Hello, peoples! What's up? This is my second fan-fic. It took me a long time to find the perfect beginning. I hope you like this story. This story has a lot to do with music. I will be using some songs that rule for this story. There will be lyrics, if you want you can skip the lyrics. I better hurry up I have to go somewhere, but before that I want to tell you that Robin is a total jerk in some of the story. He will be nicer soon though and one of my favorite songs will bring Kori and Dick closer together. It's 'Broken' by Seether, featuring Amy Lee. I love this song! It totally rocks! I have a question does anybody know who Trapt is? If you do please tell me! I haven't met one single person that knows who they are. 'Headstrong' ring a bell? Anyway, it will be in this story. This is about the sixth time I have written this thing so I hope you like it. I really hope you like the story and if you do read my first fan-fic 'I will love you and only you'. After I do this chapter I'm started on my next one. Enjoy!

Chapter One: Adopted…again

I dedicate this chapter to my older sister, Julie for helping me on this chapter. Yay, Julie!

Starfire- Kori Anders

Robin- Dick Grayson

Raven- Raven Sabel

Beast Boy- Garfield (Gar) Logan

Bumblebee- Brianna (Bree) Waxmen

Cyborg- Victor Stone

Kitten- Camille Moth

Terra- Theresa Snyder

Aqualad- Adam Finn

Speedy- Roy Harper

People I'm making up- Sukari and Angela- Kori's friends

Angel, Amber, and Mariah- Camille's friends

Couldn't think of any good names and since I couldn't think of my old names I had some help from Julie. Anyway, I better get to the fic. I'm talking too much. Does anybody have a name for my guinea pig? He's brown and black and he's a baby. Please give me a suggestion if you can.



"This is a very important test so I hope you pay close attention to what I'm saying. We'll do the test next Wednesday." Mr. Davis droned on. I wasn't paying attention at all. It was about 1:00 p.m. and all Mr. Davis was talking about was a lame English test. Besides, the only thing I was thinking about was the dream I had had yesterday. I knew it had to mean something, but what? Maybe it meant-

"Miss Anders! Can you repeat what I just said?" Mr. Davis asked impatiently. I snapped back to life. What was I supposed to say? When I didn't say anything Mr. Davis sighed and rubbed his forehead in frustration. "Perhaps, you'd like to discuss what's on your mind with the class," Mr. Davis said. I hated Mr. Davis; he was always butting in people's personal lives. Especially mine. "Um, it's kind personal." I said slowly. "Well, then maybe you and I can talk about it in detention," Mr. Davis ripped off a detention sheet and handed it to me. "Jerk," I mumbled. "What was that Miss Anders?" Mr. Davis asked. Without hesitation Mr. Davis ripped off another detention sheet and gave it to me.

After the two detention slips I still didn't pay attention to what Mr. Davis said, but he didn't bother me. I decided not to think about my dream and I should think about what Hannah wanted to tell me after school. I lived at the Malibu Adoption Center and Hannah Johnson was a worker there. I had known her for most of my life. She was the coolest adult I knew and unlike Mr. Davis, she didn't butt into people's lives. She told me that I had to be at the adoption center after school, because she had some important news for me. The last thing I wanted was to be adopted. Ever since I was five I been getting adopted and getting sent back. Of course Raven, Bree, Angela, and Sukari didn't know why I hated it so much. They didn't know how much it hurt to know that people didn't want me… The only thing I had was my music and my friends. We were a band called 'Not Your Average Teenage Preps'. I even made my own lyrics. They were really good according to my friends.

The last bell rang, interrupting my thoughts. I had detention at lunch for two weeks. I told my friends that I would meet them at the Malibu Adoption Center (MAC).

(A/N: This part might be boring, but it's very important). When I finally got there Hannah greeted me. "Kori, congratulations! You got adopted!" Hannah hugged me. I pulled off from the hug. "This is horrible! You know that person is just going to send me back," I whined. It was true though. Ever since I was five years old I had been adopted and that person would send me back. I was now sixteen years old. I felt like crying. This whole thing could have been avoided if only my parents thought I was good enough for them. My parents left me right after I was born. My older sister, Katie told me that right before she died. It seemed like everybody hated me except Hannah, Bree, Raven, Sukari, and Angela. "I'm sorry Kori, but everyone is different. Just be hopeful. Besides, Dr. Grayson seems like a very nice person," Hannah said. (A/N: Dr. Grayson is Dick's dad. If you think that's weird, don't worry, she's not going to live with them in the end). I was too upset to pay attention to who was adopting me. "Do you want to me to take you there? All your stuff has been already moved over there." Hannah said. "Can you wait for my friends?" I asked. She nodded.

Raven and Bree came together. "What happened?" Raven asked, as soon as she saw my face. "I got adopted." I answered. Silence. "Sorry, Kori," was Bree's response. "It's not your fault." I said. Angela and Sukari came five minutes later. I informed them about being adopted then we piled into Hannah's car. They had brought their band stuff so we could practice at the same place I was now living at. When we got there Hannah said, "I'm sorry Kori, but I can't stay. I have to go back to work." Hannah said. She hugged me, gave me the key to the house, and then she left. We had already pulled out our stuff from Hannah's car. Then we went to the basement to practice. I really didn't care what the rest of the house looked like so we got straight to practice.

