Please! Don't shoot!

I condemn myself guilty… of being too lazy, lousy, and utterly blocked out… I can't even update one fiction… Pardon my silliness. TT

And to be worthy of your pardon… an update! nn


P.S. Sorry if there are misspelled words, I might have missed spell-checking those… I don't usually misspell words. :)

And forgive my A/N interruptions. Sometimes I prefer explaining things on the spot. Just tell me through your reviews if you want me to lessen or stop the A/N. 'Kay:)

Disclaimer: Nobody else owns CCS. CLAMP does however… unless somebody else was an heir to the company. :)


Chapter 9: "Opening Up"

She couldn't live without him near her.

Whether it be to protect her or to simply accompany her, as long as he was there…

It was fine.

Everything would be fine. He was her protector, anyway.

A gateway… her gateway to her freedom…

Freedom from harm.


A week and a half later…

"Would you please at least listen to what I have to say?"

"I've heard it more than 5 times, dear cousin, and within the span of an hour."


"Then what?"

Tomoyo flopped down on the couch, exasperated, as she watched her best friend shift papers here and there, being and trying to be busy in her office.

"Stop the innocent act, Sakura. This discussion is getting very, very tiring!"

Sakura looked up, her eyes looking bored, but had a small spark of amusement she got from giving her best friend a hard time.

"Okay, okay… What were you saying again?" Sakura said, giving a small smirk at the girl sitting across from her.

"That's it! You are going to that trip I planned for you whether you like it or not!"

"I don't have time for those vacations. Need I remind you?"

"Even just a short, sweet, 2-day vacation at the tropics? Give yourself a break. You need one after 3 years of being stuck in this, this… prison!" Tomoyo stated, almost glaring at the office Sakura considered 'home'.

"I prefer to call it an 'edifice', Tomoyo."

"That's not the point! Please, Sakura-chan. Consider what I've been telling you for the past hour. Call me if your answer is yes. Okay?" Tomoyo smiled at her auburn-haired model, who was once again bent over some paperwork.

"Okay." Sakura murmured, as soon as she heard the door close.


Syaoran was a bit surprised when he saw Tomoyo finally come out of Sakura's office after an hour of 'discussion'. It didn't look like Tomoyo went through an hourof trying to convince Sakura to have a few days off. It was more like an eternity.

Tomoyo glanced his way, and he nodded in acknowledgment. He stood from the chair he was sitting on when she walked towards him.

"She'll never change. Well, she did, but… the fact that's she's a lot more stubborn than a mule still keeps on."

Syaoran only blinked. He didn't know what to do at the moment.

Tomoyo gave out a tired sigh, and lightly patted Syaoran on the forearm. "Convince her for me, okay?" And out she went through the door.

He blinked. That was the only thing he knew he could do at the moment.


"Really? You're saying you want to go?" Tomoyo babbled over the phone. "I can't believe you are actually agreeing."

"Let's not dwell on that… Or do you want me to change my mind?"

"No, no, of course not… then it's settled! We'll be leaving in two days! I'll have flight reservations for the both of us… oh, and for Li-san too. He is your bodyguard."

"Yes, of course."

"Well, bye! I'll start packing my bags. You do the same thing." The phone clicked. Sakura put the phone down, heaving air out of her lungs.

"Tell me why I agreed to this again?" She asked the person standing a few feet away from her.

Syaoran shrugged. "She requested me to talk you into it."

"A quaint basis, but I can't believe you are actually yielding to my dear cousin's wishes. Who is your boss, anyway?" Sakura asked, giving a small smile.

Syaoran stood still and said, "Of course you are my employer, Kinomoto-san. But judging by Daidouji-san's desperation to get you into this short vacation… you must really need it then."

He paused, glanced at his employer, and said, "I understand I'm just a bodyguard, but I realize that I also have to think not only of your protection from immoral people trying to harm you, but also from too much stress and boredom."

"You think I need to lighten up?" She asked once more, looking at his still yet agile form.

Syaoran nodded.

Sakura sighed, which she had been doing much lately. It was two against one. "Very well. I appreciate your concern. But do me a favor, will you?"

