Disclaimer : Own nothing. I didn't rob my bank, so I do not wont Tom Felton, unfortunately.
Chapter 10
Last chapter, very short. Please read my other work.
"Student, professors and parents, we are gathered here today to celebrate the graduation a very special class. Our class. We have achieved so much since we started in first year, i know i don't speak for myself when i say that i have learnt life's greatest lessons here, i will always remember Hogwarts as my home. My parents went to this school and when they gave their speeches they called it their home, and when my mum told me about how special Hogwarts is, i didn't believe her, but now i know how special it is. For me i have learnt magic, made friends, and had romances, but i have also found my family, and i hope none of us forget what we have achieve here. Thank you" Rae Granger stepped off the podium at the front of the great hall, she looked out to see her mum and dad sat with her grandmother. She went back to her seat in the audience waiting for a professor to give a speech, the Hufflepuff head of house.
Hermione and Draco Malfoy sat in the parents section of the audience, they had been married a year. Their 18-year-old daughter was the highest of her class, but she had not knocked her parents off the 2 top places in the school, she took third place. Narcissa Malfoy was at next to Hermione, looking proudly through tears at the stage where her granddaughter had given her speech.
"Mum, dad" Rae shouted across the crowds of people as she ran to them, they were now out in the open of the school field. When she caught up to them she threw her arms around them and hugged them tightly. Behind her was a tall black haired and dark skinned boy who looked very nervous.
"Mum, dad, gran, this as you know is Charlie" she announed
"Mr. Grant" Hermione said, he was one of her students, Rae and Charlie had been seeing each other for 2 years now, both her and Draco liked the boy but Charlie still remained nervous around Draco for some reason.
"Dad, can a go and stay with Charlie and his parents for a week or 3" Rae said 'or 3' very quietly.
"Or 3" Draco said
"Mr. Malfoy, i will take good care of your daughter" Charlie reassured Draco
"Daddy, please" she said
"Rae, the 'im so innocent' look doesn't wash with your dad especially when your not so innocent" Hermione told her daughter and Narcissa laughed, she knew exactly what her daughter-in-law meant and the look on her son's face was priceless.
"Dad, please"
"2 Weeks, take it or leave it"
"3" Rae said
"2" Draco protested
"3" Rae was just as competitive as her father
"1 and a half"
"Dad, 3 please"
"1 week Rae"
"Ok ill take 2 weeks, Charlie, 2 weeks"
"Thank you Mr., Mrs. and Mrs. Malfoy" they said their goodbyes and Charlie and Rae left.
"He's a nice boy" Narcissa said and walked off
"he's 18, no 18 year old boy is nice, there only after one thing" Draco said when his mother had gone
"So are 36 year old men" Hermione said seductively and pinched Draco's bum
"So are the women. Wait...do you think i should talk to Rae about what 18 year old boys want"
"He's not after that, Draco calm down" Hermione told him
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, he got that a long time ago from our daughter" Hermione said trying not to laugh at Draco's drip white expressionless dead look he was now supporting. "come on lets go home" they walked of the grounds, Draco still silent ad Hermione tying to calm her giggle fit down, they apparated to Malfoy Manor where they spent their summers when school was closed.
Hermione and Draco found what was once lost. They found love in each other again.
The End
Hope you all liked it, i enjoyed making this (sounds like its a movie). I have another fic in the pipe works; it will be put up soon.
Look out for Hermione's Promise.