Transformers RID – Storm

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers RID, the designs or characters in the series, I am just using them to entertain people, not to make money so there is no need for legal action ok? Good? Great!

Just to let you know, this is very slightly different from the first version, just a few grammar and spelling corrections, plus I remembered to add the Disclaimer.

Now that the Bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo is out of the way, on to the story!

"Hey Optimus!"

Optimus Prime looked up from his current contemplation to see the surprisingly happy face of Koji Onishi. It had been some time since Koji's father had been kidnapped by the Predacons and although the Autobot's had searched tirelessly, they were still nowhere close to finding the famous scientist. So this ecstatic expression couldn't have failed to peak the Autobot Commander's curiosity.

"What is it Koji?"

"Well I was just thinking, in the last Battle with the Predacons and the Decepticon's you guys really gave them a pounding, right?"

This point was very true. The Decepticon's had for some odd reason decided to forgo their rivalry with the Predacons and work together by splitting their forces into three groups and attacking three power plants at the same time. In theory the plan was very well thought out. But as usual the Autobot's had prevailed through sheer numbers, and despite a few scratches and dents, all of the Autobot's came away unscathed, unlike the Decepticon's and Predacons.

"If I remember correctly, Movor lost most of his engine manifold, Dark scream lost an arm and most of his left leg, Sky-Byte lost his tailfin and Scourge and Megatron were almost flattened right?"

"Yeah! I talked it over with T-Ai, and she said it would take them at least one and a half weeks to get back to normal."

Now, Optimus Prime was usually very quick on the uptake, because he didn't become leader of the Autobot's for his looks, but right now his processor was starting to heat up whilst trying to understand what his young friend was getting at.

"Yes…and your point is?"

"Well T-AI said that Team Bullet Train, the Autobot Brothers and even you have been putting in some serious overtime, what with fighting the Preds and D-Cons and even trying to find my dad, so I was thinking, why not take the day off?"

Optimus' expression, if anyone could tell, was very thoughtful at this suggestion. If T-AI estimated more than a week for their enemies to get back to strength, then one day wouldn't cause much trouble at all, plus Koji was absolutely right about the bullet train's and brothers working hard.

"Well…as long as staying in contact isn't forgotten I don't think it's a bad idea for them to go, so-"

"Wait a sec, what about you?" This was probably the first time Koji had ever interrupted him so rudely, but Optimus was touched by the boy's concern. He was also immensely glad he couldn't blush, not that anyone could tell with his paint job.

"Err…I mean…that is, err…"

"Come on Optimus! What would it look like to the D-Cons if you collapsed through fatigue? Or if you started Screaming at Sideburn for chasing every red Sports car he sees?"

Neither of them heard the suddenly muffled sound of an angry protest.


"Dag nab it Sideburn, pipe down!"

"This is an undercover operation; the first thing they teach for that class at the academy is to be quiet!"

X-Brawn and Sideburn were at the moment covering Sideburns vocal unit and pinning him down as best they could. They were hidden just around the corner from the control room for Cybertron base listening to Koji's talk with Optimus. Standing a little down the corridor were the three bullet trains, Midnight express, Rail Spike and Rapid Run.

Optimus had no idea that the Autobot's assembled had devised a plan upon hearing Koji talking to T-AI about a recent class trip to the beach he had participated in. Most of what the boy had said was true with one serious omission that Optimus didn't seem to be aware of. The Autobot brothers, whenever they were on patrol or not, usually found ways of enjoying themselves in their own ways, X-Brawn going up a rocky mountain, Prowl helping the local police force, and Side burn usually did whatever came to mind until a red sports car came along, and the rest, they say, is history. Team bullet train were very similar in that regard, because they felt most at home and relaxed, ferrying passengers all over the country on the high speed railway lines set up especially for them by T-AI and the humans.

Sideburn's ranting was only just audible, and he seemed to put special emphasis on one line, which he sometimes repeated.

"I don't chase EVERY red sports car I see!"

"Now just whoa there kid! Koji didn't mean to fill your engine with hornets or anything like that! He just wants to convince Optimus to come along!"

"That's right Sideburn! A Good officer is always ready to protect his team mates no matter the cost or situation, and that includes protecting your chief from working himself into breaking his own crank shaft!"

"Will you pipe down Sideburn? I can't hear what Optimus is saying!" Rail Spike, the oldest of the Bullet trains, seemed the most interested in his commanders words, and as if that was the imbedded root command needed, Sideburn quieted down and turned to listen, along with the rest of the group.

Luckily for him, no one could hear his very dark thoughts about what would happen if he managed to get Koji alone.

