Selena slowly wakes to see herself in this rundown old house. She blinks a few times to adjust her vision.

"Oww…where am I?" She moans slowly sitting up and holding her head.

"Selena, you just asked that and I just answered it," Leen began. "You are in my house."

"Selena, why don't you just lay back down and rest." I say as I bring her a small pillow from a bedroom.

"I'm fine..really…"

"No! Selena," Leen says. "You rest here and I can watch you. You suffered a head wound so you lay here and rest."

"Oh fine!" She winces as she closes her eyes and leans back on the couch resting her head on the soft fluffy pillow.

"There are a couple rooms upstairs with a bathroom. You can wash up and rest the night there if you like." Leen adds looking away from Selena's sleeping body.

"Thank you." Damien says.

I glance one more time at Selena's sleeping body and sigh as I walk up the stairs. I can hear Damien's footsteps right behind me as I walk to my room. As I open the door, I feel Damien's hand clasp my arm. I turn to look at him into his deep black eyes.

"Follow me to my room. I want to talk with you." He tells me trying to drag me away from my room.

"A-Alright.." I say reluctantly following him.

His room rests just across the hallway from mine. His hand glides slowly from my upper arm to my hand., interlocking his fingers with mine. He guides me to the bed and I sit as he sits beside me. His eyes glance at me and then to the floor.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask curiously.

"Well..Zoey..I-I.." He stands up and walks over to the window looking out. "" He then turns to me looking into my eyes.

"Damien…" I say. "Y-You're a Darklighter! You can't be a traitor for what you swore to kill!"

"I have and I am following my heart. Look at your mother. She left being a death dealer and stayed with your father."

He places a firm, but sensitive grip on my shoulders. I stare into his eyes seeing the love for me. A tear slowly trickles down my cheek as his thumb meets it in the end wiping it away. Our faces lean in and our lips meet kissing softly at first and then passionately. Sounds and noises I can't hear anymore. For I was in bliss.

His hands slowly slip down my arms and to my waist. My hands slowly slip under his black muscle shirt; his skin smooth with a bit of fuzz. A small, but deep moan rumbles in his throat as he slowly pushes me down on the bed.

Of course I cannot tell you the rest because I know in your minds you know what happens. Plus, me telling you the details would be of much embarressment.

Downstairs in the living room Leen types on his computer. Every now and then he glances up to see Selena sleeping. He smiles and rolls his chair next to the couch. Gently removing a few strands of her hair, Selena stirs slowly opening her eyes. A weary smile spreads across her face as she sees Leen.

"Oh Selena! I must confess to you!" Leen exclaims as he rubs her cheek with his hand. "I think you are the most beautiful vampire I have ever seen."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying…I'm in love with you!"

Selena smiles and hugs him tight. "Oh Leen! I love you too!"

Leen smiles and leans in pressing his lips lightly to hers, but soon becomes a hard passionate kiss.

As they were kissing, a loud crashing sound, like pans falling, comes from the kitchen. Leen's ears perk up as he jerks away from Selena. His eyes turn sky blue as he sniffs the air.

"W-What is it, Leen?" She asks.

"Stay here." He commands as he gets up from the couch.

Walking cautiously to the kitchen, Leen's hair on the back of his neck stands up. As he enters the kitchen a lycan pounces on him sending Leen into the stove. Leen growls as his body changes into the werewolf form. He growls as he is about to pounce on the female lycan. Selena walks to the kitchen.

"Leen?" She asks worriedly

She stops at the door and looks straight at the lycan. The female lycan roars as Selena hisses her fangs sliding out. The lycan pounces in the air ready to land on Selena, but Leen pounces on her pinning her to the floor. Slashing his face, the lycan rolls him over pinning him to the ground and leaning in to rip his neck open. Selena comes behind her and rams a silver pot against her head knocking her off.

Selena leans down to Leen, but as she does the lycan leaps on her slashing at her. A piercing hiss escapes Selena as she falls to the floor. A growl comes from behind the lycan and Leen grabs her neck from behind. Making her chest bleed, he rams his fits into it ripping her heart out. Selena looks up to Leen and quickly jumps from the ground and into his arms.

As this is going on Damien and I are asleep in each other's arms under the covers. Damien wakes up as he hears the commotion downstairs. His eyes wonder the room only seeing light from the pale full moon. As his eyes rest upon my sleeping, exposed flesh a smile spreads across his handsome face. His arms grip me tighter forcing my body tight against his.

