Well, This was supposed to be a one-shot, but….since there was a high demand for more (And since I loved writing it) I'll write one more chapter. Although I should be working on updating my other fic before people get mad, but I figure it couldn't hurt.

Glyfie, Have I told you how much I appreciate yur reviews? You make me feel so good about my writing!

Thanks to all the reviewers!

So, here is the encore.

"The door is locked Remus, I tell you!" Mr. Filch said gruffly. The old man walked quickly and aggressively down the corridors of Hogwarts with professor Remus Lupin trailing closely behind him.

"No doubt one of those brats put a locking charm on it so I couldn't get to my supplies!" He growled once more. Lupin tried to hide a small grin that was spreading on his face. Mr. Filch was an interestingly bitter man.

"I'm sure I'll be able to fix it, I can't imagine any of our students doing something like that, and it's probably just a jam," Lupin said coolly.

"Hmf," Filch said, "You don't know them very well then do you?"

Lupin let out a quiet laugh. He was well aware of all the dastardly tricks the student's played on filch.

"Here it is," he stated.

Lupin and Filch stopped in front of an old wooden door with a brass handle. It was the Broom Closet.

"Try opening it if ya think it's just a bloddy jam."

Lupin did as told and reached out a weary arm. He tugged at the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"It appears you were correct in your assumption Argus. A locking charm has been placed on closet door," Lupin admitted and a loud growl emanated from Filch.

"I knew it!"

"Not to worry, I can unlock it for you,"

"Careful Remus, they probably stashed a blast-ended skwert in there to attack me when I opened it," Filched stated harshly.

Lupin smirked and without hesitation, he pointed his wand at the lock on the door; Filch moved away cautiously.

"Alohamora," Lupin chanted calmly and the large wooden door clicked open.

Argus Filch watched from the side with fright as it opened, waiting for some sort of beast to jump forth from it. There was only silence though as he watched Remus Lupin stare into the closet with bewilderment.

Filch moved cautiously toward the speechless professor.

"R-Remus? What is it?" He asked with a shaky voice.

Lupin stared down into the closet and what his saw was nothing at all like a Blast-ended skwert.

"It's Students…" Remus said quietly.

Sitting on top of an old dusty box in the small broom closet was a sleeping Ron Weasley holding the petite form of Hermione Granger comfortably in his arms.

Lupin Smiled down at them knowingly.

"What they in there for!" Filch screeched furiously. Lupin turned around toward him quickly with a finger pressed against his lips to signal silence.

It was to late however, The two teenagers had begun to stir awake.

"Professor Lupin?" Hermione asked with a groggy voice as she shifted out of Ron's arms and squinted into the light that now shown through into the closet.

Ron, now awake as well, and aware of the professors presence; shifted away from Hermione significantly.

"Ron, Hermione," Lupin addressed them awkwardly. "Are you alright?"

Hermione, finally realizing the whole awkwardness of the situation blushed furiously and wrapped the blanket tighter around her shoulders. "Were fine."

Lupin felt sympathy for them. He knew as a teacher he should punish them for many reasons, but like the rest of the students at Hogwart's he had been waiting for years for Ron and Hermione to get together.

"Get up," Lupin said shortly attempting to sound stern, but he sounded more amused.

The to blushing teenagers stood up from their warm sleeping position and moved out of the closet as Professor Lupin signaled to them.

As they stepped out into the sun, Lupin gave them a questioning look.

"Professor Lupin, It's not what it looks like! Harry and Gin- Ouch!!" Ron said, but stopped mid sentence when Hermione discretely stepped onto his toe. He shot her a bitter look.

"Sorry Professor, But Ron and I went into the closet last night to get a broom for the common room. We didn't bring our wands with us and when the door closed behind us we couldn't get out," Hermione lied confidently.

Lupin's eye's twinkled knowing that she wasn't being honest.

"It's quite alright Miss Granger. There were many occasions when Sirius and I had to get creative with James and Lily," He said while smiling fondly.

Hermione blushed and looked away. She knew Lupin wasn't stupid, but she wasn't about to admit anything that happened to a teacher and especially Filch.

"Now, get on your way now, you've already missed some classes," Lupin stated.

Hermione and Ron thanked him quietly and turned to leave while listening to Filch scold Lupin for not administering some painful punishment to them.

"Why didn't you let me tell him what Harry and the rest of them did?" Ron asked irritably.

"Well, he already knew didn't her? Besides, are you still angry about what happened, I mean, they did us a favor really," Hermione pointed out.

"I'm not angry because of that, I'm angry because I missed breakfast!"

Hermione laughed lightly at his comment until she remembered something that she missed.

"Oh no!

"What?" Ron asked with concern.

"I missed my classes and homework! This is horrible," She whined and Ron looked on at her with an incredulous expression.

"You're a real piece of work Hermione."

She smiled up at him.

"Think you can handle me?"

Ron returned the smile. "I think I'm up for the challenge," he stated as they walked down the hall together, hand in hand on their way to extract revenge.

Ok, that's it. I hope you enjoyed that! I can't write anymore without invading on Logical Raven's great Fic. So, please leave a review if you read this fic, I really appreciate it!! Thank you.