
By:Detective Spami
Okay, I don't own Digimon, The X-files , Christina Aguilera, The person who wrote
'Which Backstreet Boy is Gay?', or Gilligan's Isle , but I wish I did... so I'll make a
short message. Be prepared for some strange things! There is love , comedy, and
maybe a little horror. I doubt about the horror, because I'm not much of a horror
writer..... I know this It's about all the Digidestioned (season 1/2). They all go on a
cruise , Daisuke and T.K. settle things, and nothing is what it seems :: X-files theme
starts playing and a man with a daibolicacal laugh starts laughing , and a Ufo with an
alien doing the disco pops up in the sky:: I warned you.. Well, I better go call Mulder
and Scully... :::Walks into house:::

(Sing in Tune of "Gilligan Theme): Do do do do do do do Sit Right back and you'll
hear a story. The story or a fateful cruise that started from a place in Japan. Aboard this
tiny boat. The Leader was an unmighty sailing dude. The first mate unbrave and sure. 11
other people set sail that day for a 4 day tour. a 4 day tour. The weather started getting
tough. The tiny tub was tossed. If not for an bravery on the fearful crew the "Dinnow"
would be lost. the "Dinnow" would be lost. The boat set ground on the beach of this
uncharted island with Taichi , Yamato too, Mimi and Sora , T.K , Daisuke , Hikari , Iori .
Miyako. and Jyou and Koushiro upon Taichi's Isle!(Song ends!)

""Hurry up everybody! The cruise starts in 20 minutes!" yelled Mimi as Taichi, Yamato, Hikari, Sora, Koshiro, T.K., Daisuke, Iori, Miyako, and Jyou run out the door and
put they're baggage in the van. Soon everybody was gone. T.K. looked out the window.
He had a bad feeling about this cruise.

After about 5 minutes of running around everybody was on the boat. As the boarded
the captain greeted them , "Ahoy there passengers! I'm the Skipper, this My first mate
Gilligan." Everybody looked at them in shock. "Didn't you two and 5 other people get
stranded on desert island for 12 years?" asked Jyou. "Well, you see about that, ummm, the
boat sorta went , into a tropical storm and um, we sorta got into a big mess so if we do
get into a tropical storm we'll most likely end up on the same island.!" said Gilligan trying
to be cheerful. Everybody groaned. "Are you sure we got on the right boat , Mimi?" Sora
said stupidly."Yeah, I'm sure. It says on the tickets." Mimi Held up the ticket and looked
at it slowly. "Yeah, it says the Dinnow right here." Mimi pointed at the ticket to stop
Sora's suspicion. "Skipper, can I ask you a question?"Jyou said standing my the the fat
man. "Sure." the Skipper answered. "Well, why is this boat called the 'Dinnow' when the
other boat was call the 'Minnow'?" He asked stupidly. "Well, I thought I should've
changed the name because 'Minnow' was getting old." the Skipper answered. "Oh,, I see."
Jyou said.

Soon the boat was off at port. The first hour went smoothly. But after they had been
on the boat about 2 and 1/2 hours it started to rain. "Oh, a little rain never hurt nothing"
Said the Skipper as he waddled around. "Skipper, don't you remember? This is how the
Tropical storm started!" announced Gilligan. "Gilligan, Shut Up!" yelled the Skipper.
Suddenly the weather started getting tough. They tiny boat was tossed

"If Gilligan hadn't opened his big fat mouth none of this would have happen.' thought
Taichi as he held on to a rail. "Ahh, that's the last time I go on a cruise with this weirdo.'
thought Yamato. 'Ahh! I want my mommy!' thought Sora as they boat started creaking.
"Ahh! help he Taichi!,"shouted Hikari. Suddenly without warning Mimi saw a pair of
trouser fly by."Okay, who's pants are these?" she asked. The Daisuke spoke up , "Sorry, I
wore baggies today." Everybody let out a groan. "Daisuke, glad you didn't wear baggie
underwear too!" yelled Yamato as the ship was throne into a monsoon. Suddenly the fat
Skipper and the dumb Gilligan were thrown from the ship. Sadly, the boat landed on their
heads. Everybody screamed ,but Mimi couldn't see a thing because Daisuke's trousers
were still in her face.

