Rocky Territory
By Letselina

Chapter Ten
Blood of the Innocent

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. There was a powerful tension in the air that wouldn't even allow a breeze to move. The world seemed to stop, and revolve only around the green changeling hovering over the wounded girl.

Starfire felt as if her heart were ripping into bite-sized pieces. In a strange way, she wished the boy on the ground before her was just an illusion. That he wasn't the real Beastboy…

But that wasn't the case. No one could play the part he was now. Tears trickled down his cheeks onto the blonde's, and his body shuddered with stifled sobs.

"B-Beastboy?" she forced her tired voice to speak.

He did not respond at first, only continued to look at the wounds of the blonde.


He turned to face the group. His face was so disconsolate she nearly burst into tears. "She didn't… do anything…" he whispered hoarsely.

"We saw her… kill you," the leader spoke up, realizing how ridiculous he sounded.

"I'm alive now, aren't I!" he snapped.

"We didn't know," Raven said quietly. She had taken to hiding behind her hood so her face wouldn't be seen. "What would you do if you saw someone kill one of us?"

Beastboy shook his head fiercely, "It was all part of his plan! Slade did this for revenge!"

"And we fell for it," the meta-human groaned. "Beastboy…"

Starfire's green eyes widened, and she collapsed to her knees. "What have we done?" she said, her voice thick with tears.

"We'll save her, Beastboy," Robin said quickly, remembering making a similar promise before. "We'll do everything we can."

"We have to hurry," Cyborg said. "I'll get the T-Car," he muttered, breaking into a sprint for the vehicle.

There was a long moment of silence, other than Cyborg's heavy footsteps fading in the sunset. Starfire's eyes lingered on the limp body before her. Guilty tears spilled from her eyes as she stood. "Beastboy…" she said again, walking toward him.

It was definitely a water-fest as the alien threw her arms around his shoulders. "I am… very sorry…" she whispered.

Beastboy buried his face in her shoulder, unable to think of any other response as his tears fell into her scarlet hair. He could no longer be brave and hold back his sobs. He couldn't appear brave for the dying Terra; he couldn't look brave for his friends. "I wish I could have stopped it from happening…" he said through clenched teeth and sobs.

Moments later, the T-Car appeared, and Beastboy assisted Cyborg in laying the girl across the backseat. He rode in the passenger seat, constantly turning around to make sure her chest still rose and fell in a semi-normal pattern.

Raven headed toward the Tower, close behind the T-Car, while Starfire walked with Robin to his R-Cycle. Her powers were quite useless in her distress, so she rode on the back with him.

Time seemed to pass slowly for her. Normally, she'd have a giddy, fluttering feeling in her stomach being so close to Robin. She rested her chin on his shoulder, barely noticing the environment flying by. The butterflies were still in her stomach, but she doubted they were from the Boy Wonder. Ever since she had laid eyes on the living Beastboy, she had a terrible, sick feeling throughout her entire body.

What she had done felt like murder – and if Terra did die, she would consider it just that. She wanted to do anything – everything – she could to make it all go away, but she knew she was failing.

She hardly noticed when the cycle had stopped, or when Robin removed his helmet from his head. He didn't speak at first, simply allowing her to rest on his shoulder, her arms draped around his waist. Then, gently, he brought her back to reality by taking her hands in his own.

"It's going to be okay."

He only said those five words. There wasn't anything else he could say; nothing he could do but be there for her.

It was enough.

Gaia sat in the large chair at the control panel, resting her feet gently on the keyboard. She rocked back and forth, her hands behind her head. Her eyes were closed, but there was a slight smirk on her face – almost cocky and all knowing.

Slade was in the background, letting out a flurry of profanities. Most of them were directed at her in an angry fashion. He was most definitely upset, and continued accusing her of Beastboy's early appearance.

"You could make a sailor blush with that language," the girl muttered, annoyed.

Without warning, Slade lashed out at her, knocking her onto the floor from her comfortable position. "You ruined everything!" he shouted.

Gaia grumbled angrily, brushing herself off as she stood. Silver flared around her fists, but disappeared quickly as her calm composure returned. "I don't need to take orders from you anymore."

"Then you shall die," Slade growled. "I have no need for your impertinence Gaia."

"Wah wah wah wah wah," Gaia made a mocking motion with her hand. "You can't touch me."

Again, Slade jumped at Gaia, thrashing furiously in an attempted to touch her.

Gaia laughed, holding still. Slade's fist came close, but he was thrown back to the floor. Gaia's eyes flashed with a white fire, and her fists were surrounded in a black aura.

No mask could hide his confusion. Slade got up, obviously planning to play defense.

"So Slade," Gaia said coolly, "what were plans for me after your superb plan followed through?"

He did not answer. The man refused to be intimidated by the girl. She was emitting the aura of the cloaked Titan. His mind raced for an answer to her sudden power.

"Was death my only option?" hissed Gaia. "I'm no toy for you to play God with. You could never keep an apprentice. Why start now?" she leapt in the air, sustained by an unknown power. Without warning, the black aura disappeared and a green light surrounded her palms. "Goodbye Slade," she said, blasting starbolts at the man.

Slade's eye widened, and he leaped out of the way, barely scathed by the fiery blasts. He took off, running for the door. His plan had gone completely awry and he needed time to think.

Yet when he reached the door to his escape, he realized it was locked, and his fate was sealed.

"…and then I saw her being attacked by you…"

It was hours later. The five Titans sat outside the infirmary, reunited at last. Beastboy was telling the story of Gaia, Slade, and his revenge against Terra.

