Going to find the Truth Ch. 9

The group went on playing in the sky while following Ryonie. After some time of quiet play and soaring through the sky they arrived at the pillar they had seen earlier. The pillar was beautiful close up. The carvings were of animals and decorative things that were all over the pillar. Most of the group just stared at the pillar.

"Time to go up." Ryonie said for the first time since they started out.

Most of the group looked confused, but they all complied and followed her up at top-speed. They went higher and higher, faster and faster, making the pillar seem a pure creamy white. They passed a red blur and Ryonie had called out a greeting to people named Korin and Yajarobie. The group had no clue as they kept going. Their path served to a diagonal as they went around a semi sphere, but from the red blur to this there was no pillar. This red and yellow semi sphere was floating hundred's of feet in the above the blur in mid air. Oh well, stranger things have been seen.

Ryonie abruptly stopped at the edge. She gently glided down to land on the smooth white tile. The place was breath taking to say the least. The huge round, glimmering, white, tiled ground had small garden areas, containing a tree and flowers, on two sides of a walk way leading to a white building that reminded the scouts of a church. The white pillars were holding the over hang and a top that resembled the dome and peak of the United States Capital Building. The place was amazing.

"Dendai!" Ryonie called. "Mr. Popo." She took off for the large white building while the others landed on the path.

"Hey," Darien began, watching Ryonie's retreating form, "How do we get these things away?"

"Push your middle symbol and it will collapse into wallet size for carrying purposes." Rowen said as he was putting his own into his wallet.

They pushed the middle symbol and on the ground before each of them was a white wallet sized card. In the middle was their symbol, only now they were simple colors. Mercury-ice blue, Mars-red, Venus-yellow, Jupiter-green, Earth-green and brown, Uranus-orange, Neptune-dark blue, Pluto-dark purple, and Mini Moon-pink. They tucked the cards into their pockets and the group started down the walk.

When they reached the inside, it was just as beautiful inside as it was out. The floors gleamed like glaciers in mid-day while the furniture was simple it gave a sense of humbleness to the structure that bared its engraved walls and mythical tapestries.

The group sat in the comfortable light blue chairs. Soon Ryonie returned with a green boy with antennae like projections and an outfit that resembled a dress with a vest. Behind them was another short and stout man with pure black skin and baggy pants and vest.

"Everyone," Ryonie spoke, "this is Dendai, The Guardian of Earth Happenings," She gestured to the green boy, "And this is Mr. Popo, his assistant."

"Nice to meet you all." Dendai and Mr. Popo said.

"Same." Mina responded.

"There is no need for further introductions as we know you all. Down to business, as requested, we will be entertaining all of you tomorrow with food, music, and extremely important information. It will all start around nine pm, so be here between eight and then." Dendai said.

"Thanks Dendai." Ryonie said.

"You're Welcome."
"What is this information concerning?" Lita and Rai asked.

"The whereabouts of our leader." Rowen said calmly.

"But, I'm right here." Mina said. "I'm leader of the Senshi."

"No. The Princess." Cye said, slightly exasperated.

The room fell silent as the group of stunned Senshi processed this information and what it meant.

"This means we can find her and finally apologize for everything we did to her." Ami said softly.

"Or she can reject us." Rai said, looking on the verge of tears.

Ryonie choose this time to exit the room. She walked down the magnificent halls, but she couldn't tell that. Her eyes looked like grate oceans as her eyes filled with unshed tears. She found her way into her room she had there and collapsing into the bed, silently crying herself to sleep, like she had done so many times.

When she awoke, it was to the sound of screaming. It was dark outside she realized, but instead of the starry sky that always greeted her up here, there were thick clouds from battle. Lights were flashing from around the corner and she could sense the flaring of powers. She jumped off the bed and ran down the halls, out the entrance, and into the main walk. She was shocked as to who it was fighting. The Inner and Outer Senshi were at it while the Rowen's were having problems with an enemy named Sacnid. She was furious. The Senshi were being so……so……just uhhh. She was so mad at their behavior. She ran right into the middle of the fight spread her arms and yelled "STOP!"

The fight halted and the Senshi just stared at her.

"What, in the name of the savior, is going on?" she yelled at them.

"They know something and will not tell us." Venus spat.

"We don't have time for this." Pluto stated.

"When it concerns the Princess we have all the time." Tuxedo replied coldly.

The fight was about to resume when Ryonie stepped back in. "We do NOT have time for this. There is a battle and you need to help. So get over it and, talk later, AND GO HELP!"

The Scouts were shocked at her outburst but complied when they received an icy glare from her. With the Scouts gone to help, she was free to transform.

She held a small ball with the sign of virtue on it in her hand. She tossed the ball up and shouted, "Armor of Wild Fire, DOW-CHI!" with this she was overcome with Cherry Blossom petals. Her body was covered in red armor and the symbol of virtue rested upon her shoulders. A handful of petals became her helmet. When she placed it atop her head, over her flat-boned hair, her transformation was complete. Drawing her twin blades, she stepped into the heat of battle.

"Hey, Spiderman!" she taunted to poisonous warrior. Sacnid had six swords but only two arms. The movement of the swords with his arms made the appearance that he had six arms.

"You're one to talk. All you have is your tiny flames." He retorted.

"Try me."

"You're on."

Instead of charging like she thought, he started throwing, his swords. Wild Fire dodged all of them by the looks of things while Strata fired arrows, Halo and Jupiter shot lightning, and Pluto shot her Dead Scream. Tuxedo Mask watched protectively over the unconscious and wounded. He watched her dodge all six thrown swords. He was confused when she came down to her knees clutching her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He yelled.

"I…I cannot see." She yelled back.

Sacnid began to laugh. "I have done what I came here to do. Farewell." With his parting words he vanished in green smoke.

"Rowen?" She called after detransforming and crawling towards the last place she heard his bow. Arms embraced her and she relaxed into his arms. "Rowen?" She asked.

"Yes." His calm voice returned.

"I'm scared." Her voice was shaky.

"You'll be fine." He soothed.

"I can scan her with my computer to see if she will be okay." Mercury offered.

"No. I can reverse it." Halo said.

"How?" Tuxedo asked.

"Rowen, can you check the damage?" Halo asked.

"Sure Sage." He replied. "Can you open your eyes for me, Blazer?" He asked lightly.

"Yes, I can try." She opened her eyes. She could tell they were open by the small lights flickering brightly. They were the chi and inner stars of the Senshi. She was quiet as she knew Rowen was checking her.

"Light damage. Her retinas have been burned. An easy reverse." He stared.

"Let's go inside." Sage of the Halo said.

Everyone was inside in moments, with the main light on. They sat Ryonie down on the floor, with the untransformed Senshi around. Sage was still in his green armor, his large sword drawn. He walked over to Ryonie and placed the tip of his sword to the bridge of her nose. He prayed he got this right. There was a flash of light from the sword when he release the gathered light Ryonie blinked her eyes. She could see! She jumped up and hugged the now untransformed Sage. He exhaled in relief.

"I guess we can all go home now. See you all sometime tomorrow." Pluto said.

"Yes. Goodnight." Cye responded kissing her lightly.

The Senshi left the lookout to go home and return the next day.

End Chapter 9

Author's Note: I have never written a disclaimer for this sooooooo……………………I do not own Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors, DBZ, Gundam Wing, or any other anime. I only own the name Ryonie and the plot of this story. Thanks for the support. See you in Chapter 10 Sammy.