Well guys, this is the end. This entire story was written over three years ago before I learned some things about writing so to be honest, that's why it's taken so long for me to put it up. You see, this story was my first and is full of the errors of a new writer. I had no idea when I first started this story that points of view of a character must remain the same in a paragraph. My grammar was poor and I flip from style to style during the whole book. But at least I finished it ...

I hope you will stick around for when I post my short seventh year fic and I hope you will find that I have improved since I wrote this story. Having said that, I can't tell you all how much I have appreciated your support in writing to me to put up my last chapter. Some of you even personally emailed me and encouraged me in my writing. Because of you, I have started an original novel all of my own and it's going well so far. Thanks everyone, especially the Black Sheep and Melinda. Thanks! Dianne

When Harry was finally allowed to dress and leave his bed, he limped to the doorway of his rebuilt room to see Fred whistling as was preparing to leave the hospital wing for the first time himself. Madam Pomfrey was giving him the once- over like she had done to Harry many times out of count. Harry watched in silence as Fred's long hair brushed across the back of his neck, revealing a nasty unhealed cut at the base of his skull. Madame Pomfrey let out an audible breath, asking Fred just why it was he hadn't mentioned this injury before. She ordered him back to his bed and went in search of Dumbledore, who was extremely busy. She had seen wounds like this before.

It wasn't long before all hell was breaking loose, replacing the sad, placid calm that had taken over the hospital wing since the last person had died over a week ago and no more deaths were expected. Lupin walked in looking ashen faced, followed by Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall and Mr and Mrs Weasley. Fred had once again buttoned his shirt, making ready to leave, feeling the Matron was fussing unnecessarily. The Matron had summoned George to come back to the hospital wing at once as well. He arrived in minutes, Angelina who had just returned from St Mungos, sight mercifully intact, at his side.

Fred was now visibly agitated and George coaxed him to do as the Matron asked in an uncanny and unintentional imitation of their mother.

"What for? What's this all about?" Fred asked, looking aggravated and scared for reasons Harry did not understand. Lupin looked like he was going to faint. He muttered something about hopes that things did not turn out as they had when he was a child.

Fred finally complied and removed his shirt, holding up his long red hair to reveal the gash. George gasped uncharacteristically. Lupin had broken Fred's skin when he had saved him from the fall into the tunnel back in the Shrieking Shack! Lupin fell to the floor, unable to look at them. He had sentenced an innocent young man to a lifetime of hell. Better he had died, Lupin thought desperately. Better I die before I take someone else's life. Werewolves don't make good pets, he thought, remembering Snape's warning to the Marauders when he found out what they had been doing. Snape did not learn of the Animagi until recently, but he had seen their fascination in the boy who was conveniently ill at full moons or tending to a sick relative.

Not even George knew what to say to his brother, as he was forced to submit to inspection for similar marks on his body. Mercifully, there were none.

"I'm not a werewolf, don't be ridiculous," Fred said, wide- eyed, putting his shirt back on after Madam Pomfrey let him up out a full body bind, as he stuggled against her bandaging up the site. I don't feel any different ... I'm not sick ... Moony ... how are you supposed to feel when you're a ..." He was clearly in shock. Lupin looked at Fred as he was helped to his feet, but all Lupin could say over and over again, was how sorry he was.

"Moony!" Fred shouted after the Professor. He did not blame Lupin, but he was terrified. He needed to know how he was supposed to feel if indeed he would transform in two weeks. Shouldn't he feel something?

When everyone had been informed of Fred's condition, the mood dropped again to say the least. Fred woke up after being forced to take strong sleeping and calming potion to find that he had been shackled to his bed. Newly infected persons typically went through stages much like in death, denial, anger, bargaining and finally, hopefully for some, acceptance. It was not a death sentence, but to Fred, it might as well be one. Their shop catered to children. Who would let their children shop at a store run by a werewolf?

"George, I've drawn up a new deed for the shops. They're yours now. Maybe Ron'll come in with you," Fred said despondently. He would not ruin his brother's life.

George tore up the papers angrily throwing them into the air in a fireball. "Let's get one thing straight, little brother..." This caused the corners of Fred's lips to curl into an almost smile. They were mere minutes apart in birth. "Lupin can't face you right now. He wanted to die, but I made him promise to train me to become an Animagus so I can run with you. We are in this together, and there is the chance that the bite didn't penetrate your robes, preventing saliva from entering your body. If that's the case, you're not a ... infected." To say the word werewolf was to make it too real right now.

