A HAHAHAHA. You thought that this story would be so over right? Well I would like to say that you are SO wrong it isn't even funny. Ok I can't write but anyways a finally long awaited chapter! HOPE IT IS LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU!

Disclaimer: Ok, I know I DON'T have anything that is CCS and I KNOW I don't have the money to buy CSS but could you be a little nice? Lawyer shakes his head Meanie, fine I DON'T own CCS. Happy? Lawyer nods his head


"Quotes" - Talking

Italics - Thinking

NEW PLACE - Scene change

(A/n) – Me talking


Sakura stared at the cell phone. She flipped up the phone and started to dial Li's phone number. "Ring Ring"

"Hello" Sakura froze, it was Li. "Who is this? Speak up lord" Sakura just stared at the phone, should she talk to him? "Sakura, I have another dress for you to model" sang Tomoyo evilly. Sakura quickly cut the line, "Um yeah coming, wait…..what?" "YEAH you agreed" Sakura was protesting as Tomoyo was dragging her up the stairs. "But, I don't want to model"


"Hello?" Li was mad, if some one was going to phone him then at least say hello or tell the reason why they phoned. "Who is this? Speak up lord" yelled Li. "Li man who is it?" asked Takashi, "I don't know some idiot that isn't speaking up" replied Li. "Sakura, I have another dress for you to model." Li blinked, did he just hear Sakura? "Sakura is that" the line was cut. "Dammit" replied Li obviously very mad. "That was Sakura?" asked Mei Ling. "Yeah" said Li.

He tried to phone her again, "Ok who has been playing with my cell phone, the battery is low" replied Li in a low angry voice. No one in the car said a word. "I got to go and fill up the car and don't do anything to the car" said Li as he stepped outside. "Certainly" smiled Mei Ling.

Mei Ling quickly took Li's phone and found Sakura's number. She dialed it on her cell phone…. "Hello this call is from Hong Kong Mail Services, we have a package for a Miss Sakura Kina...Kinto…ah Kinomoto" "Yep that is me" "Could you pick it up immediately today or it will be dismissed" "Um ok, and where is the Mail Services?" "It is at blaa (A/n can't think of a name) and Makao Ave." "Thank you I will be there in 10 min" "Your welcome" replied Mei Ling.

Li came into the car, "Darn these lines for gas prices are so long now days must be the low prices! (A/n snorts, yeah right)" "Um Li, can we go to the Mail Services" asked Shoizi. "Why" "Uh I got a package from this mail in order." Said Shoizi keeping his cool. "What ever"

Li turned the car and headed to the Mail Services. "Ok here we are, get your..." Li stopped. He recognized the auburn hair, the emerald eyes and the laugh. It was Sakura, Li turned around to face Shoizi, Mei Ling, Eriol, and Takashi. "WTF is this about?" he said. "What?" blinked Mei Linginnocently?"I needed to get my package" said Shoizi. "Then why is Sakura here at the SAME time?" roared Li. "Wow what a coincidence" replied Takashi. Li grunted softly. "Get your package" Shoizi plus Takashi got out of the car, so did Mei Ling. "Where you going?" asked Li. "To talk with my friends I just HAPPENED to see" grinned Mei Ling. Li knew that grin, "Don't you dare" "SAKURA"


"So why are we here" asked Tomoyo. "To get my package, and not model" said Sakura mumbling the last part. "I heard that" said Tomoyo. "Heard what" Sakura said angelically. "Never mind". "SAKURA" Sakura turned around and faced Mei Ling. "Mei Ling?" both girls yelled. Mei Ling ran towards them. "The one and only" smiled Mei Ling. "Why are you here?" asked Tomoyo. "Oh need to pick up a package you?" "Same here" smiled Sakura. "Guess what, Li is here but he is in the car why don't you talk with him? Eriol is in there too." Said Mei Ling. "Um I would rather not um disturb him" said Sakura, "Nonsense" as Mei Ling dragged both of them to the car. "Have fun!" "What you aren't going to leave us here?" cried Sakura and Tomoyo. "Only for 15 min to keep company to Eriol and Li." "No it is ok we need to pick up a package and…." Before Sakura could finish they were pushed into the car. "Ok now…." Eriol turned back and saw amethyst eyes staring back at him. "Tomoyo?" Li looked back knowing that a certain blossom would have to be there too. "Sakura" he whispered.