'I'll show him! No one embarrasses me like that!'


"I don't know Koji…" If Optimus had been uncomfortable before, he felt even more flustered now. He didn't like feeling this uncomfortable but it seemed as if he was stuck between a rock and the proverbial hard place.

"Oh well then…"Koji started, looking uninterested, and for a moment, relief flooded Prime's mainframe.

'Maybe he'll drop this subject! Yes!'

"You leave me no choice…T-AI!"

"I've heard every word Koji."

One of the computer screens next to the conversing pair came alive, depicting a very attractive young girl. Usually, when Optimus saw T-Ai on the screens he somehow felt much better every time. Except this time, because T-AI's pretty face was screwed into a sharp frown aimed directly at Optimus. Coupled with the highly annoyed tone in the girl's voice, Prime nearly did something he would never live down. He nearly flinched.

"Tow Line Come in!"

"Hey T-Ai, what can I do ya for? You just caught me after dealing with seven parking violations in twenty minutes! Ha Ha!"


In the corridor, Prowl heard the words and his fist was immediately clinched next to his power core, his eyes leaking streams of Energon. "Oh he's great! Seven cars in twenty minutes! Dear Primus he's an inspiration!"

The five Autobot's watching him now sported expressions on their faceplates most would classify as disturbed.

"Dude, you really need to get out more."


"What in the name of Primus is this about T-AI!"

Optimus' exclamation went unheard or at least unheeded as T-AI went back to her conversation. She was glad she had helped Koji practice for a school play a few months back because if she hadn't, she wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face right now. She had pointed out to the others that it would take some serious convincing or maybe even Blackmail to get Optimus to agree to take a day off, but thankfully, Sideburn had suggested that they should threaten to get Tow Line to tie him up and tow him to the beach weather he liked it or not. After talking it over with Tow Line, and receiving hearty consent, T-AI knew it would only be a matter of time.

"Tow Line, I need your help. There's an Autobot here who's refusing to take time off, and under the regulations, I'm authorized to use any necessary means to make him comply, regardless of his personal motivations." T-AI's cheek twitched slightly in amusement, but thankfully, Optimus was too aghast at the current proceedings to notice. 'Wow, when I lay it on, I lay it on thick!'

"What? You're kidding me! Who is it? Is it Side Burn? No, he usually has fun with Red Sports cars anyway."

Koji only just stopped himself from grinning as the sounds of a scuffle just outside caught his ears. 'Poor Side Burn, he'll never learn'

"Maybe Prowl? Yeah, it's gotta be him! He's always working with the police force!"

T-AI smiled slightly as she 'heard' X-Brawn grab Prows face to cover a cry of 'TRAITOR!'

"No it's Not Prowl, its Optimus. He's working too hard and that last time I saw him taking it easy was almost six months ago and that was reading an earth book whilst re-charging!"

"Optimus! You're always telling the rest of us to take it easy! Why don't you lead by example! I mean Come on! I'm still new to this out fit, but I've taken more brakes under your instruction since I got here than you have! Two Months and I've taken a brake eight times!"

All eyes turned to Optimus, who was at this point clutching his head as if to claw something out.

"I cant, I've got reports, then patrols with the fire dep-"

"NOT GOOD ENOUGH PRIME! You're taking the day off even if we have to tie you up and DRAG you kicking and screaming to the beach! What's it gonna be! Do we drag you or roll with you?"

The cold fury startled everyone within earshot, and usually T-AI wouldn't have leveled such a savage verbal attack on anyone, let alone her commander! But it was for his own good. If he was going to be a stubborn Mule in this matter, then she was going to show him that you can get a mule to move easily, just as long as you kicked it hard enough.

After recovering from the shock of seeing T-AI verbally reprimand her commander, all eyes turned to Optimus once again to await his response. "Oh…Oh alright. But I'm telling you three right now, this is mutiny!"

A reverberating cry filled the entire room as T-AI, Koji, Tow Line, The Autobot brothers and Team Bullet train all celebrated their 'Victory' over one very stubborn Autobot commander.

"ALL Right! We got him! Wait-a-go T-AI!"

Optimus' last thoughts before getting caught up in the jovial mood all around him were so dark they would have probably shocked Scourge and Megatron into a mental asylum.


T-AI was happily preparing everything needed for this little vacation. She had contacted the local police branch and train services to let them know that their 'Operatives' were unavailable for at least 24 hours, located a beach big enough for the Autobot's to enjoy themselves and even managed to convince Tow Line, SKID Z and four of the six Spy changers to come along for the day. She had even asked the construction team if they wanted to go but Wedge had respectfully declined, opting for the challenge of taking on the Decepticon's in the base's simulator. It was heart-warming for the holographic girl to see her fellow Autobot's so excited, despite not having a heart to speak of. The last time she had seen the team so happy was when everyone had entered into the international Grand Prix when SKID Z had arrived.

