Chapter 9
"Are you ready to finish this Herms?" Sherrie asked mocking Hermione with the nickname Ron had used for her.
"Oh honey I thought you'd never ask." Hermione and Sherri charged each other and drew their fists back preparing to strike.
In two steps Hermione reached Sherri and threw a punch aimed at Sherri's face. To her shock Sherri brought her hand up and caught the attack. The force behind the strike pushed Sherri back several feet. Her shoes screeched as they slid across the floor. Hermione gasped in shock as Sherri clenched her fist and threw Hermione over her shoulder. Hermione flipped in mid air and landed on her feet.
"I see that you have performed some experiments on yourself." Hermione commented.
"Yes, you're quite right. I used a few specialized procedures to increase my abilities to the level of a necrolized being. So now we're on even grounds." Sherri explained. A malicious smile crossing her face.
"Good. I was afraid this was going to be boring." Said Hermione.
The two women once more charged each other. Hermione ducked under a kick from Sheri and retaliated with a sharp uppercut. Sherri's head snapped back, recovering quickly she caught Hermione's fist again and backhanded her. Sherri kept hold of Hermione's arm and twisted it around. Hermione cart wheeled out of the hold slammed her knee into Sherri's stomach. Sherri staggered back and barely managed to duck a roundhouse kick from Hermione. Sherri snarled and ran forward tackling Hermione to the ground.
Harry managed to make his way into the Minister's office. Ron stood gazing out the window with his back to Harry.
"Such a wonderful view." Ron mused. "I had it bewitched to look like an office window from the tallest tower in London."
"Guess it's a good thing I'm not afraid of heights." Harry commented. Ron turned around and gazed into Harry's face.
"So this is what it comes down too huh? You're going to betray me again, and try to take everything away from me."
"You mean like how you stole my life and Hermione's life?"
"Sacrifices must be made."
"What goes around comes around Ron."
"So it does. Shall we begin?" In a flash Harry drew his guns and Ron drew his wand.
Hermione clasped her arms around Sherri's waist, and slammed her into the ground. Sherri spit some blood from her mouth. She snarled and lashed out with her foot tripping Hermione. In the same instant she slammed her heel down aiming for Hermione's face narrowly missing as Hermione rolled out of the way. Hermione pushed off of the ground and flipped into the air. She landed on her feet, and attacked Sherri again. Sherri ducked under the first blow and returned it with a punch to the gut. Hermione staggered back slightly. Sherri charged Hermione once more. Sherri put all of her strength into one blow in attempt to crush Hermione's skull. Hermione ducked the blow and twisted around grabbing Sherri's arm in the process. Hermione pinned Sherri's arm behind her back and slammed her face first into the wall. Sherri moaned in pain as she removed her head from the wall.
"Is that the best you can do?" She asked weakly.
"No. This is." Hermione said pulling a small detonator from her shirt pocket. She flicked the safety off and a small pin in Sherri's hair began to beep. Her eyes widened in fear.
"Oh no." She whispered.
"Say goodnight bitch." Hermione said pushing the button.
Bullets and curses scorched the air as the former friends battled to the death. Harry still weakened from his battle with Fangoram was beginning to reach the end of his endurance. A stunner from Ron didn't knock him out ,but did manage to weaken him significantly. Harry slumped against the wall.
"Looks like the end of the line for you Harry." Ron said stepping toward Harry.
"Not over yet." Harry whispered.
"Sure it is. You can't even lift that cannon of yours any more." Ron laughed.
"Don't be stupid Ron. Of course I can." Before Ron could react Harry brought his gun up and shot Ron once in the heart. Ron gasped and fell to the floor.
"Well, I didn't expect this." Ron hissed.
"That's why you lost." Harry struggled to stand back up.
"What sort of life do you think you can have now Harry? You're nothing but a walking zombie. Barely any better than an inferi. You'll never have a normal life." Ron gasped once more and then stopped breathing.
"As if I ever led a normal life before."
Hermione awaited outside the ministry for Harry. Truth be told she was beginning to worry. Hermione was just about to enter the Ministry to search for Harry when the phone booth began to rise. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.
"Sorry I'm late." Harry said.
"Don't worry about it." Hermione said raising on her toes and kissing Harry gently.
"Come on let's get out of here." Harry said getting on is motorcycle. Hermione stepped on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist as the two sped off into the sunrise.