"How is he?" Fred asked of Lupin, sincere in his concern. Lupin had been amazed and confused that Fred had not yelled at him, had not blamed him.

"He's pretty messed up," George sighed. He doesn't know it, but the headmaster has had a tracking charm placed on him, he's so worried about his mental state. He's made Remus promise to try another session of research into the Wolfsbane and Polyjuice Potion, this time mixed with a Calming draft. He's agreed if only to help you. For himself he's given up. Won't even see Tonks."

The two weeks preceding the full moon past in forced calm. The castle's restoration was complete and all of the funerals were over weeks ago. Aurors had information that Voldemort was somewhere Romania, and Molly had ordered Charlie back home to a desk job and to be near for his brother, who was facing the toughest time of his life.

Harry and Ginny were ushered out of the hospital wing entirely with everyone else. Ron held Ginny's hand and his other arm was draped around Hermione' shoulders for support as they looked out the window to see the sun disappear. One could have heard a pin drop for the silence, waiting to hear something, anything. Remus was inside, under the effects of Wolfbane and Polyjuice and calming solution. Poor Fred had been given a small dose of calming potion, but nothing else. If he was infected, they wanted to know right away.

George stood, face pressed to the window, as Harry placed his hand on his back, and the much taller boy dissolved into tears he would never let his twin see. Harry knew there was nothing he could say, so he just held onto George until his shoulders stopped shaking uncontrollably and they broke apart without a word, George placing his head against the cold glass to calm the raging headache he'd gotten.

To be safe, transformation or not, Fred would be monitored all night. When the moon came up and he did not change, he let out a whoop of joy. It had been heard outside, and Ginny, Ron and George in their states of anxiety could not distinguish it from a howl, but Hermione could, though she did not want to fill them false hope if she was wrong. Better they thought the worst, and found out the best, than to think it was over only to find out it had only begun.

Harry was angry when Madam Pomfrey insisted that he go to bed and forced a sleeping potion on him, stating that he was not ready for this excitement and anxiety. Would he ever be? Were any of them? At least this one action gave Ginny something to focus on as she prepared his bed and got him a drink of water he hadn't asked for. It was she who gave him his potions and wouldn't let him fake taking the sleeping one. It gave her a sense of purpose and if he could do this much for her, even though he felt it unnecessary, than he would.

Harry woke to find a sort of party going on. Fred and George stood beside his bed, both looking a little worse for the wear, especially Fred from no sleep for the better part of two weeks. The bite had been from above the robe, and no saliva had been in the wound. Harry sank back onto his pillows, still feeling very tired, watching his fiancee ... that word sounded nice, hug her brothers and parents in celebration. He rose quietly from his bed to creep into the hospital ward where Lupin remained shackled to his bed, but unchanged, nor did he look like he transformed this night. He did not have the same pallor he usually wore after a painful change from human to wolf and back. The treatment had worked! He was not cured, but he would begin as normal a life as he would likely ever get.

Harry hugged Remus so tightly, the shackled man felt he would break from emotion. Through tears, Remus promised him he would do something about Harry's living arrangements for the summer. He would not return to Grimmauld Place. He was not Sirius or his parents, but Harry was happy for the prospects of one summer of freedom from the Dursleys before he would be of age to make his own decisions. There was also the fact that Harry would not be healed sufficiently for his release from special medical care by the end of the school year. The Dursleys would certainly not nurse him back to health. Remus promised him something would work out.

Harry gathered his crutches to leave when Tonks, wearing chestnut brown, shoulder length hair in a hair band and plain faded jeans with a blue tee shirt, stood at the door. She asked permission to enter. Lupin looked like he wanted to cry. He hadn't expected to see her again. He, like Harry had tried to push her away for her own good, but sometimes, Harry now knew, you have to let other's decide what is right for them. Tonks knew what he was, and she wanted and loved him. Harry smiled as he closed the door. They were mended as a couple faster than anything Harry had seen. Ron and Hermione had spent weeks mad at each other over the silliest things, but it seemed the more serious the problem, if two people loved each other, they would find a way.

As the friends sat in the waiting area of the hospital wing, Luna and Neville joined them. For awhile, everyone relished in each other's company, just glad that they had survived. Neville was the first one to speak of what had befallen their friends and fellow DA members. Harry hung his head as Ginny squeezed his hand in comfort. There would be a moment of silence at the next DA meeting for their fallen. It had been decided that the DA would go on, now more important than ever. Harry hoped he'd never have to rally them to action again when Neville spoke of Justin-Finch-Fletchley having fallen in battle.