"I love you Zoey," he says smiling as he plants a kiss on my forehead.

As his eyelids get heavy with sleepiness shadows move about the room. His eyes close shut as a tranquelizer is shot into my neck.

Damien wakes to the rising of the sun. His arms move around as his hands search for the soft skin of the beauty he loves.

"hmm…she probably already got dressed and went downstairs."

He slowly got up stretching, his arms up in the air. Slipping out of bed he places his silk, black boxers and black leather pants on. As he walks down the stairs he places his black muscle shirt on. There on the couch sleeps Leen and Selena in his arms.

Damien smiles, "Little love birds."

He walks to the couch and shakes Leen lightly. Leen's eyes snap open.

"'s just you."

"Yeah, who's you think it was?"


"Did you see or hear Zoey come down?"

"No, no one's been down all night."

"She's not upstairs and she wasn't with me when I woke up."


Damien's eyes squint at him. "You know something, Leen. Tell me!"

"Calm down! During the night a lycan got into the house..Selena and I killed it."

"So..what..does this mean?"

"I think, maybe, the lycan was a distraction for us so someone could take Zoey."

"But..who wou-" He stops as his eyes grow with anger. "King Lucious..."

"Weren't you serving him?"

"Yeah..he must have found out I switched sides. Man! I led them straight to Zoey."

"Well, that was a smart one."

"Shut-up Leen!"

"Well, what do you suppose we do?"

"I know where they've taken her."

"Selena! She can get her people to help!"

Celestro paces back and forth in Zoey's room waiting for her. She had been missing for a few days and worry took over him. Selena climbs into the main sewer room as the beasts are ripping at dead carcasses. Some catch the scent of Damien and let out low deep growls.

"They don't take kind to hunters," Selena informs him.

"I can tell."

Selena climbs up the rusty iron bars and into her and Zoey's room. Celestro's eyes catch Damien's presence.

"What is a Darklighter doing here?" He growls.

"Zoey was kidnapped…we came here to collect a small group of fighters to help us." Selena says to him as she collects some guns and ammunition.

"She's been kidnapped?"

"Yeah.." Damien responds.

"Who are you and what do you have to do with this?"

"I'm her lover."

" flash! She's with me!"

"Is that so?" Damien snarls.

"Guys!" Selena screams. "We don't have time to argue over who she loves or not! Zoey has been kidnapped and her life is in danger. Lets collect the weapons and the people and go get her back."

Selena places a sack on her back and jumps from the room and to the main tunnel. Damien and Celestro follow her.

"Alright guys.." Selena says getting their attention. "We have a situation on our hands."

The beats look up from their meal or from their slumber.

"Zoey has been kidnapped by the Darklighters. I need a group of people to go with us to get her back."

"If we go up there we will risk being killed." One beast speaks up.

"We can't have the risk of our species being killed off!" Another speaks up.

"If Zoey is killed then our race will cease to exist!" Celestro says. "She has the true gene and she hasn't spawned yet."

Silent are the beasts as they look around at each other. Damien's eyes fill with anger and tears.

"Please! You must come and help us! Help her! For the sake of your race and..for the sake of my heart!"

"Why should we help a Darklighter who wants her killed anyway?"

"Because..I have turned away from that path when my heart yearned for her."

Celestro's eyes fill with jealousy as he hears those words come from his mouth.

"This is not possible!" He exclaims. "You cannot love her?"

"And why is that?"

"Because I love her and she loves me!"

Selena becomes agitated as she yells, "Give it a rest, Celestro! Zoey does not love you so face it! Listen!" She turns her focus towards the beats. "Your true leader! The one you have helped protect and has protected you is in the hands of the enemy! You know they will her! Why not fight? Fight for the one who has fought for you!"

The beasts roar as some turn back to their human self.

"Very well." One speaks up. "We will fight for everything. We packs of mutts must stick together."

Roars echo through the sewer as Leen stands outside waiting for them with a pack of rebellious vampires and lycans. Damien and Selena walk out with the pack of mutts behind them. Damien and Selena stop as they look at his army.

"Thanks for helping, Leen." Damien says.

"I'm always here to run with the rebels to where they want."

Selena smiles as Leen's big brown eyes rest on her and a wink to let her know he cares.

"Lets go get back what rightfully belongs to us!" Damien shouts as they all head in a pack to where the mansion rests.