Tears trickled down his face, as well as Starfire's. Robin kept the Tamaranean princess close, comforting her with soft words.

Cyborg kept rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, sighing. "Well… it's over now…" he said quietly. "We'll do everything we can."

"Terra will be saved…" Starfire whispered.

Beastboy nodded slowly, "I think I'm going to go get some sleep…" He stood up, walking into the infirmary. The door shut quietly behind him.

"Man…" Cyborg rose to his feet. "I don't know if we can save Terra… She's on the edge of…"

"She will survive," the red haired alien said firmly. "We cannot allow her to die because of us."

"Yeah… but then what can we do with her?" Robin questioned.

The four Titans roamed into the recreation room, contemplating the question.

"Should we allow her to join the team again…?" Starfire wondered.

"No." Raven looked up, her eyes narrowed at the alien. "Terra was our enemy. We can't allow her to join us again!"

"But Raven…" Starfire shook her head, "She has repented her sins. She sacrificed her—"

"She's alive now," Raven hissed. "Her sacrifice is in vain. She worked for Slade, she killed innocent people."

"Raven's right…" Robin sighed. "She was our enemy."

"But where can she go?" Cyborg questioned, "She's not exactly going to be welcome anywhere else…"

"We'll help her… somehow…" Robin decided.

It was late. The moon was already high in the sky, and a few stars were visible above the city. Starfire stared over the dark horizon, listening to the quiet sounds of vehicles and people in the distance. It was peaceful, but her heart and mind were chaotic.

Their conversation about Terra had continued, but ended badly. Raven was more than certain that Terra would hurt them again. Starfire continually pushed the fact that Terra was no longer with Slade, and she was truly their friend, but Raven wouldn't listen.

They fought, exchanging angry and foul words (some in other languages). Starfire had run off in tears, and escaped to the roof of the Tower. She heard Raven continue to yell cruel things at her, but she too, left the scene. Starfire had seen her fly off into the night, and hadn't returned.

Robin had come up to see her, but she refused to speak or listen to anything he had to say. So he sat with her, maybe in a hope that she'd eventually break. She didn't. Eventually he left, and she was again alone.

The team was falling apart – Starfire could see it. It was often tense when the topic of Terra had come up in the past, and now it was worse.

She could hear Beastboy's quiet voice speaking below. Starfire was above the infirmary, and had heard Beastboy talking to the unconscious Terra for hours. He kept telling her not to be afraid, and that it would be okay…

But it wasn't okay.

After Beastboy's voice had ceased, and most of the lights in the Tower had shut off, Starfire stood up. There was still no sign of Raven, and hours had passed. The stars were dying, but she wasn't tired. Quietly, she climbed back into the Tower, floating in the dark halls. She guessed Beastboy was already asleep, so she crept into the infirmary.

The infirmary was a plain white, hospital-like room. She disliked it strongly, but was always grateful for it after a difficult battle. Surprisingly, Beastboy had left Terra's side, and Starfire guessed he had gone to his own room.

The blonde was asleep on a bed. She had a few machines monitoring her pulse and other things. Starfire sat in the chair perched next to the bed, and bit down on her lower lip. Terra was covered with bandages, but some scrapes and bruises were still quite visible. Tears formed in her eyes, and she stifled a sob.

It was useless. Tears began to pour from her eyes. She hated seeing what her own powers could do. Terra was innocent. It didn't matter what Raven said. She didn't deserve to be hurt by the people she thought were her friends…


Starfire looked up, frightened by the voice. It had been hoarse and weak, but there was no one in sight.

"Don't cry for me…"

Starfire looked at the blonde, gasping quietly.

Terra, although her eyes were closed, was awake. Her face was pained, and tears traced small rivers down her cheeks.

"Terra…?" she whispered.

"Please don't cry Star… I don't deserve your tears…" the blonde sobbed softly. She opened her blue eyes, looking at the green-eyed girl.

"You are in pain…" the alien jumped up, rushing to a cupboard where medicines and painkillers were stored. Before the blonde could protest, Starfire was at her side with a glass of water and a few pills. "Please, take these…"

Terra was quickly propped up using pillows, and took the medicine. "I need your help, Star…" Her voice was weak, and her body was tired, but she was determined. "Get me the hell out of here… I can't…" she swallowed tears and sniffled, "I can't keep ruining your lives…"

Starfire opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't. Terra was crying, and forcing herself to be quiet. "What about Beastboy?" she asked finally.

"He'll… have to understand…" Terra said hoarsely. "You have to take me away, Starfire. I don't want to cause you any more pain."

An idea sparked in Starfire's mind. "I will take you…"

Terra smiled softly through her tears. She felt such guilt in her whole body. She'd heard some of Raven and Starfire's fight, and solemnly knew it was her fault. She was tearing apart the team because she was alive.

She needed answers to her questions, but there was no time. The longer she stayed, the bigger of a threat she was to the Teen Titans.

She had to go.

A/N: ZOMFG! AN UPDATE! HOLY CRACKER-MUFFINS BATMAN! Sorry for the long wait! Hopefully I will still get at least a couple reviews. I'm not really into Teen Titans anymore, but I have a couple more ideas I'll put into this story. I won't make any promises, but the next chapter should be up quicker than this one. Sorry if the last part of this chapter seemed a bit OOC, but I really have no clue how to write this anymore.
Thanks for reading! Now review dammit! - Letselina