Neville's voice became quieter as he told them that he had been to St Mungos to see his parents for the first time since they had started their experimental medicine. He had been forbidden by Gran to tell them about his having killed the evil Death Eater who had stolen their lives, but when she had stepped out to get some tea, Neville couldn't help it. He could have sworn that his father had smiled, thought he said nothing. His mother had given him a warm embrace which Neville had sunk into gratefully. It was more than he had in his whole life and he didn't know if they had understood that Bellatrix Lestrange was dead, but he felt better for having told them. Neville almost laughed out loud, remembering how his mother had blown a huge bubble from the wad of Droobles Best Blowing Gum in her mouth and he had followed suit ending up with it in his hair. His mother had gone to get the day nurse to help him get the gum out, one of the first lucid things Neville had ever seen her do, although it was embarrassing. For a change, it was he who had brought his mother a boxful of Droobles and his heart skipped a beat to hear her first spoken words to him. "Thank you,' as she held his hands to her cheeks and Neville had felt a tear drop onto them. It would be a long time before he would know if he would ever get more than this, but for now, this was gold. He hugged his still mute father, but received a warm hug in return.

Harry was happy for Neville. He knew now, looking around the room that he had his brothers and his fiancee, and the most loyal friends a person would ever have. Luna was going to spend a part of the summer with Neville and Gran for Neville's parents first ever out of hospital visit. She had spent the better part of the week passing it in worry with the rest of them, while making soft cushions for every corner in Gran's house that could be sharp, lest Frank or Alice fell. She was a strange girl, but Neville loved her concern for him and his family, and it did endear her more to all of them.

Fred was monitored for several more days along with Lupin as a precaution and when the group of friends were celebrating his good health, Dumbledore came to see them with some welcome news. Professor Lupin had proposed to Tonks and planned to hold a wedding at Grimmauld Place in a week's time. The headmaster felt sure that security would still be a risk, but Voldemort hadn't shown any activity at all since the final assault on Harry's mind.

Classes had not started back up as May approached. Most students were making extra credit helping teachers rebuild parts of the castle. Harry looked up toward the new Divination tower with some trepidation. It was there that he had heard the fateful words from the now gone Professor Trelawny about the dark lord's return to a living body, a body that as he stood gazing with his new eyes at the tower, suffered hideous amounts or torment from his injuries, and his overuse of strength to torment Harry's mind to make a last point.

When everyone had bid him goodnight in his room in the hospital wing where once again he had taken up residence, much to his annoyance, he got a very bright or a very stupid idea. He lay, doing the opposite of what he had been taught in Occlumency. He actively sought out his nemesis, relying on the Order's information that the dark lord was himself recovering from severe trauma to his body.

Harry gasped as the all too familiar voice came to his thoughts, but not as they had before. There was no dire pain, no hold anymore. It was like a telephone that he could hang up at any moment, but a part of him had to know. Could he now do to Voldemort what Voldemort had done to him? Harry had been resting and being healed daily since the attacks, but so struck on the kill was the dark lord that he had not thought to seek out healers, so assure of himself of victory he had accepted into his fold only those most bent on serving him and those able to prove themselves ruthless. The hypocratic oath mediwizards took was far more serious than Muggle ones, so no registered mediwizard would willingly heal so foul a murderer.

At first, the dark lord did not know Harry was there in his tormented mind, and Harry watched through the red slit pupils as Severus Snape bent before the dark lord to give him potions to help him come back to full health, but he only had regular potions. The dark lord would still have as long or longer than Harry now faced in recuperative time. Not only had the potions professor managed to somehow avoid being labelled as traitor, he had been enlisted to 'do what he could for the dark lord,' and if that included kidnapping a mediwizard to help heal the sinister beast than so be it. The fact was, that Voldemort still possessed most of his immortality, Harry being the only one to even puncture it, it seemed, and it was this that he sought to do now.