Standing quietly, Syaoran listened.

"Don't tell Tomoyo you were able to persuade me."

Sakura saw the questioning look in his eyes, but she refused to answer.

"And for what reason, don't ask." And with that, she rose and left the room, with Syaoran opening the door for her, and quietly following her out.


Four days later… 10:33 PM

The evening air was wonderfully cool and refreshing.

Sakura was enjoying this moment while it lasted. She rarely had "short, sweet vacations" like this, as how Tomoyo said it, and in addition, she never had time for things such as these… Being president of a corporation has its disadvantages. Come to think of it, all that the position brought was bad luck. No good at all.

And tomorrow, she'll be back in the place she was confined in… the place where she confined herself in. There was no escape. Her 'short, sweet' rest has just ended, after two meager days. Maybe she could ask Tomoyo to extend it for at least one more day. No, she can't do that. Too much paperwork…

The breeze became a tad stronger, making auburn strands whip against porcelain skin… Stinging, yet calming… Eyes closing…

She felt a presence, but she didn't mind… In the back of her mind, she knew the presence had been there earlier than realized. The presence had always been there.

It was him, anyway.



"How long have you been behind me, Li-san?"

"For the past 11 minutes, as soon as I saw you standing here in the balcony all alone, Kinomoto-san. And because your door was unsafely unlocked"


"The night breeze is wonderful, isn't it, Li-san?"

Syaoran was a bit surprised by the sudden question. It seemed like a friendly inquiry, unlike the business-mode he was used to these past week.

"Yes. The sea contributes a lot to the effect of the evaporated air within its vicinity."

"You spoke it in a very scientific way, Li-san. Was your favorite subject Science?" Sakura asked casually, eyes still closed.

"On the contrary, I preferred Mathematics to Science. But they're both all right." Syaoran replied, allowing himself to loosen up, though still on guard. The past week gave him an idea how alert he must be for his employer's sake.

Me, loosening up? Must be the effect of the evening breeze she's talking about…

"Now that's where I won't agree with you," Sakura said, giving a small smile, opening her eyes to the fine-looking scene of the placid ocean in front of her, waves rushing back and forth, freely rising and falling…

Yes. Free… unlike me.

"I've always disliked Math since I was in grade school," she said, facing the silent yet observant man who was standing a few good feet away to her left. "I always treated it a miracle that I was able to pass the subject and move on to the next grade level. No matter how hard I tried, I never was able to like the subject, and it seemed like it felt the same way towards me, too." On saying this, Sakura gave a light chuckle.

Syaoran was quietly looking at her, seeing her features slightly loosen up, and for a moment, he saw an 18 year old girl, as she was supposed to look like in that age. He saw her youth for an instant, and enjoyed it as she continued talking about subjects she truly liked… something he didn't expect his employer to do.

But it was still a casual, decent conversation, so why not?

"Maybe if you had someone to tutor you well, your feelings towards Math would have changed. Math was always the most basic subject in the world, as my mother told me. You can't move on without it."

It surprised Syaoran that he was suddenly giving simple advices and discussing things about himself, especially if it includes someone he hasn't talked about, not even to Eriol, in years… His mother.

Sakura looked at him, and then turned her attention to the ocean, the only and unspoken witness of their unexpected, yet appreciated, conversation. "It's nice that you have a mother to speak things like that to you."

The way and tone she said it startled him. She sounded innocent... and lonely. Not knowing what to say, he remained silent, and waited.

Sakura herself was startled. She never discussed things about her mother to other people. To Tomoyo, yes… but to a newly-known stranger like her bodyguard? She didn't like showing to other people that her mother's death was one of her weaknesses. Talking about Nadesico Kinomoto made her feel vulnerable… and sad all of a sudden.

She knew the world that saw her as a business and fashion icon also saw her as a strong and steadfast, not to mention uptight, woman, and she preferred it that way. She wasn't a teenager anymore, even though her age contradicted it. She had become a mature woman, though forced as it seems.

