiley.

Kiley and Sae just smiled at each other and continued to watch the movie.

"Toji will you come with me to get more popcorn?" Momo asked as she saw what Sae and Kiley were doing, 'Grr! She thought, Why can't Toji ever do that to me?'

"Sure" said Toji.

They got up and went to the kitchen. Sae and Kiley just continued to watch the movie.

Ten minutes later…

"What's taking them so long?" asked Sae.

"Hmm…I don't know. Let's go check", said Kiley.

Kiley and Sae peeked around the corner into the kitchen and saw…

How's that for a cliffhanger? Bad huh? Please don't kill us! Leave a comment.

Ja Ne :)