Robot girl meets Ghost boy

I walk onto the stage. "Hello people, I know a lot of you have been thinking of doing this crossover and so have I. but you see the difference is that I actually have the gall to post it. All standard disclaimers….well stand. I don't own My life as a Teenaged Robot and I don't own Danny Phantom. So with out further ado, start the fic. I hope you enjoy."




Role Jenny's theme song

5:00 and I get a call to go blading at the skate park down by the mall.

But my mom says I got to prevent some aliens from annihilating us all.

With the strength of a million and seventy men I guess I really shouldn't complain.

Still I wish I could go for a walk with out rusting in the rain.

It's enough to fry my braaaaaaaaiiiiiin.

So welcome to my life…

As a teenaged robot.

Story of my life…

As a teenaged robot.

Teenage robot…life.


"XJ9!! There is no need to yell! And yes we are moving, in fact our neighbors are going to be some old students of mine, they're the Fentons."

"B-B-But why?"

"I have heard that Amity Park is experiencing a high volume of paranormal activity. Jack says that he thinks that because he actually got his Ghost Zone up and running its letting ghosts out."

"Ghosts?? I can fight those right?"

"I'm going to be honest with you XJ9, I'm not sure. For the longest while I believed ghosts to be only a myth, a legend if you will. But if what they say is true then we would be only too happy to help."

"But…..I'm not happy. I like it here."

"Oh XJ9, I don't know why you're overreacting like this. You can always fly back here anytime you want."

"B-But it's just not the same. I'll miss Brad, Tuck, and maybe even Sheldon…maybe."

"Not another word young robot, no go upstairs and pack your things."

"Yes mom."

Two hours later everything was packed up into the moving truck and Jenny was saying goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you three, but I'll come back on weekends."

"We're still going to miss you Jenny."

"I know Tuck, which is why I've given you all presents to remember me by."

It turns out she gave Brad a jet pack, Tuck his own personalized robot (It was about the size of an action figure) and Sheldon his very first piece of antimatter.

"Things still just won't be the same without you."

"I know Brad, but you're just going to have to manage."

"XJ9, time to get going if we're going to want to beat the movers there."

"Coming mom."

Jenny started to walk off but Sheldon grabbed her leg.

"No!! Please don't go Jenny!!"

"I'm going to be back Sheldon."

"NO! please don't leave me!!"

"I'm sorry but I have to."

She then detached her leg, replaced it with a new one and headed towards the car.

"Okay mom, I'm ready."

She then got in and waved goodbye to her friends.

"Oh cheer up XJ9. look on the bright side, you'll be going to a new school where you can make a fresh start. Maybe even become the popular girl."

"I never thought about it like that before. Maybe your right mom, there's no telling what new friends, new adventures and most importantly new boys await for me in Amity."

"No boys!"

"Oh come on mom."

"No boys and I mean it!"

Jenny just groaned. They finally came upon a sign that said welcome to Amity Park.

"Ready or not Amity, here comes the Wakemens."

Meanwhile at Casper High…

"Hey guys look. Dash actually found a way to shove his popularity in our faces even more so."

Danny, Sam and Tucker looked over at Dash and his crew and they were all wearing some sort of merchandise that had Dash's logo on it. Apparently only the coolest of the cool could have Dash's logo. Which of course left our heroes out.

"You know this wouldn't be so bad if they didn't out number us 4 to 3."

Dash then threw mud at Danny. "It also wouldn't stink if the guy would just leave me alone once in a while."

Role Danny's theme song.

He's a phantom.

Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine.

Designed to view a world unseen.

He's gonna catch them all cause he's Danny Phantom.

When it didn't quite work his folks they just quit.

But then Danny took a look inside of it.

There was a great big flash everything just changed.

His molecules got all rearranged!

When he first woke up he then realized he had snow white hair, and glowing green eyes.

He could walk through wall, disappear, and fly!

He was much more unique than the other guys.

It was then that he knew what he had to do, he had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through.

He's here to fight for me and YOU!

He's gonna catch them all cause he's Danny Phantom.

He's gonna catch them all cause he's Danny Phantom.

He's gonna catch them all cause he's Danny Phantom.

He's gonna catch them all cause he's Danny Phantom.

He's gonna catch them all cause he's…Danny Phantom.

Danny was walking home, Sam and Tucker had already left. When he got home he saw that there was a moving truck next door.

"Great, new neighbors. They're probably gonna end up to be another Dash."

Even though he knew it was against his better instincts he decided to go and greet them. After all, what's the worse that could happen?

That's all I got for now but rest assured it will get better as I go along.