Harry watched Snape's eyes fly open wide with surprise as he launched a mind attack on the weak lord. He could hear Voldemort cry out in agony as he flew a telepathic Cruciatus Curse on him. Voldemort writhed on his velvet bed as Snape did nothing to ease him, reasoning that he would not remember it. Voldemort, usually so hard to lie to, had become somewhat more dependent on his lesser servants of late, making him miss his Wormtail more than he could have thought possible. Snape's many potions, presented as gifts to the dark lord, were all tested by a fellow Death Eater before he could even administer them. Dumbledore had reasoned that Voldemort might as well be healed by someone who could report his returning strength to allow for preparations to fight him upon his return. Whatever immortality he had was unwavering and only Harry would be able to undo the evil.

As Harry felt his own body weaken from the curse he had just done, the dark lord was able to make a feeble attempt at retaliation. Harry heard Voldemort rasp into his mind. "Potter, I see you and I will have much more fun when next we should meet." Harry tried, but failed in his weakened state to repeat the curse as Voldemort said, "Say hello to your fiancee, or has the happy nuptuals taken place already?"

Harry was cold with fury as he tried desperately to torture that hated soul into oblivian. He knew it may be the last thing he ever did, but he cried out so loud it could be heard echoing through the hospital wing and down the stairs as he tried to level the killing curse at the dark lord once and for all. No more games. Snape's eyes swam into focus. He was yelling, "Potter NO!" How Harry hated that man. He knew it was he who had shoved him from Voldemort's mind before he was done, as Voldemort lie twitching, looking near death. Harry's last memory was of looking into Snape's black eyes, cold with fury as he felt himself pushed so hard his head was smothered into the pillows on the bed.

Harry woke up three days later. He had never had a headache in his whole life like he had right now, but through it all, he smiled. He had hurt him, and the next time he would do worse. And Snape would pay. The figure sitting by his bedside came into focus. The headmaster had barely left his side.

"How do you feel?" was all Dumbledore said.

"Sore," was all Harry could reply. He knew what was coming, or at least he thought he did.

"That was a very brave, very foolish thing you did, Harry."

Harry was about to say something very childish, like 'he started it,' but stopped himself before the words could make their way out, as he remembered Snape. Snape had saved him. Snape had fought Harry off deliberately.

"I would have killed him, Professor Dumbledore," Harry said, sitting bolt upright. "If it wasn't for Snape and when I get my hands on him..." Harry said angrily.

But Harry was made more angry at the headmaster than even Snape when the next words he heard were, "Harry, why do you think we tried to protect you so much from Voldemort all year? Because you weren't ready," Dumbledore asked than answered for Harry.

"I was ready. I was killing him ..." Harry said, although now he remembered the bead of green light that had formed between he and the dark lord that he had not seen when his mind attack on the dark lord was really taking place, so focused was he on the task at hand.

"No, Harry that's where you were wrong. While I believe that you were ready to use the killing curse, and that you indeed meant it this time, you were not yet strong enough to make it work. It would have consumed you as you focused on it. Professor Snape used his legillimancy skills to save you ... to break your connection to the dark lord. He was barely able to convince the dark lord that he did it to save him, and he was punished severally." The headmaster opened Harry's door to reveal Snape now lying in a hospital bed. He looked awful. "The torture almost broke his mind. Voldemort had his followers leave him by the gates where Hagrid found him and brought him to Poppy. I daresay though , that in his zest for revenge, Voldemort has futher weakened himself. Even Death Eater activity has all but ceased for the time being. For how long, we do not know, but I must have your word Harry."

Dumbledore had not let Harry get a word in edgewise, and now, he wasn't sure if he wanted one. Snape's face had not betrayed any traitorous qualities to him. Maybe Dumbledore was wrong. Maybe Snape had saved his lord, maybe he had saved Harry. No one would ever know.

Harry had to promise not to go looking for Voldemort, and to stop, with force, any mind attack if he could. Plans were being made, that the old man did not want Voldemort to learn of any sooner than he had to.

The day of Lupin's wedding to Tonks was a beautiful spring day in May. Hermione had persuaded the Metamorphamagus to be herself, if only for this one day. She was a beautiful girl with shiny black hair like Sirius had had in Harry's parents wedding picture, and Hermione had also seen to it that Tonks wore white wedding robes.

Harry was best man for them and he smiled at Ginny who sat with family in the front row. Tonks had joked to a very embarrassed Kinglsley Shaklebolt that if he were a woman, he could have been matron of honour, as he had been one of Tonks's closest friends. As it was, Elijah's wife, Terrace had filled the role, having gotten rather close to Tonks in the years that had followed the revelation of the Fifth House lost inhabitants. Terrace was also a mind healer and had assisted Tonks in getting over her self doubt after the attack at St Mungos when she had been in charge.

