Author's Note: My spidey senses are tingling...and they say...they sayyy...Harry Potter isn't mine.

I'm back! LOL. It's been a while to get this sequel up but I knew I HAD to do it. I've just been busy with homework and another story I have going on currently, Start From The End. And if you're a new reviewer and haven't read the first story...His Hermione go read it! Or else some things might lol. Anywhoo I'm sooo glad to be back and writing this sequel. I didn't have it planned but thanks to numerous death threats and begging here it is! Goes to show that dead threats and begging can go places! lol...anyways I think I should give thanks to people who made His Hermione such a worth while experience. This for all the reviewers of the last chapter-

Thanks to: dancerrdw, Tristic, Esrb99, PinkyTheSnowman, Rianna Potter, Mental357, sjpgurl13, BuckNC, piratingspiderelf, Brooke Monica, silver-pensieve, Akire135, hpchick13, sakura1221, Siriusly-0bsessed, gonzogirl, bethzc, Daisy, LunaAqua, MeryKey-7, ellen2321, Dark Flame5, Sabrina, hippie of purple, Miss-Court-A-Doo, tynwfiel, sexmypenguin, Balewilyiel, summerxkiss2, cactus, x0ixheartxyou0x, Redpixie143, AvidPotterFan, and ffaddix.

I hope you love this story as much as the last one : )

'We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love'-Unknown

Beside him the clock struck twelve. Ron watched it move steadily. He turned over and faced the person in bed with him. Hermione. Her eyes were closed and she had a light, airy expression on her face. He hoped she was having sweet dreams.

"Ron, what're you staring at?" she asked, her eyes still closed. He nearly jumped out of his skin at her sudden whippy tone so late at night.

"You're awake?" he questioned, incredulously.

"Obviously," Hermione replied, opening her eyes to reveal two brown gems, "How am I supposed to sleep with you staring at me?"

"Well, sor-ry," Ron emphasized, "I won't bother you anymore."

"Good," Hermione said, simply.

"Goodnight," Ron followed up.

"Goodnight," she said, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

They both turned away from each other and tried to get to sleep. Ron found he couldn't. The anxiety was killing him. Truth be told he was planning to propose to Hermione soon. But lately he found he couldn't think of a single romantic way to do it. Was he that un-creative? He screwed up his face as he remembered how Hermione's last boyfriend had proposed to her. He'd reserved a whole park and invited all her friends and family. How was he, Ron, to compete with that?

Of course he knew Hermione didn't expect him to be exactly like Seamus. But he knew she expected something of him. It came as a surprise since she'd known him for so long. Most people who knew him as long as her only expected him to act childish and funny at times. Yet having Hermione expect something of him was both wonderful and horrible. Horrible because he almost felt burdened and wonderful because it gave him a purpose. Was that what love was?

Ron felt the engagement ring he'd bought for Hermione in his pajama pants pocket. He hadn't bought it at Rina and Row's, the most exclusive magical jewellry store but at Shandalah, an antiques shop. It was very beautiful. Nothing to big or bright or modern. Just very, very beautiful. It was white band with white stones that were so intricately strung that they resembled lace. They built up to a circular diamond. It was so clear that if you held your eye up to it, the color of the diamond would become the color of your eye. He breathed out loudly and shifted his head on his pillow slightly. Still no sleep.

"Hermione?" he called out in the air, hoping that she would still be awake.

"Can't get to sleep either?" Hermione implored, sounding groggy.

"Yeah," Ron nodded, sitting up, "Want some coffee or tea?"

Hermione sat up too and rubbed her eyes, "Alright."

They both lef the warmth of their bed and joined up in the kitchen. Ron and Hermione had long ago left the bustling busy streets of Diagon Alley and had moved into a house in Hertford, a small town near London.

Their actual house while not a large, cold, manor was still comfy and inviting in it's own way. It had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, two of which were already occupied by Ron and Hermione, a kitchen, a living room, a den, and another living room sort of area. Ron didn't really know what to call it. Anyway it was more than big enough for the two of them and Hermione and had spent ages decorating it. She'd made it as bright as possible choosing all sorts of orange and yellows and pinks. Sunflowers adorned the house with the occasional potpurri. Of course, Ron couldn't have it totally feminine. He'd made sure the Chudley Canons were well represented in this house.

Ron felt goosebumps run along this arm as he sat down with Hermione at the kitchen table. It was a rather chilly evening and he'd regretted leaving his robe back in the bedroom. Hermione wore a night gown and didn't seem the least bit cold. Her hair was a mess. It looked like a bramble of branches from the Whomping Willow.

They drank their tea in silence and Ron realized he was rather bored. It had been a quiet evening and was continuing to be a quiet and dull night.

"These late night rendevous' are becoming frequent for us, aren't they?" Hermione said, sipping her tea.

"Well they wouldn't be if you weren't so into the celibacy thing," Ron said, slighty irritably, "I mean, what's wrong with sex before marriage?"

Celibacy was one of the worst words Ron had ever heard. And Hermione was the one who'd taught it to him. Apparently some people didn't have intercourse before marriage. 'Religious' people. Ron huffed. He'd never come from a religious family but Hermione's Muggle parents were slightly Catholic. In all reality Ron had no clue what 'Catholic' was. But it affected him directly because whilst Hermione wasn't a very religious person herself she still believed in celibacy. Another good reason to get married to her.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded, "Is that all you ever think of?"

He was about to say yes but it was then that he decided it would be a rather bad idea.

"No," Ron responded, "Just saying."

"You better be," she said, still fuming a bit but then reached down to massage her legs, "My legs are really stiff lately."

Ron perked up, "Want to go for a walk to ease them some?"

