The black trenchcoat seemed out of place compared to the sea of brightly colored clothing. Miho Karasuma's eyes scanned the nightlife of the city's nightclub district, looking for a familiar face on the busy sidewalk. Though she hardly noticed the coat when she was wearing it, the looks of the people around her were constant reminders that it really didn't help her blend in too well. Then again, she hardly wore the coat when not on duty (which was seldom these days) and probably would have been dressed like one of the crowd on any other night.

She turned a corner, starting down the next street in her search pattern. Over the past few weeks the team of hunters from STN-J had studied and profiled their target carefully. This case had been of a higher priority than most; their target was a 24-year old witch named Kotoko Omori. A seventh-generation descendant from a very potent line of witches, Omori had started to show signs of awakening at her job. It had been sheer coincidence, a separate investigation where Omori's name had come up, that the STN-J team had discovered this.

Michael's analysis of all the information they had and could gather on Kotoko had been exhaustive. From the types of food she ate to the places she frequented, he and the rest of the team had researched all they could on her. They had chosen tonight, the middle of the work-week and the time when this part of the city would be the quietest, as their date to act.

Unfortunately, there were factors working against them as well. They had not been able to draft up a plan to catch her because Kotoko's habits were erratic in this section. Though they had been able to interview the shopkeepers and other witnesses in the area, discreetly, there was no set sequence to Kotoko's movements. Sometimes she went to a dozen shops and stores, stopped in at bars, and had a good time all around. Sometimes she only went to a small handful.

A second problem was that she had inadvertently managed to elude the Public Safety cameras that were spread across the area. Public Safety had, over the years installed a network of cameras to watch traffic and pedestrians alike, and Michael could tap into that network and run his own programs and analysis on the images. Unfortunately, the only sighting they had caught of her had been a brief one as she walked further into the district. The routine sweeps of the traffic cameras had not revealed her car.

"Michael, this is Haruto. Target has been sighted at my location, Point E. She's just now leaving the store here. Do you want me to follow?" Sakaki's voice still sounded young, but it was far more mature than the Sakaki who had come into the station a year ago. Karasuma thought it interesting how much the young hunter had grown and changed over the past few months. He wasn't the only one.

There was a brief pause before Micahel's voice replied, slightly staticy. "Yes. What direction is she headed?"

"Towards Point D."

"Dojima-san, move to Point C and meet Karasuma-san there. Sakaki, if she turns at Point D, let me know. If that happens the girls will move to Point F instead." Michael issued commands like a military general, but in reality he was more like a chess player, trying to position his pieces to stop their opponent. The only difference between this and a chess game – the opponent didn't know she was even playing in this game.

Karasuma confirmed the order, turning around and trying not to bump into anyone on the sidewalk. She could feel the weight of the modified Glock pistol that was holstered at her hip, a reminder of what had been and no longer was. She was still getting used to the feel and weight of the gun.

They had been required to start carrying guns after Factory had been neutralized. The bullets within the guns and the ammunition clips were specially warded to deal with Craft users, but were otherwise normal bullets. Unlike Orbo bullets, these were lethal to both humans and Craft users. It made Karasuma sad that she had to carry such a weapon now but she was not sure if the sorrow had to do with the loss of Factory and the loss of their trust in it or the fact that they were now shooting to kill.

Personally, Karasuma had preferred the idea of a "humane" hunt. That idea had been destroyed instead when it had been revealed to everyone what Factory was really doing with the Craft users they caught. Yes, shooting the witches would have been better than putting them through a never-ending torture where their very essence was extracted, but it required hatred to pull the trigger and Karasuma somedays wondered if she had the hatred in her to do just that. As a Craft user herself, and one who had been the victim of a Hunt, she sometimes felt a kinship with those they hunted.

The crosswalk signal turned green as she approached it. Swiftly, she moved across the street. Movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention and she saw another figure in the traditional black trench coat hurrying up. The trench coat was unbuttoned, revealing a lime-green skirt and top on underneath. Doujima hurried across the street at an angle, almost running headlong into a taxi.

Karasuma shook her head and smiled as the other woman fell in beside her, noting the determined look on Dojima's face. It had been a surprise to learn that the girl was actually a SOLOMON agent, and once she had demonstrated just how proficient she really was the girl had become a much greater asset to the team.

"Michael, the target has passed Point D and is now moving towards Point C," Sakaki's voice chirped in her ear. Karasuma did not ease her stride at all – they had just reached the point designated as Point C and were still walking up the street towards the direction Sakaki – and Kotoko – were coming from.

"Copy. Karasuma-san? Doujima-san? Are you two in position?"

Eyes scanning the people around them, Karasuma shook her head even though she knew Michael could not see it. "We're at Point C, Michael, but there are a lot of people around." Though there were fewer people here on this block than had been on the last block, there were still plenty of potential witnesses to see whatever they might try. It only took one person with a cell phone camera to record the incident or call the prefectural police. Neither of those were something that STN-J desired, especially at this fragile point in time.