"Ok we might have to be crammed in here but it doesn't mean we have to talk" said Tomoyo as she crossed her arms. Sakura stared outside the window not wanting to see Li glancing at her. "Well I think we need to change that" Eriol said smiling as he flashed Tomoyo to the front and Li towards the back. "What the, ERIOL CHANGE US BACK NOW" yelled Tomoyo. "I will if you confess your love for me and give me a kiss" said Eriol grinning evilly. Tomoyo stared at him, the man that left her was right there. She couldn't pretend on being angry anymore, she jumped and hugged Eriol. Eriol was shocked but hugged Tomoyo back, "I missed you, I didn't want you to leave" sobbed Tomoyo. "I am sorry for ever leaving you, but I promise not to leave you again" Tomoyo smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Just a peck?" asked Eriol softly. Tomoyo gave him a full long kiss. "Much better"

Li stared at Sakura. Sakura didn't notice that Tomoyo was switched with Li; she felt some a pair of muscular arms grab her waist and pull her closer. "Wha?" She turned around and saw Li. "Li" Sakura said gently. Li ached for her to say more to him. "I am sorry for ever leaving you, I didn't mean too." Sakura looked into his eyes and found sorrow. She hushed him with her finger, "Ssh, I forgive you Syaoran" Syaoran smiled and buried his face into Sakura's hair, breathing in the soft smell of strawberries and peach. "You don't know how long I have waited for you to call me Syaoran" whispered Li softly in to Sakura's ear. Sakura blushed red, Li noticing this smirked "I see my blossom can still blush as much as before" Sakura looked up blushing even more, "Well I know how I can make you blush too" "Really how" asked Li amused. Sakura moved closer until she was about to kiss him "I dreamt of marrying you before, you know that and I would always be able to kiss you" she said. Li felt her warm breath and started getting red. Sakura got up and smiled, "I told you so..." Li put his head down in defeat.

"KAWAII" Both couples looked out the window, there was Mei Ling (A/n you thought it was Tomoyo rite?)video taping them both. "Déjà vu" replied Sakura. "You've been taping this?" screamed Tomoyo. "Now you know how I feel" yelled Sakura. Then behind Mei Ling were Takashi and Shoizi, "YOU BOTH were in on this?" "Uh got to go, can we borrow your car please Sakura" begged Mei Ling. Sakura opened the window and threw the keys, "Sure, it's the silver Porsche" "K" and the group ran off. "Why did you give them the keys" asked Eriol dumbfounded. "So you and Tomoyo can have a little 'couple' time" smirked Sakura. "Hey you too" blushed Tomoyo. "Ok lets just go to my house and we will talk more. Eriol could you switch us?" asked Li. "Certainly" In a flash Tomoyo and Eriol were moved to the back and Sakura and Li were moved to the front. "Lets go home"

Li's house-

"Wow" Sakura got out of the car and stared at the mansion, "It is HUGE" Li smiled at Sakura, "Really I think it is too small" Sakura gaped after him. Everyone headed towards the living room. "Hello" replied a girl. Tomoyo looked at her, "My name is Rika, this is Naoko and this is Chiharu" The girls welcomed them, and Rika replied "Seirhi is my boyfriend, Shoizi is Naoko's and Takashi the guy that lies alot is Chiharu's." Sakura and Tomoyo took in all this information. "Oh my god now I have more people to model" Tomoyo screeched. Sakura looked at Tomoyo weirdly, "Yeah I am saved" Li overheard and did a small smile. "So how long are you guys going to be here?" asked Naoko, "Uhm 9 more days" replied Sakura. "Aw" replied the group of girls. Eriol and Li's smile suddenly turned into a frown. "Yeah we have school graduation in June" replied Tomoyo. "Cool" replied Chiharu.

