It's me, Chris the Phoenix Knight again! (I would have been Phoenix Knight but it was taken! ) Anyway, after the surprising success of my Aliens fanfic (Aliens Alpha& Omega) I decided to write a one about something I like a lot more, the Soul Calibur games. And yeah if you haven't guessed already, it's about Siegfried/Nightmare, my favourite character!

So without further ado, roll on the story!

SOULCALIBUR – Escaping My Nightmare

Chapter 1 – Returning From Insanity

Somewhere on the grassy plains of Germany, a storm brewed. It flashed across the landscape, momentarily blasting light onto everything underneath it. It roared violently, sounding like a vicious monster threatening to devour everything and everyone.

Underneath this tide of thunder, another sound rang out. It was hardly as loud as the storm, but it was no less fierce. It was the sound of swords clashing.

Metal flashed and grinded as the two combatants slashed and cut at each other.

A thunderbolt struck a tree close to the battle. The fighters didn't even notice, keeping their focus firmly on each other, watching for the next movement, the tell-tale sign of an attack.

One of them, an Oriental warrior, readied to swing forward. He did so, the curved blade in his right hand thrusting in a vertical motion towards his opponent. In the next second, it was blocked by a large and very grotesque sword. This sword looked like a giant metal blade, but a strange red substance was merged with it, almost as if it was growing from the weapon. A single big eye was on the sword, and it blinked as it clashed against the other warrior's weapon.

Now...give me his soul...

The voice echoed inside the mind of the sword's owner, a knight clad in azure armour. He looked normal, apart from the red eyes that peered out from the thin gap in his helmet, and his strange mutated right arm, brown in colour and ending in an evil clawed hand. This hand was holding the sword, and he snapped back to his familiar ready stance, holding the sword with both hands favouring his left hand, because he was left-handed.

"Give me your soul!" spoke the knight, in a deep and murderous voice. His eyes narrowed as he readied himself to kill this fool who had dared to challenge him.

"My soul will be your death, fiend!" rebuked the Oriental man. Suddenly he charged at the knight, flipping forward into the air. He was very nimble, and it had served him well in the battle so far. His sword was above his head, ready to smash down on his opponent's head.

It never got there. The knight swung his weapon upwards, making a smooth vertical arc. It caught the warrior on the right leg, causing him to crash out of the air and into the ground. The grassy area was among the ruins of an old fortress, and hid a stone floor, so there was a sickening thud as the Oriental fighter hit the ground.

He rolled onto his back, and grimaced in pain. He had dropped his sword, and it now lay a few inches from him. His leg had a large cut across it, and was bleeding badly. He didn't know what he would do with the leg, but he had to get his sword back……

He reached over for it, but just as his hand got close, a metal foot crashed down onto it. The warrior looked up in horror.

The azure knight was standing there, the red eyes looking down at him.

"Pathetic….." he spoke mockingly, before crashing his sword down onto the man, slicing him in two.

The man lay dead, his blood flowing along the ground. Like the countless others that had tried to fight him, or the innocent people he'd simply slaughtered, the warrior's soul would now become his, to give him strength – and to push him one step closer to fulfilling his task.

He held the sword up. Its eye blinked back at him, looking excited.

Now, take his soul!

That voice had been in his mind from the day he had taken the sword...that fateful day when he was consumed by the darkness that dwelled inside the cursed blade – and became Nightmare.

Since that day, he had blazed a trail across the known world, killing many people simply to gain their souls. It was the sword's desire, so that it could return to full strength. None had been able to stand before him, until four years ago, at Ostrheinsburg Castle…..

The two swords clashed together, with more fury than any ordinary swords. That was because these were no ordinary swords – they were the swords of good and evil.

On one side, a young fighter from China, Xianghua – wielding the sword of good, Soul Calibur. On the other, the Azure Knight, Nightmare – using the sword of evil, Soul Edge.

Xianghua blocked yet another blow from the knight. The small, thin Soul Calibur barely stood up to the attack, but by some miracle did not shatter.

"I beg of you, let go of that sword!" yelled Xianghua at Nightmare. This inhuman creature must have been human at one time, until he picked up the Soul Edge, and she was trying to reach out to what humanity was left inside this monster.

"Silence, foolish human!" growled Nightmare, taking another swing at her. This girl was more trouble than she looked, and despite his best efforts, was not buckling under his constant attacks. The Soul Calibur was still in one piece, despite being hit so many times. It did not matter how long the battle took for Nightmare, however. He would enjoy feasting on her soul once he finally broke her spirit.

Xianghua rolled to the side, avoiding Nightmare's wild swing. She assumed her stance once again, and wiped sweat from her brow. Could Soul Calibur really stop Soul Edge? It looked hopeless…..