Lupin was more emotional than Tonks while the exchange of vows performed by Dumbledore took place. There was laughter in the beautifully decorated parlour of Grimmauld Place when Harry was supposed to say something and didn't because he'd been so busy staring at Ginny, who was prodding him to speak. When the vows had been exchanged, the couple kissed. It was the happiest day of their lives.

Harry asked Ginny to dance, mostly so they could talk among the large gathering.

"Harry, a word if you will," came Arthur Weasley's voice from behind him with a tap on the shoulder. Mr Weasley had a concerned expression on his face as he led Harry to the kitchen, where to his surprise and a little bit of discomfort, sat all of Ginny's brothers, minus Percy. They looked friendly enough, but Harry could almost tell what was coming next.

Bill stood and poured Harry some firewhisky, and the Weasley men all stood, and raised their glass to him. That was the best part. What came next had the potential to break his heart or raise his spirits, depending on how he saw it.

'Harry, first of all, let me remind you how happy we are to have you as part of our family. Molly has brought to our attention a ring that our Ginny has been wearing for the past four weeks, and we would like to know your intentions toward our daughter," Mr Weasley told him as Charlie piped in, 'and sister.'

Harry's heart sank. He had expected to hear, 'you aren't ready for marriage,' and he wasn't wrong. Mr Weasley had proclaimed his doom with certainty while at the same time trying to console him that he was only trying to rush things because of the prophecy but that things would be that much sweeter in marriage from the victorious side of things, not under impending doom.

The emotion that found its way from the very depths of Harry's soul, touched Arthur, as he poured out his every thought about his daughter from the time when he had found her to be Ron's little sister, to a girl with a crush, to a time when he didn't know what to think as she dated other boys, to helping him through some of the worst times in his life, to saving his life and everything in between. George laughed when Harry even assured Mr Weasley that he and Ginny had made a pact to wait until they were older for certain things.

For Ron's part, he had approved from the beginning, especially as he remembered with a shudder, Voldemort promising Ginny to the greasy potions master, Snape. Neville and Luna could barely hold him back from attacking even in his weakened state. They had saved each other's lives more times than even Mr Weasley had known of. As Arthur looked into Harry's sincere, earnest face, he knew that no matter what he and Molly thought of their age, they were already inextricably linked for life, or death, whatever would come to the boy, and as to his daughter, Mr Weasley could not even think that far. If Harry died, he realized, his daughter's heart would be broken anyway, and no matter what battle, his daughter and indeed all of his sons would be right there beside Harry anyway.

Mrs Weasley entered the room with a soft knock and embraced Harry warmly. She informed Arthur that she had spoken to Ginny and as the two parents talked, Remus came into the room holding hands with his new bride, who stated that perhaps she did not belong in this conversation. Remus just smiled at her and held her hand all the tighter.

To Harry's surprise, this had been some kind of test and he wasn't sure if he liked it, but he'd had no choice. Arthur and Molly were now comparing answers to the exact questions they had asked of Ginny. Remus embraced Harry and the Weasleys informed Harry that he and Ginny were compatible. He could have told them that, but as it turned out, this was a test that had been approved by the headmaster and parents. They did not want to see them marry so young, but they had passed the test. Ginny entered to find a very confused Harry standing looking at everyone, like he'd just been put through the ringer. The Weasleys had signed a document giving consent for the marriage to take place and again, Harry looked around. He knew he was also underage and would need consent, but the Dursleys would never give it and he knew it.

Remus cleared his throat on what was the happiest day of his life for two reasons. On this day only a month ago, he would have been a werewolfe. Now, here he stood, beside his bride, a man. Also, Dumbledore had papers in his hands, naming Remus Lupin as Harry's guardian. It would be the second legal docuement Lupin would sign this day and tears formed in both he and Harry's eyes as they both signed it. Than Remus signed a parental permission form for underage marriage in special circumstances and Harry read with amusement and trepidation the reason listed on his form. 'Probable short life expectancy.' It was very blunt to put it mildly, but the ministry would not sanction the marriage if not for dire purposes, so Harry signed it, pushing it away from him as he had done so. Dumbledore signed it as well and made to send it off with Hedwig.

"Please, sir, can she stay? I don't want her to miss this. Harry felt very presumptuous in not having asked Ginny if she had wanted to marry this day. He turned to her with a questioning look.