Suddenly her attention was diverted as Crosswise entered into the control room. "Hey Crosswise, something on your mind? I thought you'd be getting ready for the trip today."

The green transformer got down on one knee so he could be closer to T-AI's eye level. He knew that she could easily float up to speak with him, but for what he had in mind, he didn't want to risk hurting her.

"That's exactly why I'm here. Me and the group have been working on a little side project and we've come up with a nifty little gadget for you." Crosswise's grin was almost audible and for a moment he thought he'd loose himself and laugh at T-AI's adorably confused expression.

"What do you mean 'For Me' Crosswise?"

Instead of answering the girl's question, the green Autobot went to the control's and started tapping quickly at the keyboard.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

All of a sudden, T-AI's body felt ridged, and she couldn't move to save her life. She remembered Optimus telling her once that in battle you had to be prepared for anything because in a moment, even the smallest thing can change things dramatically. For her the change was in her emotional state, earlier she had been elated at the mood around Cybertron Base, but now, she was so terrified she could cry. She couldn't even move her eyes; it was as if her entire system had frozen.

'Primus, What's happening? Why is he doing this?'

The hologram's terror increased ten-fold as Crosswise came closer with an open left hand and what looked like a pair of tweezers in his right. He picked up something from his palm and for a moment, hundreds of possibilities flooded her mind. Maybe the Predacons had re-programmed Crosswise, or he had defected? What if he was going to use a logic disruptor of a modified Psycho-Probe on her?

As the fear within started to overwhelm her, her, she caught sight of the item now held gently in the tweezers and her mind immediately stopped.

Resting just in front of her face was a small Autobot Symbol. It was almost the same as the one on her helmet, but instead of having a yellow base and a pink foreground, this insignia was sapphire blue, and it seemed to glow with an inner light. Crosswise very gently placed the symbol on her helmet in the exact place her usual one resided, and then did the same with the small triangle broach on the front of her uniform.

All of a sudden, she dropped to the ground, almost loosing her balance. After taking a moment to breath and bracing herself against one of her consoles, the holographic girl became aware of something very odd.

Firstly, she could feel the air as she breathed, and secondly, she could feel the panel underneath her hand, and when she looked, her hand was no longer partially transparent, instead she was looking at a normal opaque hand.

"How do you like it?"

T-AI's wide eyes came to rest on the grinning visage of Ironhide, standing next to his teammate.

"Mirage mentioned a while ago that it's a shame you're always cooped up in here so we decided to change that. Those two badges are micro holographic projectors. They work two-fold. First, they allow you to leave the base while keeping in contact with the systems here, and second; they enhance your image and generate an electrical repulsor field so you can touch things. Crosswise also studied some books on humans and wrote a special program so you'd have a simulated central nervous system, so now you can touch, smell and to a degree, even taste things!"

T-AI's eyes, if it were possible, grew even wider. If what they were saying was true, then basically they've granted her total freedom to go out and explore the planet if she wanted! This was wonderful, and she said as much, with a delighted smile upon her face.

Crosswise and Ironhide were congratulating themselves when Iron hide noticed T-AI's lovely expression suddenly turn sour.

"What's wrong?"

The holographic girl revealed that even in this new solid form she had the power of flight by flying up and kicking Crosswise Square in the faceplate. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE DOING? HAVE YOU GOT A POCKET CALCULATOR FOR A BRAIN? I THOUGHT YOU WERE TRYING TO ERASE MY PROGRAM! YOU SCARED THE LIVING ENERGON OUT OF ME!"

Outside the control room, Sideburn was walking to the departure tunnel when he heard T-AI's verbal reprimand and shuddered in sympathy. After taking that fish personality test T-AI had spent the rest of the day giving him a hard time about using her computers for something so trivial. But since there wasn't anything he could do, he shrugged and continued on his way, sparing a compassionate thought for the poor mechanism on the receiving end of T-AI's vengeance.


Well? Did you like it? RID isn't really my scene and to be honest neither is writing comedy, but I've always had a thing for T-AI, and after watching the first 20 episodes on DVD, I thought I could write something pretty good. The initial idea came up a long time ago, but I could never come up with a good starting point for the story. But now, I hope to be able to crank out the rest of the story over the next few months. But I don't usually have access to the internet so please be patient.

All the best, Orion-Matrx.