Severus Snape stepped into the Minister's office, and walked over to the Desk. His plan had worked. Harry had managed to clear away all the obstacles. Now Snape would take over everything. He sneered as he looked down at Ron Weasley's corpse. 'Such a waste.' He thought. No matter he had served his purpose. A sudden click drew Snape's attention to Harry's coffin lying in the center of the room. It snapped open and a small speaker popped out.
"Remember Snape. What goes around, comes around." Harry's voice said thru the speaker.
"What?" Snape asked puzzled. Suddenly coffin exploded violently destroying the entire Ministry building.
The End
A/N: Wow finally finished. Thank you to everyone who reviewed. Without your support I would've never finished this fic.
One other thing, HBP may have seriously crushed our hopes of H/Hr, but we're not giving up without a fight. So here's a preview of my next fic.
Harry's voice: It was all over now. Dumbledore was dead. Betrayed and killed by one of his own. In one fell swoop the light side had lost it's greatest hero. Without Dumbledore there was no hope left. The Order of the Phoenix disbanded. Hogwarts closed its gates. The Death Eater's thought they had won, that the war was over, but they were wrong. It had only just begun.
Harry Potter
"Harry, as per Dumbledore's last requests I am to present you with these items." Remus said solemnly. Silently he handed Harry a leather address book. "Personally, I'm really curious to know what exactly is in that book."
"It's a list of Dumbledore's contacts. Complete with their whereabouts and how to reach them." Harry looked thoughtful for a moment. "What's the other item?"
"It's actually a few more items." Remus said as he magically unshrunk a large wooden chest. Harry hesitantly opened it. Inside was a set of black garments and a smaller box. Harry opened it revealing a pair of silver revolvers with blades attached to the hilts and a silver badge with a skull on it.
"Harry, many years ago during World War II Dumbledore founded an organization dedicated to stopping Grindlewald that was called the Dark Watch. They were the precursors to the Order of the Phoenix."
"And it looks like Dumbledore wanted me to continue it in his absence." Harry concluded holding the badge up before him.
Dark Watch
Fifteen Death Eaters stood gathered outside Number Four Privet Drive. Among them were Narcissa Malfoy and Wormtail.
"Remember the Dark Lords orders. Potter is to be taken alive." Narcissa ordered.
"Did I hear you correctly?" Asked as voice from inside the house. The front door opened and in the doorway stood Harry Potter. He was clad in a black set of boots, jeans, shirt, gloves, and trench coat with his Dark Watch badge pinned to it. Around his waist was a silver gun belt with his revolvers securely holstered. "You're going to try and take me alive with only fifteen people? Fucking insult that is." Harry laughed from under his wide-brimmed hat.
"We will be taking you alive Potter." Snapped Wormtail. "Our master commands it."
"The only thing you'll find here is your death." Harry whispered menacingly.
"We are not afraid of you Potter." Snapped Narcissa.
"You will be." With lightning fast reflexes Harry drew his pistols and began firing.
Those who wear the badge do not fear death…
"Harry this is crazy." Hermione pleaded.
"Piece of cake Hermione. All you do is tie one end of the rope to yourself, and secure the other end to something solid. Then, you just rappel down. Relax I've seen it done on TV." Harry said tying the rope to himself. Hermione nervously bit her lip.
"Okay Harry just be careful."
"What? No good luck kiss?" Harry asked.
"Harry? This is hardly the time to worry about such things."
"Oh come on Mione. Don't act like haven't done it before." Harry teased.
"Fine." Hermione huffed. She quickly walked up to Harry and soundly kissed him on the lips. "Good luck."
Those who fear death…
Harry ducked reflexively narrowly avoiding the werewolf's claws. He drew his guns and fired three rounds that hit nothing but air as the dodged with uncanny speed.
"Come on Greyback. You gonna dance all day or fight?" Harry challenged.
Greyback howled in rage and lunged forward. Harry ducked beneath the attack. He twirled his guns around and slashed with blades on the hilt. Greyback howled in pain as his blood stained the floor. He caught one of Harry's arms and threw him against the wall. Harry groaned as he stood back up.
"You're a lot better than I expected. But that's okay. I like a challenge." Harry said.
Fear the badge.
Harry gazed unfazed at the army of inferi surrounding him.
"Hi there. My name is Grave. And this…" Harry said drawing his shotgun from his back. "Is my boomstick." Harry blasted the head of the nearest inferi clean off. "Any questions?"
AnimeRedneck Presents: The Cowboy Way
Disclaimer: Dark Watch is owned by Sammy game publisher.