She wasn't going to expose that she usually, and truly, was an innocent, gullible, cheerful, and carefree girl before, when she was still young, when she still wasn't in-charge of a corporation she didn't wish for.

And yet, she just said a sentence that showed her vulnerability to the man near her, who was a man she barely knew?

Sensing the tension coming from her suddenly still form, Syaoran thought of a quick way to get her out of the sudden sadness that surrounded her.

"Kinomoto-san… ehrm, pardon me, but I believe you were fond of sweets when you were younger, and… uhm, even until now?"

Sakura snapped out of her daze. And how could she not? When your bodyguard asks you a personal question like that, not to mention it seemed like a private secret, you'd surely snap out of anything.

"How did you know that?" she asked, sounding annoyed, yet amused.

Syaoran became uneasy. Was that question too personal for her liking? Damn, he thought, I really don't know how to do conversations like this, especially to a woman…

"Forgive me, Kinomoto-san. I didn't intend to pry…"

"Iie. You weren't prying." Sakura gave him a small smile to assure him she wasn't angry. "But I just want to know where you got that. Would you mind telling me?"

Syaoran looked into her emerald wonders, and saw that she was merely curious and surprised he had knowledge of that. "I overheard Daidouji-san telling you to let your sweet tooth loose like you what you did as a child. It was during this afternoon, as she was trying to convince you to buy some sweets from the candy booth we've passed earlier. Believe me; I wasn't intending to be nosy about your private likes…"

Private? He thought her love for sweets was private?

Maybe because she put all aspects of her "past" life in a shell where nobody can enter. She didn't have much time for chocolates and candies anymore. When you're a pressured big icon in a country… you definitely won't.

"Li-san, you don't have to sound like I caught you stealing cookies from my personal jar…" When his amber eyes widened, she glanced down, and couldn't help but tease him, "Don't tell me you stole cookies when you were younger?"

She looked up to see that he had that adorable downcast look that little boys usually give their mothers when they're caught red-handed. Sakura tried to hold back a giggle, but in vain. "I can't believe it! My personal bodyguard, the seemingly right-doer of all time, is a cookie thief?"

"Was a cookie thief. And you don't have to make it sound like I did a crime worth life imprisonment. I was a little boy. And little boys liked the chocolate chip cookies, coffee brownies, and choco-mocha fudges their moms used to make. It was embarrassing." Syaoran retorted, trying to hide his now-pink ears, and was looking more adorably embarrassed than ever.

It was then he realized that his employer was in a fit of giggles.

Wait. Sakura Kinomoto. Giggling.

Now that was something you don't experience everyday.

Feeling a tad childish, he teased back, "And don't tell me you didn't steal from a cookie jar when you were younger?"

"I didn't," Sakura answered, still giggling. Syaoran's little-embarrassed-yet-innocent-boy look was too adorable for her to hold the silly laughs coming from her mouth. "Because I took the cookies while they were still cooling down on the tray."

It was then she saw the incredulous look on Syaoran's face. She became silent…

… and both of them burst out laughing.

Even though he was expressing his amusement at the moment, he still was observant enough to note the melodious laugh Sakura's soft and rich voice gave out. It was easy… and beautiful to the ear. He suddenly wondered why she never laughed like this in the "world" she usually was in.

Oh, well. Wasn't the reason obvious?

For me, it isn't, Syaoran thought.

Maybe because she never showed this cheerful side of her to anyone else, but maybe only to her family and Tomoyo.

And to him, too.

But only for now, he chided to himself. Tomorrow, it will seem like this small chat, her carefree smiles… all of this never happened.

Tomorrow, he was back, not that he wasn't, on strict bodyguard duty. No personal comments, no silly childhood jokes… no shared laughter with the boss.

Realizing that Syaoran's laughter has subsided, Sakura tried to quiet herself down. Though her laughs were gone, she still had a stunning smile lingering on her pretty face.

Not knowing what else, but feeling it was the right thing to do, Syaoran smiled back.