"What song do you guys want to do?" I asked. We took a vote and 'Headstrong' won so we were going to play that first. Raven and Sukari played bass guitar; Angela sometimes played the violin or the electric guitar, and back up singer; and I sang and played the electric guitar.


Circling your, circling your, circling your head

Contemplating everything you ever said

Now I see the truth

I got a doubt

A different motive in eyes and now I'm out

See you later

I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold

See inside, inside of our heads, yeah

Well now that's over

I see your motives inside, decisions to hide

Back off I'll take you on

Headstrong to take on anyone

I know that you are wrong

Headstrong, we're headstrong

Back off I'll take you on

Headstrong to take on anyone

I know that you are wrong

And this is not where you belong

I can't give everything away

I won't give everything away

Conclusions manifest

Your first impressions got your very best

I see you're full of shit and that's alright

That's how you play I guess you get through every night

Well now that's over

I see your motives inside, decisions to hide

Back off I'll take you on

Headstrong to take on anyone

I know that you are wrong

Headstrong, we're headstrong

I know that you are wrong

And this is not where you belong

(Where you belong)

I can't give everything away

(This is not where you belong)

I won't give everything away…

I know, I know all about

I know, I know all about

I know, I know all about

I know, I know all about your motives inside

And your decisions to hide

Back off I'll take you on

Headstrong to take on anyone

I know that you are wrong

Headstrong, we're headstrong

Back off I'll take you on

Headstrong to take on any-

"Hello! What the heck are you doing in my house?" I turned around to see Dick Grayson, Garfield Logan, and Victor Stone. "With a little bit of work you guys could sound better," Garfield said. "Did anybody ask you?" Raven snapped back. "That's not the point. What are you doing in my house?" Dick asked again. "Somebody in your family adopted me." I said. "Oh, great. This is perfect." Dick ran one of his hands through his hair. I always knew that Dick Grayson was popular, but I didn't know he was so rude. "Dick, we'll meet you in the living room." Victor said. Victor pulled Garfield and they went to the living room. "You're not going to tell anyone about this, are you?" he asked. "Why would I do that? I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation." I said sarcastically. He shrugged and left. I wasn't in my best mood and I broke a lot of strings of my guitar.

Angela was a very positive person so she tried her best to make me feel better. "Have you found anyone for your song 'Broken'?" she asked. I shook my head. "Well, we have to find someone before the dance try-outs." Bree said. "Maybe we should post a flyer." Sukari suggested. "Sounds like an idea," Raven said. "I can make it," I said. Pretty soon all my friends left, leaving me with Dick and his friends. My feelings were still hurt from what happened, but I tried my best to ignore it. I asked Dick where my room was and he showed me. I unpacked most of my stuff. I took most of my stuff from my suitcase then I just sat on my bed.

Suddenly I had that feeling, the feeling of wanting to go home, but I didn't have a home. Sometimes I wondered what I did to deserve this. I didn't get why I didn't just kill myself. I looked at the ceiling and then there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I said, barely above a whisper. It was Mr. Grayson and what looked like his daughter, Jessica Grayson. They told me it was time for dinner. Even though I didn't want to I went to the dinner table to eat. With Dick glaring at me across the table I looked down at my feet. I told Mr. Grayson I wasn't hungry and I left and went to my room. I could hear Dick and Mr. Grayson yelling probably about me. I wanted to go home, but I didn't have a home. I pulled out my classic guitar.

'Nobody Home' Well, I couldn't tell you

Why she felt that way

She felt it everyday

And I couldn't help her

I just watched her make

The same mistakes again

What wrong, what's wrong now?

Too many, too many problems

Don't know where she belongs

Where she belongs


She wants to go home

But nobody's home

It's where she lies

Broken inside

There's no place to go

No place to go

To dry her eyes

Broken inside

Open your eyes
And look outside

Find the reasons why

You've been rejected

And now you can't find

What you've left behind

Be strong, be strong now

Too many, too many problems

Don't know where she belongs

Where she belongs

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

It's where she lies

Broken inside

Her feelings she hides

Her dreams she can't find

She's losing her mind

She's falling behind

And she can't find her place

She's losing her faith

She's falling from grace

She's all over the place, yeah

She wants to go home

But nobody's home

It's where she lies

Broken inside

There's no place to go

No place to go

To dry her eyes

Broken inside

She's lost inside

Lost inside, oh ohhh

She's lost inside

Lost inside, oh ohhh

I didn't get it. Why was I so different? I wanted to be like everybody else, but I couldn't. I looked out the window to see a little girl and her parents. Tears were streaming down my eyes. I wish someone could understand me and I could share everything with him or her.

-Did you like it? Was it sad? I will try to update as soon as possible! If you like this story please try and read my first one! Peace out.






P.S. Queen- of- Azerath. I couldn't help using that. It's a cool idea!