KK, this is my first fic so be nice. It's not wonderful, and I'm not completely satisfied with it, but then again guess i never will be. I'm not a big fan of fluff, and I tried to make this as un-cliche as possible, although it might (God forbid) get a little fluffy later. So RR if u liked it, constructive criticism if u didnt, and i might post more.

Insomniac234…you'll see (creepy music)


Titans Tower.

Starfire really owed Cyborg. Really. Sure, she could have been friends with anyone she wanted, it's not like people were repelled by her…but Star had made a really great friend. And it was all because of Cyborg and his teaching her how to use AIM.

So how was your day?

It was allvery well, how about you?

Kinda uneventful…talking with you is the most fun thing to do around here.

Hehe..It is very nice to talk to you as well.

Aww, thx, sweetie.

Starfire smiled. She always did when he called her sweetie. It just…you know…made her feel flattered.

So whatdya do 2day?

Star hesitated. She really liked Insomniac, he was such a good friend, and she could talk to him about anything. Well, anything that didn't have to do with her…extra-cirricular activities.

In truth, that day Star and her team had once again jailed Cinderblock (who, admittedly, wasn't exactly hard to bring down), rescued a child from a burning building, and spent the remainder of the day updating their security system. The Teen Titans honestly couldn't afford to have anyone else breaking into their Tower, least not after Terra's betrayal, Mad Mod's knock-out gassing, and Adonis's I'm-evil-and-I'm-gonna-kidnap-Raven manimal (yes, this isn't a typo, manimal) spree. So she told the one thing about her day that was not going to incriminate her if the Tower was invaded again.

I had lunch with my friends.

Kewl. Whatdya have?

Pizza. Though I must admit that I am rather tired of it by now…

lol. I know exactly what you mean. So was your friend…oh, what's his name…


Rob. How incredibly creative! No one would ever be able to guess who that was, Starfire told herself sarcastically. Hey, it was almost as good as the other names she had bestowed upon her friends: Sophie (could there possibly be a less gothic-sounding name?), Ty (it rhymed with Cy) and um….well, Jerry (Beast Boy. She had just finished watching what she called "that amusing cartoon about the persistent cat and the little rodent"…and well…you do the math.)

Yeah, him…was Rob there?

Of course. He's one of my best friends.

Sweetie, someone like you has more than 1 small group of friends.

Well, I do have more friends, but they live rather far away…

What about me? Do you consider me a friend?

What? Of course! It's just that, no offense, we've never met. Not personally.

lol…none taken. You're right. We should meet sometime.

Oh, no, why did you have to say that Insomniac, why? She always felt bad turning something like that down. If she said yes, then Starfire imagine he'd expect her to give an address and phone number and who to ask for, and how shocked would he be when he learned that his internet friend was a Teen Titan?

And 'no' would just be cruel.

'Well,' Starfire told herself, 'you can always change the subject.'

Yes, we should. So anyways, Rob was telling me today-
So how're things going with him anyway?

What do you mean?

What I mean is, has he asked you out yet?

Has he…what?

You know, asked you out. Like on a date.

Star felt herself blushing. Robin was not the type to ask someone, least of all a teammate, out on a date. She didn't even like him. Not that much, anyway. And so she told him that. Well, most of it, anyway.

Oh…no.. He's just my good friend, that is all.

Sweetie, if acts like you say he does, then he likes you.

And how would you know that?

I'm a guy. I know all.

haha :D


We've been chatting for nearly 6 hours. It's two in the morning.

Really? Wow, time really does fly when ur having fun.

I have a long day tomorrow. I'm turning in. Good night Insomniac.

u 2, sweetie.

CometKory has signed off. Last message received at: 2:01 a.m.

Yeah, she really is a sweetheart, Insomniac thought to himself as he too signed off and shut down the computer.

The boy known as Insomniac heard a heavy thumping noise against his apartment wall, and a rather distant but angry voice yelled sleepily through it, "GO TO BED BOY, WE TRYING TO SLEEP!"

A boy of about 16 scowled back at the wall, as if looking directly through it at the angry tenant. For a brief moment, during which lightning illuminated the room, you could see him; not in focus, and mostly just a dark and somewhat gangly figure, but you get the picture. 'Insomniac' looked almost shockingly ordinary, certainly more of a computer geek than the high school starting quarterback. Most of his face was hidden in shadow, and the guy standing there was tall but kind of hunched over, as if from carrying too many books.

At this point Insomniac was pulling on his pajamas, but he had no intentions of falling asleep. He got his nickname for a reason. So all night, every night, he lay under his covers, imagining what it would be like to have extraordinary powers like the Teen Titans, to beat up the jocks who pulled embarrassing pranks on the new kids on Freshman Fridays, to be able to fly anywhere like his hero Starfire. Insomniac dreamed what a thrill it would be to be as charismatic as Robin was (fat chance of that, though, he even knew that in his dream, he was too much of a klutz) and how much fun it he could have perhaps playing video games with Cyborg and Beast Boy or watch a movie with the Titans assembled at his side on a lumpy couch with a great view out of the bay.

As he crawled under the heavy covers of his bed, Insomniac took one last glance at his computer monitor. The rain outside was falling hard now, and once or twice more sudden flashes of light lit his room.

He reached up his arm to turn out the light, but before he did so, he whispered, Good night, sweetie, to a picture of Starfire the Teen Titan resting in a small pewter frame next to his alarm clock.

So did y'all like it? 'Coz if u did, then ill post more. if u didnt, then i wont. lol...i'm trying something (after all the sob stories ive heard about ppl who didnt get reviewers, which is sad)...basically, the future of the fic depends on the reviews. So REVIEW ifu wanna read more!