When Ginny said no, Harry felt like someone had punctured his very heart, but she assured him she only needed two days. It was the longest two days of his life.

The first day, saw the twins setting up glasses on the bar with Mrs Weasley warning them not to get Harry drunk. Of course they disregarded her completely. Ginny and Hermione were out shopping with Tonks and Terrace, while Remus grumbled good naturdly about her shopping on their honeymoon.

They did get Harry drunk, very drunk, and they had each read the riot act to him as to his promise that the wedding was a symbol of their love and the showing of this love would wait. He knew it would be hard, but he loved her and he respected her. He wanted what was best for them both. Actually, he knew life wouldn't change that much. They would live apart much of the summer as always, she at the Burrow and he at Grimmauld with Lupin. No one had explained yet how they'd manage that, but he knew he'd find out sooner or later, he always did.

Ginny nursed Harry through his hangover and Hermione although not a fan of over-drinking, did the same for Ron

The following day, Harry stood nervously in front of the sun streaked window. In honour of his mother's Muggle background, Ginny had decided to wear a traditional white Muggle wedding gown. Remus and Hagrid stood shoulder to waist at the front of the aisle that Hermione had decorated with Lilys. Hagrid blew his nose loudly on a handkerchief and dabbed at this eyes, as Madam Maxime looked on. The nerves on Harry's part were not about his commitment, but only about being in front of so many people. He had never been so sure of anything in his whole life.

As Harry glanced around the audience, he saw to his extreme displeasure the equally displeased Dursleys, except Dudley, who sat making eye contact with Lavender Brown, who had been invited as a member of the DA. Most of the old DA members were on hand for the happy day.

Harry was only nearing seventeen, and Ginny nearing sixteen, they were too young to marry, but there are things that make a person grow up faster than normal and near death experiences can do that to a person. Ginny wore a stunning tiara in her hair and a beautiful dress fit for a princess, Harry thought. When she stopped at the end of the aisle to climb onto the little platform, her parents kissed her and answered Dumbledore's question of who would consent to give this child away, but in answer to this, both Weasley's answered rather that they did not consent to give away their daughter but rather that they would take Harry to be their son and hold them both dear and near. It was better than Harry could have hoped it would be as Remus, voice cracking with emotion as the word, 'son' escaped his lips, vowed the same thing.

Ginny stepped up to be beside Harry as Ron and Hermione stood beside them and Ron couldn't help but think that one day, Harry and Ginny would be doing the same for them. As the vows were finished, Ginny slipped a letter into Harry's hands. It was the very one that Harry had placed in the time capsule. Harry saw, with tears in his eyes, that she had written something extra on it. She took it back from him and read it to the witnesses.

"So there can be no doubt, I Ginevra Weasley married Harry James Potter, May first... Come what may, a love that is as strong as the love I hold in my heart for him, cannot be burned out by even the darkest of wizards. I will not vow until death do us part, because death cannot break love, nothing can, for the one's we love never truly leave us."

These simple vows from his love, alleviated what Harry had been feeling throughout the ceremony, his guilt. Guilt that he would leave her in death, but her words, those of Sirius, washed over him with relief and happiness.

Harry had prepared no speeches, nor was he able to barely choke out his vows, so touched by her sincerity. For the rest of the evening there would be food, dancing and merriment. Hagrid had hugged them both so tightly, they felt they would be melted together.

As they opened their gifts, though they would not be a traditional married couple, Fred and George had managed to find a way to inject some humour, by presenting the couple with new pots and pans which were bewitched to say things like, when in doubt, order take out!

If anticlimactic could be used to describe the conclusion of the night, Harry felt that would be a little harsh. He and Ginny would spend the rest of the evening getting caught kissing, he telling her how beautiful she was, she telling him how handsome he was, and through it all, they knew they would separate for the night, and for many more to come, but they were married. Harry had done one of the things he had set his sights on. He and Ginny planned to pass the time looking for a home that would be theirs in two years time, purchase and spend all their spare time fixing it up just right for the real honeymoon they both so looked forward to.

Harry lay alone in his bed that night looking out the window, and for some reason, the dog star, Sirius was bright tonight, like Sirius had been there, which felt so right to Harry.

Harry thought of all the things he had, friends, family, a wife, all the good things in life, and somewhere off far away, Voldemort couldn't touch it for now. The war would continue as Harry knew it would, but for now, he had been saved.