"The Unlikely Alliance"
Owned By Bungie
Not Me…

Fortunate One

I do not own…
Master Chief Spartan-117

Linda Spartan-058
Fred Spartan-104
Will Spartan-043
The Arbiter
Sergeant Johnson
The Sangheili Commander (I've decided to name him 'Janaramee, not his real name mind you)
Commander Keyes (Miranda)
And any other character from the games/books.

I do own…




Shadow Flood

mike- You need to read more huh? I guess I need to type more.

Oni- Well, I want the characters to stay "in-character" but chief will be a little out of character.

kibbiekoo31- Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

Inquisitor Arnolis- Thanks, the most important thing for me about this was the storyline
Tom T. Thomson- I'll try to update often.

Warior- I look forward to writing more and getting more reviews.

Fortunate One- To all that did review, I thank you! To all that didn't and read it anyway I gggrrrr at you.


Once again I will blabber some more to put you in extreme annoyance because I'm taking up some more of your time, valuable time that you could use to read my fic, but since I'm typing text here, you decide to read it and can't read my fic, therefore taking even more of your time up from reading a good fic.


I own Halo, yeah that's right. Listening to me when I say this is like not believing the fat man in jail when he says "When you drop the soap I'll be right behind you."

NOTE: I'm going to say that they retrieved Cortana from the Halo, but I'm not sure, if you know please tell me. She isn't with Chief at this current time.

Well, now that I've wasted enough time, here's the fic.


Chief rushed to the counsel, he pulled a small wire from the side of his helmet that Cortana would be in, he plugged it into the counsel and numbers flashed and the world around him vanished. Text came up displaying some cameras and status.











Contamination Controlled? But how? The flood where crawling all over the place? How can the ring… Halo not be able to detect them? He copied the data and removed the wire, placing it back into his helm. The only thing he found funny about it was the Date and Time on the visual was blurry and flickering making it ineligible.

Commander Keyes, needed to see this information he thought to himself, he tried to contact the others to tell them he found some information, but there was no response he tried again and again, something was wrong, he needed to round up the others and get back aboard the ship. The com link did nothing but fizz and crackle every time he tried to contact the team. Something could be interfering with it, but what?

Chief walked to where that Elite was standing, and looked in the downward direction he was so intently staring in. He noticed thousands of green beaming eyes glaring at him, but they seemed to be looking through rather than at him. Maybe, maybe these flood can evade the detection of the Halo? But since they seemed to have adapted to the darkness in this area, maybe other flood have changed in strange was as well. There was no way to be sure. This might be one of the areas the covenant managed to cool down. It was to dark here to be a superheated flaming oven. He leapt over the side, falling quickly to the ground at the bottom, with a large thud, indentations of his feet were all that he left behind. The dark room was filled with neon eyes, all glaring at him, staring at him like he was a full coarse meal fresh out of the oven, Chief did what any human would do in a situation like this… he turned his cloak on and ran like Jesus himself was after him.


The Arbiter crouched down low, letting his chest touch the ground, placing both hands on the floor and his head barely hovering above the hard steel plated floor, he widened his mandibles in a sly grin and peered around the corner, his prey, his enemy, just in view. The Dark Elite was tending to his wounds, he ran all the way to a rag-tag medical station, the Arbiter was going to observe him for a few moments, follow him to his 'clan' then spill his sacred blood in all glory. The retched creatures blood and the smell of mind numbingly powerful medical supplies filled the room. The Arbiter's cloak shimmered a brilliant glow when it powered down, flashing, lighting the room for a mere second, then slowly vanishing to darkness. The Sangheili screamed in rage as it whipped the medical supplies across the room, they clattered to the floor. "I will have my revenge! That bastard! That Spartan! That fools heresy!" he was in pure rage, he was indeed a powerful and shamed Sangheili, he was shamed because he was beaten by a 'Heretic' and a Spartan. The Arbiter and his followers were considered, 'heretics' for siding with the humans, and not helping with the eradication of them all. At this moment two Elites walked in, wearing the white armor and the highly adorned helmets that the Elders wear. Each with a sword in hand, and a sneer of devotion. The commander, their boss, that insignificant fool in the black armor, slowly stood up. He grabbed his cloak and flipped it through the air onto his shoulders, it elegantly shimmered in the dim light.

"Faith, we have taken two of the shuttles, some walk the path of heresy others joined our forces!" one of the Elders spoke like he was in all glory with such a small victory. The Arbiter assumed that this 'Sangheili' foolishly called himself 'Faith' although it did make sense.

"What of the Heretics?" asked their commander.

"They're in a firing line." sneered one of the Elders.

