A/N: Special thanks to Jenorama for pre-betaing this story and for being honest with her opinions and suggestions. This is my latest attempt to butcher the wonderful world of JKR. Please forgive me; I know not what I do.


"Push Mione, push."

"Bloody hell Ron, I am pushing. What do you think I'm doing, knitting?"

"Hermione, you cursed. I have to alert the media."

"Ronald Billius Weasley, if you are not going to take this seriously, you can get theHELL out."

Out? I should get out? As if I would ever leave her now. I could never leave now. This is the most important moment of my life. I'm going to be a father. Me, a father. How am I going to handle this? Quaffles coming at me at 30 miles per hour I can handle. Saying Voldemort instead of You Know Who, I can handle. Having a row with Hermione I can handle, sometimes. But this, I don't know how I got here. I mean I know how I got here. It was that night 9 months ago when I came home and Hermione greeted me at the door wearing nothing but that hot pink nightie…

"Ron I swear, if this doesn't kill me, after this baby is born I am going to make sure that you can't do this to me again. And I'm not going to use magic to do it either!"

She wouldn't do that to me. At least I don't think she'd do that. She does look pretty upset but I hope she wouldn't do that. I want at least 2 more children. Coming from a big family myself I want my child to have brothers and sisters to play with. I thought she wanted more than one child, too.

She looks like she's in pain. Her face is all scrunched up, her hair is wet around her face and she's breathing so heavily. If I could take all the pain away I would. If I could have this baby for her I would. I love her that much. It scares me how much I love her. I don't know what I would do without her. I can't remember not loving her. She makes me want to get up everyday. I love her, did I mention that? Three years later I still want to scream it from the roof tops, "Hermione, I love you." It's silly really. I never thought I'd feel this way about anyone.

She looks so small laying there. I never realized how small she is until now. She can't do this. What did I do to her? How could I hurt her like this? It's all my fault. I made her do this; she didn't want it, I did. She just grabbed my hand. She's holding it so tightly; I'm beginning to lose feeling in it. Oh the pain she must be feeling. Oh the pain I'm feeling. Someone help me, please. Who am I kidding? It's just a hand; she's pushing out a baby. Focus Weasley, focus.

"One last push Mione, you can do it. One more push and we'll have our baby."

"Ron, I can't. It hurts so much. I'm scared; I don't want to do this."

"Hermione, you CAN do this, I know you can. This is nothing compared to what you've been through. Look at me love. Push."

She's staring at me now. Her beautiful brown eyes are wet with tears. She's showing me how scared she is. I know she's scared, but there's no doubt in my mind she can do this. She is the toughest person I know. I'm the baby, not her. She can stand up to anyone or anything and I'm afraid of spiders. I stare back at her and concentrate on showing her how much I love her with just my eyes. She's always said my eyes are my most expressive feature. She loves their color and marvels about how they change from one shade of blue to another depending on my mood. To me, they're nothing special but Hermione hopes our child inherits them along with my red hair. Personally, I'd rather have a baby with slightly frizzy brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. Jeez, is this baby ever going to come?

"That's it Mrs. Weasley. Stop pushing and just relax, take a deep breath now and let it out slowly."

"Mione I see it, it's coming, it's coming."

"O.K. Mrs. Weasley here it comes! It's a-"

I've opened my eyes to find myself lying down on a bed. This isn't my bed, whose bed is this? Wait a minute, how did I end up here? Shite, I must have fainted. I said I was a baby. Speaking of which, I have a baby. I'm a father. Bloody hell, I'm a father. I have to see my child. I have to get off this bed. I try to sit up but I find there is a restraining charm on me. What do these healers think I'm going to do, leave? My wife just had a baby for Merlin's sake, I'm not going anywhere. Except to find my wife and child, if I can ever get off this bed. I start yelling at the top of my lungs for a healer.

"Mr. Weasley, take it easy. You passed out."

A healer strolls into the room. Thank you so much for stating the obvious. I'll bet you had to go to school to learn that. Hang on, that just sounded like Hermione. Oh lord she's in my head now. I'm thinking like her. This is bad, very bad. I have to get out of here now!

"Yes I guess I did pass out, but I seem to be fine now. So if you'll just let me off this bed I can go see my wife." I try to lift myself up and again the restraining charm kicks in. Damn this is getting annoying.

"Can you release the charm, please?" I look up at the healer and give him my most winning smile.

"Hold on Mr. Weasley, I have to check you over first."

Great. He takes out his wand and he ever so slowly passes it over my body. Then he takes my hand and feels for a pulse. Yes I'm alive, I have a pulse. However young Mr. Healer over there better watch himself because he may not have a pulse for much longer if he doesn't let me off this bed.

"O.K. Mr. Weasley you seem to be fine. It looks to me as if it was a one time episode. You were just probably over stressed from all the excitement."

No shite? Really? Boy this healer is bloody brilliant. Let me off the bed Dr. Einstein. Uh oh, more Hermione in the brain, maybe I am sick. I'll worry about that later. Young Mr. Healer waves his wand and I am finally able to sit up.

"Your wife and child are down the hall, Room 1117. Congratulations Mr. Weasley."

As soon as the healer lets me off the bed I take off down the hall. Harry's Firebolt has nothing on me; I need to see my family. How funny is that? My family. Me, Hermione and our baby, a family. Speaking of baby, do I have a son or a daughter? I'm running so fast I almost shoot past the door to Hermione's room. I try to slow my breathing and I open the door. I see Hermione sitting up in the bed and I see there is a bundle wrapped in a blanket in her arms. She turns and when she sees it's me, she smiles and a glint of something shows in her eyes.

"Good show back in the delivery room, Ron. Wait until I tell your family about this, especially Fred and George. They'll get a load of jokes out of this. Big, tall, strong and handsome Ron Weasley can't handle seeing the birth of his son."

"Mione, you can't seriously consider telling Fred and…"

Wait a minute, did she say son? I have a son. Sweet Merlin I have a son. I look back over at Hermione and the glint I saw in her eyes before turns out to be tears.

"We have a baby boy Ron."

I seem to have lost my ability to speak right now. I can only gape at her as I stare at the bundle she is holding. Hermione is laughing at me. She's laughing and crying at the same time.

"Come and see your son, you big idiot."

I walk over to her. It feels like I'm moving in slow motion. I think it takes me 10 minutes to make it to the bed and when I get there, I see in her arms, my son. He has my ocean blue eyes and lots of Hermione's brown hair. It doesn't look to be frizzy, but I can hope. I am at a loss for words but there is nothing to for me to say. I just stare my beautiful son. I feel the tears coming down my cheeks but I don't care. This is way too important a moment to look for a tissue.

"Do you want to hold him?"

That was a dumb question, Hermione. Is the sky blue? Do the Cannons lose? Do I love you more than anything? Of course I want to hold my son. I smile at her, sit down on the bed and carefully lift the bundle out of her arms. This is my son. This is half of what gives my life meaning, right here in my arms. In the bed next to me is the other half of my life, my wife. You know what? Life is good.