The wind howled around her. It made the place – an old castle, by the name of Ostrheinsburg, feel even more desolate. It had seen a great battle several years previously, in which it had fallen and become the ruin that it was now. It was now a witness to another great battle…..the one taking place between the two spirit swords.

Nightmare suddenly came rushing at her. "Die!" screamed his voice, full of hate. His eyes were locked on Xianghua, full of bloodlust.

He thrust the sword forward, performing a move that belonged to the human that he was once was. It missed, because Xianghua managed to dodge to the side, but he swung Soul Edge to his side and went into another move, swinging it over his shoulder with immense force. The move did have a name – Rook Splitter, and also belonged to the mind of his former self.

Xianghua thrust Soul Calibur upwards, the flat of the blade outwards toward the incoming Soul Edge, and prevented it from cleaving her in two. However, the sheer force of the attack pushed her into the ground, and knocked Soul Calibur from her hand.

"Ahhhhh!" she cried. Now she was in trouble…..

Nightmare stood above her, Soul Edge at the ready. "Hahahahahaha……"

He simply laughed, raising Soul Edge above his head. Xianghua closed her eyes…….she couldn't possibly get Soul Calibur and block the sword in time. This was it…….

"Arggghhhh!" came a shout of pain. Xianghua opened her eyes, and looked up. Nightmare had been hit to the side by something….or rather somebody. A familiar face stared down at her.

"Kilik!" she gasped. She scrambled to her feet, not forgetting to pick up Soul Calibur. "Nice timing….."

"No problem." grinned her friend, coming out of his battle pose. His red staff had been the object that had felled Nightmare.

A sudden clank of metal brought them out of their relief. Nightmare was up again…but on his knees. Xianghua noticed that Kilik's attack had delivered a nasty blow to Nightmare's exposed right side, and he was now bleeding badly. More importantly, Soul Edge was not in his hands! It was on the ground beside him. They had to act now!

Both of them dashed for the sword, taking advantage of Nightmare's momentary lapse of focus. All they had to do was shatter it, or at least keep it away from Nightmare, and the battle was won!

However, they suddenly stopped in shock. The sword was now floating in the air. What was going on?

The very air in front of them suddenly began to warp. It was like a giant hole tearing out of thin air. It started as a tiny hole, and expanded into a giant tear.

"What….is this….?" gasped Xianghua. It was like nothing she, or any other human had ever seen before.

"Xianghua! The Soul Edge….it's….!" Kilik shouted, readying his staff.

The Soul Edge was suddenly engulfed in flame, lighting up the area around it. It burned with a bright, white and yellow fury, and began to form into something. In a few moments, it had taken on a human form. Its hands gripped the Soul Edge, in exactly the same stance as Nightmare.

"What is that?" Kilik breathed, open-mouthed.

"It must be Soul Edge's true form……" Xianghua replied, readying Soul Calibur. "Kilik, let me handle this!"

"Are you crazy?" Kilik frowned. "That thing will slaughter you!"

"This might be the only sword that can fight it! Please, Kilik! Leave this to me!" pleaded Xianghua, not wanting to risk her friend's life.

"Alright….." Kilik nodded, making to leave. "But come back in one piece!" He left the battleground, rushing back to the entrance.

"I will!" called Xianghua after him. She then turned her attention back to the monster before her. It roared at her, sensing the presence of Soul Calibur.

"Let's do this!" she shouted, and she rushed toward her foe…………

Nightmare, half dazed from his wounds, noticed the monster of fire that had awakened from his sword. It looked strangely familiar…he must have seen it before.

The girl that he had been fighting was now battling it, striking out with that spirit blade every chance she got. The demon was fighting just like he did, but wielding Soul Edge with seemingly infinite strength and will. It was obvious that the girl had no chance. When the demon defeated the girl, Nightmare would take back his sword, even if it meant having to go through it as well.

He could also feel a strange coldness near him. The tear was still open, and Nightmare could see nothing but a bleak, black place beyond it. Though in great pain, he managed to get to his knees once again.

Just then, the monster was struck back towards the tear. Soul Calibur suddenly flew out of Xianghua's hand, and into the demon. It screamed in agony, pieces of its fiery body being scattered across the ground.

The tear began to suck the demon in, and Nightmare, who was still close to it. He made to grab the Soul Edge, and did, just as the tear closed.

The next thing Nightmare knew was darkness……..

Trapped in the void, and severely weakened from the battle with Soul Calibur, Soul Edge's grip on the knight's mind finally began to loosen. The memories of Nightmare's former self came shooting back, of the atrocities he'd committed, the lives he'd taken, the blood he'd shed.