"I suppose," Hermione agreed, slowly, "Slightly crazy though. Two people walking outside in their pajamas at midnight."

"That's what's so great about it," he agreed, and snatched her up my the hand. Unfortunately it also caused her to spill hot tea all over herself.

After Hermione had changed into another pair of pajamas and screamed at Ron for a bit they headed out for a walk. It was almost one. The best thing about Hertford was that everytime you bought a house and piece of land came with it. The houses were built far between also. Ron and Hermione stepped off their cobbled walkway to a stoned path that led to a hill in the distance.

They walked in silence and reached the top of the hill with some difficulty. Partially because they were both wearing flipflops.

"It's such a clear, starry night," Hermione commented, as they reached the top of the hill and she settled herself down. Ron plomped down beside her.

"Mmm...yeah it's gorgeous," Ron agreed, "You know we haven't been here in a while."

"You're right. Well, we are busy people," Hermione said, in their defense, "You know all with work-

"-And friends-" Ron added.

"-And home-" Hermione continued.

"-family-" Ron said.

"A lot of things," Hermione declared, promptly, "Still we used to come up here every night after we got this house."

"Yeah, I suppose we could try harder to make time," Ron admitted, bobbing his head.

"Have you noticed that when we mentioned the things we were busy with we never mentioned ourselves?" Hermione said, bringing issue to light.

"Are you suggesting we make time for ourselves?" Ron gasped, in mock shock.

Hermione giggled softly, "Are you suggesting we not?"

Their foreheads clinked and he closed the gap between them for a kiss. There were so many kisses he didn't know which one was the best. It had been over a year of kisses for the two of them.

They pulled apart and Ron sighed, falling back into the grass.

"How did that taste so good when the coffee you had was just so sour?" Hermione implored, blinking and laying down on the hill top too.

Ron smiled, "That's 'cause you were the one who made it sweet."

He grinned further as he noticed her flush lightly. He still loved the fact that he could do that to her.

"Sometimes I wonder how we're together when you're such a prat but then you go and say something adorable and I wonder how we could ever not be together," Hermione stated sensibly, "Why can't you be adorable all the time?"

Ron frowned, "Heyyy..."

The comfortable silence fell between them. Until Ron broke it.

"You see our love is like that cocoon, over there," Ron said pointing to a tree off to the right. Hermione turned towards it.

"Oh really?" Hermione said, sarcastically, "How's that?"

"Because," Ron fumbled, "You are the catapillar and I'm the cocoon-"

"Catapillar?" Hermione sniffed, "So you think I'm small, hairy and revolting?"

"No, I love catapillars for your information," Ron replied, indignantly, "I'm saying that I have to be there as a hard, sometimes annoying covering and then you're the hardworker in this relationship-

"That's for sure," Hermione snorted.

"Let me finish!" Ron cried out, "You fight your way over the obstacles I present and then together we emerge as a butterfly!"


"You know, " Hermione said, sensibly, "That wasn't half bad."

"Really?" Ron asked, happily.

Hermione started to laugh, "No it really sucked."

Ron frowned, "That was mean!"

He pounced on her and began tickling her furiously. Somewhere amidst the laughter she actually kicked him in the face.

"Ouch!" Ron yelped, "You hid my nosesh! It's broken!"

"Oh dear," Hermione said, suddenly concerned. She sat up and flicked out her wand. "Reparo."

Ron felt an odd sensation as his bones somehow moved back together on their own, "Wow, you fixed it!"

Hermione grinned, proudly.

"Thanks," Ron went on.

"You're welcome," Hermione said, gently patting his nose.

"I love you," Ron said, his voice suddenly a whisper. He brought her closer to him and kissed her forehead.

"I love me too," Hermione joked.

"Herms!" Ron replied.

"Don't call me that!" Hermione said, wrinkling her nose, "And-oh fine-I love you too."

"Perfect, then marry me," Ron blurted out before he could control his tongue.

He loosened his grasp on Hermione and she pulled away, "What did you just say?"

"You heard me," Ron continued, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Yes," Hermione said, looking down at her hands.

Ron was rather confused, "Yes you'll marry me or yes you heard me?"

Hermione raised her head, "Yes, I'll marry you."

Tears welled up in her eyes and she grabbed in up in a tight hug. Ron fell backwards by the sudden force of the hug and they both began rolling down the hill. As they reached the bottom they both pulled apart, every inch of their bodies smouldered with grass and dirt.

"Ron, my gosh, we're engaged!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Ron said, breathlessly. Even he couldn't believe it. "Don't you want to see the ring?"

"There's a ring?" Hermione demanded, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Of course," Ron said, pulling it out of his pocket. Luckily he'd been carrying it. She lended him her hand and he slipped it on. Thanks to a little, helpful, spell it fit perfectly.

Hermione gazed at it almost in wonderement, "It's beautiful-tears dabbed her eyes-and I thought you had bad taste!"

"What? You did? What about those cool red socks I helped you pick out? Are you saying you pretended to like them?" Ron interrogated.

"Don't ruin the moment by talking, Ron," Hermione said, staring at him. He blushed. "You know what this means, Ronniekins?"

"Uh-that we're engaged?" Ron suggested the obvious.

"No!" Hermione laughed, "We have a lot of shopping to do!"

Ron groaned.

"We need flower arrangements, cake, oh and my gown...-

Ron covered his face. What exactly had he gotten himself into?

Author's Note: There you go. First chapter. I think it's pretty good...I hope. xD Anyways thanks for reading this far! And if you want to see what the engagement ring looks like go to (slash)stores(slash)doyledoyle(slash)pictures(slash)

The (slash) parts are for the symbol not the actual word. LOL anywhoo happy day to you!

hugs and kisses