"Hmmm, I want them headless! They need to die like the fools they really are." Faith informed them, he finally calmed down a bit from his recent defeat. The Arbiter retracted himself around the corner, fully hiding his body from view, disappearing as if he was never there, like a shadow when there is no sun. He tried his com link, but nothing replied but the irritating laughter of Faith. "My highest rankers, 'Zeramee, 'Curamee, I want you to kill a little green bug for me, the 'Master Chief' that irritating Demon almost killed me in the holy chamber. He must be killed." … 'Holy Chamber' was this 'Faith' creating his own religion? If he was he's a lot stupider than The Arbiter originally believed so. He activated his cloak almost completely turning himself into the darkness. Damn, two choices, save the demon, or save his fellow brethren? It was a decision he didn't want to have to make, just then a voice sounded over the com, this not only distracted the Arbiter, but three foolish Sangheili in the other room. Blaster fire immediately, without question, irrupted around the corner, plasma scoring the room, he dove out of the way and leapt upwards as high as he could, his hand barely caught the ledge, he heaved himself upward, and crawled onto the platform above. Again the voice sounded over the com "Arbiter? Arbiter?" it was 'Janaramee.

"What is it?" he questioned fully irritated at his timing.

"Why wasn't the com working?" his voice crackled with interference, good, this was good timing, he'd save his brethren and 'Janaramee could kill those foolish assassins!

"There's no time! Listen two Elders are going to try and assassinate the demon, I can't contact him, don't ask why they are after him, just kill them, there location is here, hurry!" he said as he punched a button into his radar and a green blip popped up on 'Janaramee's motion sensor, the Arbiter tagged them. He figured it'd be best to just listen to him, everything was chaos here, he himself was attacked by his fellow Sangheili, it was best to obey.

'Janaramee began running as fast and as hard as he could, the heated steep crumbled terrain slowed his advancement on the ever moving beacon. But, then again they did have to other Sangheili sneak aboard for a reason, he opened his com and spoke waiting for their reply. "You need a Spectre? Alright we'll bring a Phantom in, hold on. After that he started to run once again closing the distance barely, but he still was. Moments later a dark shadow descended upon him, he looked up, the Phantom's shadow enveloped him in darkness, it released the Spectre from its clutches and bolted off back to the ship. He climbed aboard the vehicle as did his comrades and used its thrusters to catch his foe.

'Janaramee stepped off the Spectre and got low to the ground, breathing in dust, soot and melted metal, he eyes spied the two Elders sneaking along the edge, he placed a hand on the ledge above and slithered closer to the edge, he looked about, he saw the Chief, he was searching for the rest of the team he figured, he was investigating the area where one of the teams drop pods crashed. Fred and Will crawled up and peered over the edge as well, both poised with a Battle Rifle in hand ready to unleash fire, 'Janaramee nodded his head and pulled himself closer the ledge, "This is my fight…" he told them quietly, "Cover me or Chief if we need cover fire." the two cloaked bastards furthered their position on Chief.

The brilliant shimmer of 'Janaramee's cloak flowed through the air while he quietly slid over the edge, he fell through the air, igniting his blade, it expelled fresh energy, bringing warmth to his hand. 'Zeramee turned but it was all to late, the blue blade cut through sending his limp body to the ground, 'Janaramee sneered at the small victory but it was over yet.

His comrades death gave him the time he needed to react. "Heresy!" he screamed at 'Janaramee, Chief turned to see two Elites fighting, 'Janaramee outwitting the foolish Sangheili. Chief moved to grad his sword, but then he stopped. He knew 'Janaramee's respect, loyalty and honor in battle, he would not interfere in his duel. The blades clashed, two ferocious warriors on each end of the blade, 'Janaramee a sword expert you could say, growling low hum, and his eyes filled with lust for combat. On the other end was 'Curamee an Elder with great prestige in all fields of combat, both fighting for one thing, blood. 'Janaramee struck low at the Elder's gut, spilling the violet blood on the superheated surface, it immediately evaporated, leaving no sign that it was ever there. Shields flickered and cloaks shimmered as they powered down revealing the two competeors. 'Janaramee lunged the blade tip pointing outward, he drove it into 'Curamee, but his shielding activated at the right moment to deflect the blow, and send it the aggressor and his weapon to his left. He spun around slashing him directly in the back, both without shielding, it was time for a death. Will didn't want to lose and ally, so he slammed down on the trigger, three bullets irrupted from the barrel, one struck the ground, but the other two struck the Elite in the eyes, his head wiped backwards, blood running from his eye, he activated his cloak and ran off into the shadows.

"You FOOL! You, you, have taken my honor. One of us were to die if it was me I would die with honor, if I were to die in combat it would be with honor, you have taken my honor foolish human, you interrupted a sacred battle!" the frustrated 'Janaramee screamed with a growl. He flailed his arms out in frustration and leapt up to Will, his eyes gleaming with hate. Fred worriedly pointed his gun at the Elite, ready to open fire. He deactivated the deadly weapon. He then leapt off the side to talk to Chief. He knew that fight was his, he knew he was going to kill the Elder that's why he was angry. Fred shrugged at Will, kind of telling him to just brush it off.

"Thanks." was all Chief managed to get out, when looking at the overly frustrated comrade. Will and Fred jumped down as well they walked up to Chief and both nodded.