"HEY people" replied Mei Ling as she walked into the room. Obviously she did not see the stares Eriol and Li were giving her. Takashi and Shoizi sat beside their girls. "Where is Seirhi" asked Rika. "Miss me darling?" Sakura and Tomoyo turned around to see 2 guys obviously one was Rika's boyfriend, sitting beside Rika. "Where were you?" asked Li. "Uh doing some stuff" replied Seirhi. The other one sat beside Mei ling, "This is Tio he is my bf" "Nice to meet all of you." Replied Sakura. "I think it is time for dinner!" said Li. "Well you guys are going to have to cook your own cause I am tired of you GUYS always ordering take out!" said Naoko. "That's like asking for a miracle, you know we guys can't cook" Tomoyo smiled, "If you guys don't cook then all the girls will break up with you" "What no way right?" asked Takashi. "Actually Tomoyo is right, I am tired of take out, cook a descent meal or we are over" replied Chiharu. All the girls agreed, "See that's why you need these two girls as girlfriends cause they would never say that" replied Eriol. "No way, you better start cooking or we are over" smiled Tomoyo. "Same here" said Sakura staring at Li, "I am starving". "B-Bu-But" "NO BUTS" replied Rika.

After the guys went groaning into the kitchen the girls started talking. "Oh it is so great to have some more people to talk with" screamed Chiharu. After watching a movie, the guys still weren't done yet so they decided to play Truth or Dare. Rika was first, she picked Truth. "Ok, what was the first thing you thought about Seirhi the minute you saw him?" asked Mei Ling. "He had the cutest lips" mumbled Rika.

The girls started laughing. "Ok Mei Ling Truth or Dare?" asked Tomoyo. "Dare" Tomoyo grinned "I wouldn't have picked that if I was you" smiled Sakura. "I dare you to kiss a guy in front of Tao's face!" "Um can I do it after when a guy is actually here?" "Fine" replied Tomoyo.

"Ok Chiharu, Truth or Dare?" "Um Dare" Sakura smiled. "Ok, I dare you to sit all through Dinner with out doing anything to Takashi about his lies!" "Piece of Cake!"

"Ok Naoko which one?" "Um Truth" Chiharu thought for a few moments then said "Ok if you had to pick between a kiss from Shoizi or a kiss from Ben Affleck?" "Ben Affleck." Everyone agreed to that answer.

"Ah next" smiled Mei Ling. "Truth or Dare" Tomoyo feeling confident picked Dare. "I dare you to at dinner to slap Eriol and say that it is over between you both!" "WHAT" "too bad you agreed" smiled Sakura.

"Ok Sakura which one?" "Dare" Rika smiled and said "I dare you to tell Li that you are engaged to a guy in Japan" "What but I don't even have a ring" said Sakura not wanting to do the dare. "Here" Mei ling took from her purse 3 rings, "Pick one" Sakura picked a emerald stone on a golden band.

"Uh girls sorry but we had to call for pizza cause we burned our dinner" said Eriol. "So typical" said Naoko as the rest of the girls laughed. The door bell rung and everyone headed towards the door, at the front was a guy holding 5 pizza boxes. "Delivery" he said. "Thank you" smiled Mei ling as she got the boxes, she then kissed the pizza man on the lips "Bye" she said winking. "WHAT was that all about?" yelled Tao. "Oh silly it is not like it was getting personal! Plus you know I WUV you!" Tao calmed down a bit, "Never do that again or I will kill whoever you kiss!" "What if I kiss you?" asked Mei Ling. Tao smiled and bent down and gave a kiss, "Then I will be forever happy" Everyone headed towards the dining room.

