Title: I Win

Author: Maestra

Rating: PG

Summary: Who really wins? A Post IOTH drabble with Character Death

Word Count: 100

Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimers Apply. I don't own NBC, TNT, or any other entity involved in the Pretender series. I am making no money from this story and have created it only for the enjoyment of the legions of loyal worldwide Pretender fans. Because together, we can make a difference.

I Win

"The first one to the answers, wins," Jarod's taunting words echoed in her mind as he walked past, zombie-like, and collapsed on a bench across from her.

The chase was over, her hidden 9 mm pressed into her back, a grim reminder of her duty.

She crossed the cold hospital linoleum between them and quietly sat down beside him. Hesitantly she took his hand.

Was this her turning point?

Brown eyes met blue, as a moan of anguish escaped his lips, "She's gone."

Sobs wracked his body as she held him.

Not even a Pretender could protect Margaret from cancer.