"Chief do you know exactly what's happening?" Fred asked stepping up closer.


Two sniper rounds cut threw the air planting themselves firmly into the skulls of some Sangheili.

"I thought these slip-shins were on our side?" Johnson said irritated while capping off two more rounds. Linda nodded and then shot some rounds off. Two white elites ran out with Fuel Rods, and took aim. "Oh, you squids are gonna die!" Sarge threatened while diving over the edge and landing on the other side safely out of range. Linda moments later landed right next to him. "Now what?" he said as more shots barraged into the edge, sending metal shards at them. Chief's voice came over the com, Sarge, Linda get out of there, we have bigger problems, meet the rest of us here, a green blip appeared on their radars. "You got it Chief!"


About three hours later the whole team was at the cliff edge where the assassins went after Chief. Chief was standing near the pod, intently looking at the valley that was in his view, it was barren rocky and had more sand than the Earth had water. Fred was sitting on the drop pod, looking over at the motionless body of 'Zeramee as if he was waiting for it to move. Will, sat in a rather, oh my god I'm gonna die position quiet a distance away from 'Janaramee who seemed to be still angry at him for being foolish. Sarge was looking over the valley with his sniper sending some rounds off at the flood that inhabited that area, they were red like a blazing fire. Linda was sitting against the wall staring off to who knows where. Behind them all was the Spectre humming quietly while its engines cooled all but the Arbiter where here, all but the Arbiter.

The Arbiter followed Faith all the way to a line of Sangheili, Unggoy, and Lekgolo, there were 8 Sangheili, 10 Unggoy, and 4 Lekgolo, that refused to join there ranks. 5 Sangheili outfitted in white armor, some in Honor Guard and Elder armor, it seemed the higher ranks were more likely to join them, they wanted revenge more so than the lower ranks. The Special Operatives, Honor Guards, White Sangheili, Sword Masters (Gold Elites) and Black Sangheili all seemed to be Faiths followers, the line was just 5 rookie Sangheili, 2 Sword Masters, and 1 White Sangheili. He could only assume that Faith, was a powerful leader, no a born leader, the natural ability to inspire was a powerful asset to any leader. All his forces were mostly high rankers, he also controlled these flood, the flood of shadows, that were implemented into cages near the back of the base. His cloak shimmered and he ran fourth behind the line that his brethren were in. Tied to poles in a barbaric fashion, he used the Bayonet from Chief's rifle, carrying the sent of Faith, he cut the worn rope from the Sword Master, and placed a sword into his hand. He sneered opening his mandibles wide, he growled, filled with vengance, he activated the sacred blade and cut down one of the Betrayers. The Arbiter deactivated his cloak after cutting them all free. The Unggoy ran to some stationary turrets and some grabbed pistols, the Lekgolo rained fire at the enemy, while the Elites, all armed with swords lunged forward cutting one down at a time. Blood sprayed about the battle field, plasma scored and burned the surroundings, while in the center of it all was Faith and the Arbiter, both with swords in hand ready for round two. The floods cages broke open. They started mowing down the Betrayers covering the escape for the freed Allies. The Arbiter whipped a grenade at his opponents feet, he dove to avoid it, and when he looked back up, they were all gone.


Chief turned around and saw the Arbiter with some of the Covenant with him, their Covenant Allies. What survived the battle was, 3 rookie Elites (blue), 1 Sword Master (gold), the 1 White Sangheili, 6 Grunts and all 4 Hunters survived the attack. Chief, 'Janaramee, and The Arbiter climbed into that one pod and were pulled back into the ship, since they were the three in command they would be the ones to report. The cautiously stepped out of the pod, not liking at all what they saw… it was there ship but mutated and deformed, infested with flood. "The infection has spread here but how?" asked the startled commander. Two flood jumped from the darkness, there were cut down in no time by the three, obviously the two Elites that they left on board.

"You two grab the equipment, I'll try the com." the Elites nodded and went to Cargo bay.

Chief walked into the cockpit, it was torn apart, it was of no use to them now. 'Janaramee guessed that some infection forms boarded the ship when it came down to drop the Spectre, the others knew this as well. The com links were out of range from Earth, or Commander Keyes, and the ships counsels gone so that leaves no way to communicate with Keyes. With and utterly useless ship, little equipment that wasn't destroyed, an ambitious bastard of an Elite converting there Allies, Thousands of flood, an orbiting Covenant Armada, and no way to contact Commander Keyes. Chiefs been through hell before but this was ridiculous.


Bad day much? Yes bad day much. Well, looks like they're in a tight spot I would say. Sorry, this chapter was a bit short but for those that like action its mostly combat anyway, so why complain? So you know Faith's followers will be known as 'Betrayers' and the Covenant (Elites, Grunts and Hunters) that disbanded from the forces will be known as 'Allied Forces' The red flood are called Fire Form. Well, I hope you liked this chapter.

Oh, I am indenting but keeps deleteing my indents, sorry.

Read and Review.

Fortunate One