Howdy y'all! No I am not dead as many of you may think, I am only grounded indefinitely for my horrible grades in school. It's not that I am stupid or anything, I don't do my all... usually because I am writing or watching anime. So I am typing this on one of those horrible school computers with bad keyboards. Yep, and I only have till four so I guess I'd better shut up and start typing.

"Hey Yusuke." Kuwabara whispered.

"What?" Yusuke snapped.

He had almost been asleep! He could see Kurama asleep in the other bed across the room and the masked fighter in the one next to it. Hiei was sitting on the windowsill, like always, staring into the darkness. Yusuke sighed, why couldn't Kuwabara be asleep like all the other normal people?

"Have you ever noticed that Hiei never seems to go to sleep?" Kuwabara asked.

Yusuke stared at him.

"You woke me up to ask me if I knew Hiei has a sleeping problem?!? I hate you..."the spirit detective muttered darkly.

Kuwabara grinned stupidly.

"I want him to go to sleep so I can draw on his face with a permanent marker!"

He whipped an open permanent marker out of nowhere and began waving it around as he giggled creepily. Yusuke quickly removed the dangerous object from his friend's grasp before he could end up giving himself a mustache. Yusuke heard a rustle from the windowsill.

"Would the two of you stop discussing me and shut the hell up? I'm trying to think and you making it very difficult what with your girlish giggling and stupid plotting." A gruff annoyed voice growled from the window.

Yusuke and Kuwabara's eyes went wide and they immediately faked sleep, Yusuke letting out the occasional snore presumably to make it more believable. Hiei gave a disgusted snort and flitted off the sill.

"Do you two enjoy looking like idiots? I'm leaving. If you're lucky, I'll be back by morning, if I'm not I'll see you at the next fight." He grunted in a mocking tone. There was a flitting sound and he was gone.

"You both truly are idiots." a sleepy voice called from across the room.

"Shut up Kurama!" Yusuke snapped.

"Hiei has a severe case of Insomnia, even if he wanted to sleep it's doubtful he would be able to." Kurama said softly. Suddenly Yusuke's eyes lit up.

"We should bet him he can't go to sleep! That would be sweet! Hiei would never admit he couldn't do something everyone else could do!" He laughed manically for a moment then looked at Kurama.

"Will it work?"

Kurama stared at him for a minute, unnerved by the laughter, then slowly nodded.

"It just might..." Then he laughed softly.

"You guys are a bad influence on me! So how is this prank of ours going to work?"

Yep that's all I have time to type today, I might be able to type the next bit Monday but I'm not sure. Don't worry though this story WILL continue! I apologize in advance for any wait! Also sorry it's so short! Till next time! Lotsa love for my fans

Malfoy's gal