Suddenly without warning , the boat silently landed on a beach. and with that the boat
broke into five huge pieces.

"Wow! That was prodigious!" said Koshiro as he stood up. "Where are
we?"wondered Miyako. As the walked around in short circles.

"My guess it is the island that the "Minnow" crashed on in 1965." guessed Jyou as
he looked at Iori.. Then he said," It's gonna be awhile before we get rescued." He turned
away and walked into the woods to get sticks for a fire.

A few minutes later he returned. "Hey guys, I found some huts! I think Gilligan and
his crew built them when they were here. Follow me!"

Everybody followed Jyou to the huts. Unaware that they were being spied on.

"BWHA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA! They don't know who is spying on them" laughed
The Kaiser as he looked at them stupidly. "BWHA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!" After that he
ran into the wood laughing in a weird way.

"I think we need to clear out the vines," said Iori.

"I agree!"said Hikari.

Suddenly The Kaiser ran out of the woods. "BWHA.HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA! I
have made the best killing device ever!" He quickly pulled of a what looked like a stick
attacked to a rock with a evil face drawn on it. (go on and guess. EVERYTHING HAS A

"Hi, Ken" greeted Taichi as he waved to him.

"I'm not Ken!" he yelled as he stomped his feet like a little girl. "My name is 'The
Kaiser! Be afraid! I have the best killing device ever! BWHA,HA,HA,,HA,HA,HA! "
After he said that the rock fell off the stick, and onto Ken's foot. "OW!" he yelled in pain.
Then he ran back into the woods.

"There's something wrong with that kid. I mean he's acting li-" Taichi started saying.

"Hey, There's my pants!"Daisuke yelled pointing at a tree. "I'm gonna get'em." he said
running to the tree. He started climbing the tree.

. "Little Help?" he asked. Yamato said,"Daisuke, you know how to make people's day
better! I'll go get them for ya though. I mean no one likes to see anybody pantless, especially
you!" he pointed laughed as he started up the tree.

After was half way up to free his pants Ken jumped put from behind Poison Ivy
DEVICE!" he said as he shot a berry from a what looked like a slingshot at Yamato (Of
course the berry and slingshot had a evil face on it!). "Ahh, I'm hurt!" Yamato yelled

Suddenly a wild chipmunk jumped from a limb. It started biting Ken. "OW, GET THIS
jumped back into the Poison Ivy bush.

"Okay, that was a little weird," Taichi said as everybody agreed. "He used to be so
cute" and smart not he's ugly and crazy as a loon!" Miyako starting to cry. 'I agree'
thought Sora secretly.
MimiAndLillymon2: He He! I'll show KariAndAngewomon! I'll show her for making an
A+ when I only got a C-..... Well, I'll show Miss Smarty-Arty.....
*SoraAndBiyomon walks in and sits on the sofa drinking a soda*
SoraAndBiyomon: Watcha doin'?
MimiAndLillymon2: Can't talk typing.
SoraAndBiyomon: Well, I see that what are you typing and why?
MimiAndLillymon: I'm writing fanfic. Trying to beat KariAndAngewomon at writing skills
SoraAndBiyomon: Rally? You? You've never even written a good answer. How can you
beat Kari's skills?
*SoraAndBiyomon walks out of the room laughing*
MimiAndLillymon2: I'll show her! I'll show them all!
"We better start fixing up these huts" Jyou said trying to be gentle. He again looked
Iori. "Why are you looking at me?"asked Iori in angry voice. "I'll tell you later......."

"So which one is our hut again? The one with the old money , cob webs and old
science stuff , the one with the hole , or the one with a monkey in it?" Hikari asked for the
third. "The monkey!!" Taichi yelled for the third time. "Well, how do we get the monkey
out?" Mimi wondered as she looked at a hairy spider monkey. Daisuke spoke up "Umm..
I don't know! Mimi coax him out." "Why me?" She yelled. "I dunno." he answered. "I'll
scare him out! Yeesh! " yelled Yamato as stomped into the hut.

"Ahh! Help me Taichi! The monkey is messing up my hair! