Hey everyone. To all the reviewers out there I would just like to say Thank You! You always make my day. I am sorry if I got a bit carried away with my "speech" in the end of my last chappie, it is not that I don't like constructive criticism, but what that reviewer gave was not constructive, love to you all my reviewers! Oh and I'm am so sorry for not updating for such a long time. My life has been extremely busy. (high school, friends who could turn into something more) If anyone is good with advice, e-mail me ASAP. Lol. Wellll. Here's what you have been waiting for.

Chapter Eighteen: The Letter

Hermione ran back up to the room she now knew so well, and started rummaging threw her desk. After she found what she was looking for she flung herself onto her bed and the tears started all over again. Ginny as close on her heels after yelling at her older brother. Ginny could not believe how her brother had agreed to go out with Alicia after things had been going so well with Hermione. Ginny opened up her bedroom door to be met by a weepy Hermione.

"What's wrong Mione?" Ginny said, "Besides my older brother."

"Oh Ginny, I just been having a hard time." Hermione said sniffing, "It's so hard thinking that Harry could one day die, I know he'll defeat Voldemort, but I still get sad."

"Oh Hermione! He'll be fine," Ginny said hugging her best friend.

"And your stupid brother is so… Just STUPID!" Hermione screamed into her pillow.

"I know Hermione, most guys are pretty stupid." Ginny said dwelling on her own past relationships.

"KIDS! SCHOOL LETTERS!" the booming voice of Mrs. Weasley could be heard from the entire house, and was answered by the pounding footsteps of everyone. Ginny and Hermione got off there beds and headed down the steps. As they approached the living room everyone had already sat down, and the only seat left was a squashed one between Fred and Harry. Hermione made her way over to the seat refusing to look Fred in the eyes.

"Okay dears, here are your school letters." Mrs. Weasley said passing a letter to each of them. When Hermione received hers it was quite a deal heavier then the past ones that she had received. Hermione began to break the seal and when she took out the contents she shrieked!

"Oh my gods! Oh my gods!" Hermione said jumping up an down reading the letter. She scrambled around looking for what had fallen out of her letter when she jumped up. She saw what she was looking for shinning on the ground, and completely forgot about the letter. As Hermione picked up what she was looking for, Harry read the letter aloud.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger,

We are extremely excited and pleased to inform you that you are to be this years Head Girl! You, along with the Head Boy will inspire, educate, and enforce rules on the student body of Hogwarts. Please report to Carriage One on the Hogwarts Express.

Good Luck!

Professor Dumbledore, & Professor McGonagal

P.S. The New Head Boy is Draco Malfoy, and you two better learn to get along!

"Malfoy!" Harry yelled in shock.

Everyone in the room stopped celebrating. Fred's face became full of hatred just thinking about that little ferret.

"Oh no!" Hermione said, "I must have missed that!"

"Yeah, I'd guess so." Fred said.

"Oh well, whatever, I got Head Girl, It'll be a challenge to live with the ferret, but I'll deal with it.

"WAIT ONE MINUTE! Fred yelled, "You have to "Live" with him.

Hermione smirked at the look on Fred's face, this could be payback time she thought.

"Yeah, the Heads share a dorm, and a bathroom. But why would you care Fred?

Fred's face contorted with pain and shock, she was right, he was going out with Alicia now.

Hermione received congrats from everyone. While Fred just stared at the girl he'd hurt, vowing he'd get her into his arms one day.

Okay that's it. You guys should be thanking the latest reviewer, because she's he one who got me to update! Well I'll try to update soon.