A/N: The long awaited chapter. Sorry I haven't written things in a long while. This was written a few months back and I thought it would be decent enough to stand alone as a chapter. Thank-you to all those that messaged me and did not let me forget about this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Shaman King.

Deep Desires
Chapter VI: unuttered

Muffled sobs could be heard from behind the white double doors that seemed to separate Hao from his beloved little itako. Every choke in her throat and every tear that spilt down her cheek seemed like knives piercing his very heart. He could not stand seeing her like this, but he wanted to let her know that he would always be there for her.

Why can't she see that she's nothing to him? What does she see in Yoh that I do not have?

He reached for his forehead as a migraine was about to set in. This wasn't like him. To get all flustered from a mere girl and to make it worse it was his brother's fiancé.

"I need to get some air," Hao whispered as he left his guard place at Anna's door to enter the outside grounds. The sky was painted a pink and orange hues as the sun seemed about to rise and chase away the dark night. "Yoh… are you looking up at the same sky?"

Closing his eyes, he breathed in the air slowly as the wind played with his lochs, he couldn't seem to get her image out of his head. The way she looked at Yoh, the way she defended him, and the way she desperately clung to him in tears. If only she could see him that way, if only she would acknowledge him as someone to love. He hated it…

His brother seemed to have everything from trusting friends to someone who could love him no matter what happens, but he… had nothing like that… A single tear slipped from his clenched eyes as the sense of loneliness he's always possessed set in.

I want to be your pillar of strength Anna. I want to be the one person that fills your thoughts. I want to be the one to hold you when you cry. I want to be the one who receives your love…

Readjusting his garments, he reentered the house only to stop in front of her room. The sobbing seemed to have stopped. Before he could control himself, his hands opened the doors to allow entrance for himself. He knew he shouldn't be attempting to go inside, but his heart throbbed to be by her side.

His once hard mahogany eyes were doused with tenderness as he approached her bed side. He could tell she was still awake from her small choke that seemed to occur every so often.

Hao sat upon her bed as his hand reached out to caress her golden hair that was dampened with sadness.

She turned slightly to look up at his face before turning away quickly. "I'm sorry Anna…"

Her cobalt blue eyes seemed watery with grief, but she managed to pull herself up from the bed so he may see her in full view. Her hair was in disarray and her cheeks were stained red from hot tears. This wasn't the Anna Hao was used to seeing.

He reached out and pulled her in close in an embrace although she resisted, but slowly sank into a small embrace for support. Hao cradled her fragile form and made small kisses to her forehead before pulling her away.

"I'm sorry for earlier…" His eyes glazed over with guilt and embarrassment for his actions in causing her sadness.

Anna shook her head as she pulled Hao into another embrace, "It is I who has been the fool… I never noticed until now how much Yoh cared for me, but… how much you cared for me as well… Thank-you…" Her voice trailed off at the end as her eyes slid shut into slumber.

Hao continued to hold her till she felt her soft breathing against his neck. Tucking her in, he quickly brushed his lips against her forehead before exiting the room. His heart… seemed to have found what it was looking for…