Disclaimer: As much as I wish I did, I do not own Inuyasha.

Takes place right after Sango, Kagome, Inuyasha, and Miroku defeat Naraku, right before Kagome leaves. Aka: several years before previous chapter.

Three years. That's how long they'd been together. Miroku and Inuyasha had been so happy. It was the night of their anniversary, and Inuyasha was making a romantic dinner for Miroku (A/N: O.O Inuyasha can cook!). But of course, she had to ruin everything.

Jeliousy. That's what had ended it all. As much as Miroku trusted and loved Inuyasha, when Kagome was around, he always felt second best. No matter what Inuyasha said to calm his paranoia, Miroku always had that little feeling in the back of his mind that maybe Inuyasha was losing interest in him. That he loved her.

And that night, Miroku snapped.

"You kissed her"
"Miroku, I swear, she like a sister to me! Nothing more"
"It didn't seem like it"
"Miroku, please! I'd never cheat on you like that"
"Whatever, Inuyasha. I'm tired of being second best in your heart" (A/N: I know, he sounds a lot like Kagome talking about Kikyo)
"Miroku, you know you've never been second best"
"Well it doesn't seem that way! I'm leaving"
"We're over, Inuyasha! Since you love her so much, go be with her"

With that, Miroku turned and stormed out, leaving Inuyasha alone in their hut.
"Miroku..." Inuyasha whispered, tears streaming down his face.

Miroku was standing in the clearing by the hot spring, staring into the water.
"What have I done? I've lost everything...He'll never take me back after that..."

I know, it was short, but it does explain what mistake Miroku made, and why. I wrote this chappy at the request of a reader. Thank you!