He remembered when he picked up the accursed sword, and before that….when he'd slain his father in cold blood.

The horrible memories made him scream. His soul was racked with guilt and sorrow. If only he'd never taken Soul Edge! None of it would have happened!

He could hear the screams of the people he'd killed, echoing through his tortured mind. He could see them, dying in horrible ways as the twisted blade feasted on their souls.

He saw his father's head in his hands once again, and he snapped.


At that moment, he became his former self again………

Nightmare stood over the fallen body of the Oriental warrior, the Soul Edge ready to feed from it. The air was cold, lifeless. The storm had passed since the battle had ended.

He prepared to draw the warrior's soul into the sword, just as he'd done countless times before. Soul Edge would become a little more stronger, and it would be one step closer to full strength.

He made to take the soul………

Just then, he looked at the fallen body of the warrior. Carved in two, blood everywhere. He'd screamed horribly as he died……………

What have I done……? What am I doing? I've got to stop this!

NO! Take his soul!

Nightmare stepped back, dazed. The one part of him that was still sane, that held on to who he once was, was trying to fight back. He clutched the Soul Edge tighter.

Give me the soul!

No! I won't let this happen anymore! Get out of me, Soul Edge!

He grimaced, and grabbed his head in his mutated hand, his left hand still gripping Soul Edge. The eye on the sword looked as if it was struggling against something, which it was. It could not lose control………


You….will……take the……soul….! You are Nightmare!

No….no I am not! Father….father, please forgive me!

"AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!" Nightmare let out an almost inhuman scream. His mutated arm began to struggle against itself. It was trying to let go……… get rid of Soul Edge.

NO! Take…the soul!

No, I won't!

Deep inside Nightmare's mind, his sanity, the memories and feelings of who he really was began to return, for the first time in years. The pain, anger and despair flooded back to him. He was fighting back with all of his strength…he knew what Soul Edge was capable of. He had to stop it!

You……are…….Nightmare! The voice of the sword, and its grip on him, was now weaker.

No……..I am Siegfried! Every ounce of his mind now screamed that fact.

With a tremendous effort, Nightmare threw Soul Edge out of his hand. The sword gave out what sounded like a howl as it landed straight into the sword, stuck upright with its hilt at the top. The eye closed, the sword having lost its owner.

Nightmare, momentarily dazed, staggered around slowly. His mind was swirling, but slowly he began to piece everything together. The events of the last four years, since his escape from the void, finally came back to him, as did everything else.

His mind snapped back to Soul Edge. He had to destroy it, before it did to anyone else what it did to him! However, he had no weapon with which to do that, and from what he remembered, shattering Soul Edge would not do any good.

His horrible deformed arm began to shrink, slowly turning lighter, from its brown colour to a normal healthy white. The area of his armour that was broken open by the arm began to form again, and the armour itself changed shape and colour. No longer was it azure, but silver.

He took off his helmet, and it disintegrated as soon as he did. His long blood red ponytail was loosened, and became long flowing locks of gold. Finally his red eyes became blue again, and his face became the same white as his arm.

He touched his face with his hand, the same hand which had been mutated until a few moments ago. He felt his face for the first time in years.

"I…………I'm free………" He gasped his first words for years, with his own voice, not the dark voice of the creature he'd been. That voice had been cold and brutal – his voice now was smooth and emotional.

He looked around, seeing the world as a completely different person. The clouds began to part, and the blue sky appeared, showering the land with light. Even the ruins didn't seem so dark anymore………the only piece of darkness left surrounded the evil sword thrust into the ground.

The restored knight looked at it. He could still hear its voice, beckoning to him.

Take me…..and I will give you power. More power than you can possibly imagine. I can give you your father back…………

Seven years ago, he'd fallen for that same trick. He'd taken the sword in his hand, and become the creature known as Nightmare. He'd killed hundreds, maybe thousands of people, driven on by the sword's hunger for souls. He'd briefly gotten himself back after the battle with Soul Calibur, and realised the truth – that he'd murdered his father and gone insane, convinced that someone else had killed him and vowing vengeance. He'd tried to fight Soul Edge's will, but it had taken him over while he slept. Every morning he would awaken with bloody corpses by his side………the handiwork of Nightmare. The more he killed, the stronger the sword had become, until finally he was unable to resist it any longer. His mind was finally consumed by Soul Edge, save for one last part of him, the part that had continued to fight against Soul Edge all these years. Now, he was finally free of the sword once and for all. He would never fall to its curse again.

Once again, and this time for good, he was Siegfried Schtauffen.

Sorry if the flashback to the final battle in SC1 isn't quite right, but it's my interpretation on the event. Any reviews, good or bad, will be much appreciated!

Chris the Phoenix Knight