The room was furnished, with light green walls and dark wood dining table set. The floor was hardwood and a chandelier gave an earthly glow to the room. Soon they were sitting down and chatting, Sakura looked across the table at Syaoran. She twiddled her fingers when Li noticed a ring at her marriage finger (A/n don't know what it would be called k?) "Why is that ring on your finger?" asked Li. The room suddenly became silent, "Sakura?" Li was begging that she would say that she put it on the wrong finger and wasn't married at all. "I am….I'm…..en…eng…engaged" Sakura said softly. "What!" shouted Li. "I am so sorry" Sakura got up and went. Li stood there, Sakura was married? How could it be, his hopes were diminished. "Wow I can't believe Sakura would try to do that to Li" whispered Eriol. Tomoyo looked at him. "WHAT? ARE YOU SAYING THAT SAKURA IS BAD? Don't you EVER say anything like that" Tomoyo had rage across her face; she slapped him with all the force she had. She got up and left the table. "Wait Tomo..." Li got up, "I am going to my room" he said in a low voice.

1 hour later (Night) -

Tomoyo headed into the Living room and saw Eriol lying there flipping through the channels. She smirked and walked in to the dark room. She sat beside Eriol, "Tomoyo is that you?" asked Eriol staring at her. "I didn't mean it like that" he said looking at her. Tomoyo started laughing, "What?" he asked her. "Sorry but it was a dare I had to do, same with Sakura" she said smiling. Eriol looked at her with seriousness, "Don't you ever do that again" Tomoyo looked at him, was he hurt when she did it? She kissed the cheek she slapped him on and said "I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" Eriol hugged her closer. "I was afraid I would let you go again." Tomoyo smiled and soon they both drifted on to dream land.

Syaoran was in his washroom, he splashed his face with cold water. Why was I so stupid, maybe the fact that she left me and is married, maybe that's tearing me up inside. He changed into his pajamas and headed into bed. He then felt something snuggle up to him; he turned on his night table lamp. Beside him was Sakura, "What are you doing here?" Li asked her coldly. "What,you don't want me here" said Sakura looking hurt. Li looked away so he wouldn't see her face, "I shouldn't be with a wife of another man's" he said. Sakura got up and whispered "Do you know who the man is?" Li couldn't help it and looked at her, he was angry for the fact that someone else had claimed his cherry blossom. "Its….Syaoran, the only man I ever loved, the only man I ever want to love, and the only man who gets jealous for me!" Li stared at her like it was all a joke. "What about the ring?" "Mei Ling's, it was a dare, we were playing truth and dare" Li felt a rush of relief pass through him. He pulled her closed to him and placed his head on top of her head while Sakura was turning pink. "Were you scared that I was married Syaoran?" asked Sakura. "Yes! I mean no I wasn't afraid I always knew about the dare" said Li. Sakura grinned – she knew he was lying; she got her self away from Li's grip and got off the bed. "Where are you going" complained Li disliking the fact that Sakura was not near him anymore. "Well I got to have my own room which is at my house" "You can stay here!" begged Li, Sakura looked at him, "Where could I sleep?" "I have a room next door I am pretty sure you would like it" He got up and took Sakura's hand, they both blushed a little. He walked out his door and next to his room was a beautiful pink room. Sakura gasped, it was like it was made for her.

The walls were painted a light pink; she had a bed with canopy curtains. The curtains for her bed was made out of whit silk so you could kind of see through it. The pink curtains on the windows were open, letting the moon light shine through. "It is beautiful" replied Sakura looking around. "Glad you like it, I had it made personally for you" smiled Li. "Really?" Sakura said with disbelief, "I promised myself that one day I would ask forgiveness for you and bring you here" replied Li. Sakura stared at him. "Well good night" "Good night Sakura" "Wait!" Li turned around, "What?" "What is I need to go to the washroom to get a bath in the morning?" Li thought about it and grinned, "I will be happy to share my washroom with you." Sakura blushed and started to crawl into her bed. "Good night my little wolf" she said softly. Li heard this and whispered "Good night my cherry blossom".

"So Li has a girl friend eh? Well we can use this against him" said a voice wickedly.

Ok now that is TOO much fluff for me to bear with. Oh god I think my eyes are going to die. Please review!