"That's fine. There's an alleyway between Points C and D. Hanako is moving into position there."

So it was to be an ambush, then. Miho's hand drifted beneath her trenchcoat. Tentatively she fingered the heavy, cold grip of the pistol in its holster. She had not had to fire it yet, but every new hunt brought her closer and closer to having to do so. Would tonight be the night that she used it? A sidelong glance at Doujima showed that the other girl was reaching slowly into her purse, reassuring herself that her own weapon was there and ready for use.

"Well, let's get this over with," Miho smiled and teased Doujima. "You might yet be able to get some shopping done tonight."

They both knew what was coming, the confrontation that was inevitable. The tension was easily felt in each footstep Miho took, in each breath. The easiest way to remove the tension was to find some humor in the moment.

Dojima shook her head and smiled, brushing away a stray strand of blonde hair from her face. "Have you seen the prices here? They're way too expensive for what I make. I'd rather buy through a catalog than to shop here."

Karasuma spotted a hand waving in the air down the block. After a second, she picked out Sakaki's brown hair. The target was just in front of him. Miho squinted, looking closer, and now could see the face of Kotoko. It was a face they had memorized before starting on this mission. Her outfit was definitely meant for a night on the town – red miniskirt with purple blouse, and a purse strapped over her arm that had both colors. Her arms were laden with shopping bags.

An idea sprung into Karasuma's mind. "Michael, I think she's done here for the evening, or at the very least is taking her purchases back to her car. She has a lot of shopping bags in her hands. Do we have any idea where she's parked?"

Though a great many Japanese relied on public transportation to get around, some enjoyed the luxury of their own car. When they had run their target's information through Public Safety, it had been a pleasant surprise to discover that there was car registration information as a part of her record. Knowing the car's license plates as well as its make and model had been particularly helpful in tracking her movements over the past few weeks.

"Give me a moment, Karasuma-san," the reply came back. On the other side of the line, in the comforting confines of Raven's Flat, Michael would undoubtedly be combing over camera footage from the parking lot security cameras, trying to find the car that matched. Karasuma had her doubts, however – what if she had not come by car? Could she be returning home by taxi or another means?

"Her car is not parked at her apartment," Michael's words a moment later dispelled the worry that had appeared in the back of her mind. "I'm checking the south lots right now."

Off to one side was a doorway. Placing a casual hand on Doujima's arm, she nodded to the doorway. Until they knew exactly where Kotoko's car was parked, there was no sense in continuing to wander around aimlessly. "Michael, we're going to stand by here until you have something for us."

Back at STN-J, Michael's eyes scanned computer screens as his fingers flew over the keyboard in front of him. There were over twenty parking lots within a half-mile radius of the team's location, and each had to be checked for their target's car. Michael was not without help, though – he was running program after program to make finding the car faster and easier. Image recognition programs, data retrieval programs, even GPS backtracking programs were in use now. Time was critical. This was when Michael was in his element.

The computer beeped. A screen in front of him changed, showing a parking lot with a car highlighted in yellow. Three keystrokes later and Michael had enough information. "Karasuma-san, Doujima-san, I've found Kotoko's car. It's located in parking lot A-7, spot 16."

Karasuma smiled as she took in the information. "Very good, Michael. We're on our way now." She glanced at Doujima from the corner of her eye, giving a nod which was returned. Then, the two girls slipped into the shadows of the alley and disappeared from sight. Only Sakaki was left to keep watch over their target.

For Kotoko Omori, the evening had been like any other spent out on the town. She had stopped by some of her favorite stores and had come away with some good deals. The clothing she had bought was all very cute and she knew that her friends would definitely agree with her. It was definitely a good thing that the miracle had happened.

Kotoko worked as an office-worker in the middle of town and had always made just enough to get by. It had been a couple weeks ago that she had noticed something different about her – as she stopped at an ATM to get some cash her focus had been on not having enough money to buy what she wanted. Something inside her head had "snapped", for lack of a better term, and when she looked down at the ATM it was spitting yen notes all over. Since then, anytime she concentrated on an ATM and focused, she found that they would obediently throw money out at her. It was with this miracle that she had been able to make her purchases this evening.

The parking lot was ahead and she reached for her keyring. With a touch of the correct button, the trunk of the car obediently opened and the doors unlocked. Kotoko's mind was focused on her purchases as she dropped the bags in the trunk and closed it. She would have to invite her friends over to show them off tomorrow. Then, maybe, they would go out and have a night on the town.

Sitting down in the driver's seat she adjusted the rear-view mirror. To her surprise, there was a face in the back seat – a young girl dressed in a black dress. The girl's lips were moving, forming words, but Kotoko could not hear them. Before she could think to scream, the world around her faded to black. Kotoko Omori had been caught.