It was then they both realized how peaceful the moment was, as the warmth of their laughter lingered. Sakura felt secure, believing that even if everything she tried to hide from the world was revealed to this man, it would still be as if she never told another soul such as him. The smile on his good-looking face promised it to her… promised her protection, and so much more. It was all there in the moment.

Knock! Knock!

And the moment was gone.

Sakura was brought back to reality all so suddenly that she felt faint and would have fallen on the cold marble of the balcony floor, if not for Syaoran catching her in time.

"Th-thank you," she stammered, a bit shaken. Looking into his amber eyes, she saw worry, and also confusion. She held on the balcony's marble railings for her dear life, repute… and control.

"I can now stand on my own, Li-san. I merely…slipped."

Syaoran just gave a nod, and let her on her own.

Trying not to be disappointed by the fair distance he put between the two of them, and the sudden lack of security she felt, Sakura called out to the door, "May I know who is it?"

"Sakura-chan, it's me. I heard some noise from here, so I came. Is everything alright?"

Sakura walked to the door and opened it, giving a wan smile to the female she saw. "Yes, Tomoyo-chan. It was just me and Li-san discussing… a few matters." Stepping aside, she allowed Tomoyo to see Syaoran, who was standing a few meters back. He bowed in recognition and greeting. Tomoyo did the same.

Syaoran then spoke. "Kinomoto-san, Daidouji-san, I will be going to my room. Kinomoto-san, are you sure you can be safe here on your own? Though my room is across the hall…"

Sakura waved her hand in dismissal. "Li-san, thank you, but it is alright. Even bodyguards need their rests too." With this, Li gave a stiff nod, said good night, and went to his room.

When his door shut close, Sakura let out a sigh. Tomoyo noticed, but didn't say a word.

"Sakura, the noise I heard earlier… it was you and Li-san laughing… am I right?" Tomoyo asked, watching her friend's expression, but it told her nothing of what Sakura was thinking, or would have wanted to think.

"Tomoyo, I don't think so. Why would a bodyguard and his employer be laughing at this time of the night? I appreciate your concern and this 'light vacation' you suggested. Really. But it's best if we get our beauty rests now." Sakura gave a feeble smile. Tomoyo only nodded, and smiled back.

"Oyasumi nasai, Sakura-chan," Tomoyo said, as she walked back to her room.

"Oyasumi," Sakura answered softly, hearing the door close.

And her door closed as well.


What happened back there again?

He couldn't sleep. It was 3 in the morning, about 4 hours later than the "talk" he and Sakura had, but he still couldn't sleep a wink. He didn't know he was an insomniac.

Stupid… Maybe it's the breeze… Yep. It's the breeze, alright.

Each time he closed his eyes, listening to the calmness of his surroundings, Sakura's laugh came back, haunting him. But it wasn't scary… it was melodic, musical, and harmonious…

… unlike the scream coming from the room across his…

… the scream she was giving off now.

He dashed out the room without further notice of his tousled bed…

… but with notice to Sakura's tousled bed…

… and now-empty room.



This chapter enough to have your forgiveness because of my oh-so-looong updates:)

There! A conversation between two people who each has their own secrets, and is opening up to the person they least expect to open up to…

A conversation between two people opened to a certain feeling…

… which is trust. :)

Or is it love? Hmmm…

We'll never know till the next chapter luckily comes by. :) I won't give any clues when the 'lovey-dovey' stuff (as some of you say) turns up. Be patient, and it just might magically appear. :)

- - - - - - - - -

Li: Are our conversations really that stiff?

Sakura: I'm not used to an 'unfeeling' me! (wails)

Yuya: You're not unfeeling! Just… hard-hearted. Ehehe. (Sakura wails even more)

Touya: Are you pickin' on my sister?!?

Yukito: Tsk, tsk… Touya, don't let your 'sister complex' get into you again.

Li, Sakura, Touya: YUKITO?!

Yuya: Yup! Didn't you know? He moved into this fic 5 days ago…

Touya: How are we supposed to know since YOU RARELY UPDATE!!

Yuya: Ano… (sweatdrops, then turns to the readers) Read and review, for my dear life!!! (dashes out before Touya strangles her) Please!