Momo's Secret

Chapter 04: Rescue Part 1

What Happened Last Time:

"I'm told you already…" The Masked Person started, "I'm gonna finish what I started" They finished approaching Momo.

"Stay…Stay away from me!" Momo screamed.

Same time as the above happening with Kiley

"Whose blood is that?" Kiley said, looking down on it, "If its Momo's, I'm going to hurt whoever made her bleed!" Kiley declared walking down the hall, to find anyone.

Toji before Kiley woke up but after Momo was gone

"Momo, where are you?" Toji said, waking up and seeing Kiley still passed out, and Momo nowhere around.

Toji looked around some more, and saw Momo's bag on the ground, and thought something might have happened to her.

Toji stood up and looked at Kiley, "I'll continue with you later", he said, then ran off to try and find Momo.

Now the Conclusion:


"Stop it!" Momo yelled, "Please Stop it!"

"HEHEHE!" The voice laughed, "You were ALWAYS scared of these!" The person said, putting more on Momo as she screamed.

"AHHHHH!" Momo screamed.


"MOMO!" Toji said, carrying her bag and running through the school building.

"Hey FAG!" A boy yelled over to Toji and chuckled with his friends.

"What did you say!" Toji ran over to the group and beat them all down, "Now shut up and leave me alone"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" The boy quivered.

Toji ran out of the building and to the ends of town, dodging cars on the way.

"MOMO!" Toji yelled, as he ran through the woods to a lake with a building on the other side of it and a boat docked on his side.


"Who's there?" Toji yelled back, but saw no one, but he had a feeling that someone was watching him.


Kiley saw Toji run past him out of the school building and Kiley followed him clear out of town and into some woods.


Kiley hid behind a tree as he heard Toji yell, "Who's there?"

Kiley held his breath as he heard Toji's feet run down to the boat in the water.

'It's now or never!' Kiley thought.

He jumped out from behind the tree and ran towards the boat, "Toji!" He yelled.


Toji looked up and saw Kiley running towards him.

"What are you doing here?" Toji asked, "And how did you even get here?"

"I followed you out of town and through these woods" Kiley told him, getting in the boat too.

"What are you doing?" Toji asked, annoyed.

"I'm starting up this boat engine and we're going to find Momo!" Kiley yelled, yanking the cord and starting the boat, which Toji couldn't.

"Okay then, let's go!" Toji said, getting on the front of the boat as Kiley controlled the boat across the lake.


"Stop please!" Momo begged as she felt the things crawl all over her.

"Nope! I'm going to keep on putting them on you until you admit that you give up on Toji!" The person in black said, laughing evilly.

"I can't!" Momo said, crying, "I love him!"

"Say you give up!" The person said, pouring on more things.

"AHHHHH!" Momo screamed, "I give up!" She cried, "I give up on him…"

"For sure!" The person grinned adding a few more, just to make sure.

"I'm positive!" Momo screamed, "Please stop it!"

"Okay, that's the right answer, girl" The person said, pushing a button making the seat that Momo was laying on and chained to, go back up to where Momo was basically standing up, letting all the insects fall off onto the ground, and they scurried away.

"What are you going to do now?" Momo asked, scared to know the answer.

"Well, first I'm going to keep you hear for a little while" The person said, "Then I'm going to get what I want, and maybe release you"

"Maybe?" Momo asked, unsure of things.

"Yes, maybe…" The person said, turning back to Momo, looking evilly through the black cape at Momo.

"Why are you standing there so quiet?" Momo asked, looking around to see if anybody was there or if there was any way to get out, if she got free on her restraints.

"Nothing, just noticing something about you…" The person said, smiling evilly.

"What?" Momo feared that it was her stomach, she was 2 1/2 months pregnant, and her stomach was starting to show through her clothes.

"You seem to be getting a little…hmm…" The person thought a minute, "A little….bigger" They grinned.

"I just been eating a lot lately…" Momo lied, "I guess I'm growing…"

"Okay…sure…" The person said, looking away back to the potions.

Kiley and Toji

"Kiley come on!" Toji looked back to him, "We have to hurry!"

"I know Toji!" Kiley said, looking at the engine, that was not working, "Something's wrong with this thing"

"What?" Toji said, "What's wrong?"

"I think the engine ran out of gas!" Kiley said up to Toji.

"Then how are we going to get over there?" Toji said back down to Kiley, while looking ahead, "It must be about, another mile or two"

"I don't know" Kiley said, thinking.

"Is there paddles in this boat?" Toji asked, looking around frantically at the 12-foot boat for the paddles and opening the little boxes on the sides.

"Found them!" Kiley said, looking in a box.

"Okay Awesome!" Toji said, hooking them to the hooks, and rowing across the water.

"Let's save Momo!" Kiley yelled, taking one oar, while Toji had the other, "Heave…Heave" He said, pulling he oar to his waist, and letting it go back out then pulling it again, in time with Toji.

"We're getting closer" Toji said, glancing behind himself and Kiley at the house across the water.

"We are?" Kiley said, huffing a little, while Toji remained in breath.

"Are you getting tired?" Toji asked, looking at Kiley concerned.

"Yeah…" Kiley said, looking at Toji serious, "I don't have any stamina"

"Don't be like that!" Toji demanded, "Think of Momo!" Toji said.

This stung Kiley, he loved Momo.

"Think of what she's thinking!" Toji said, as he rowed more strongly, "She could be unconscious, and who knows what kind of creep is watching her and holding her captive!" Toji said, getting angrier and pulling at the oars more harder, slightly making it go to the side.

"TOJI!" Kiley said, trying to keep up with Toji's rythme, "You're making us go sideways!"

"Huh?" Toji asked, then suddenly snapped back to reality, and stopped rowing so hard.

"Sorry…" Toji said, "I just…I can't stand to think of what Momo is going through right now…"

"I know Toji, I know…" Kiley said, comforting Toji for a minute.

"Let's go and get the creep who kidnapped her!" Toji said, taking hold of both oars and pulling at them with a lot of force.

"Okay Toji, let's get Momo back!" Kiley said, jumping on the front of the boat.

Dum! Dum! Dum! What's going to happen with Toji and Momo? Momo admitted on giving up on Toji, but what will happen? Will she go to Kiley? Even though she's pregnant with Toji's baby? Gotta love my cliff-hangers:P

Amanda :)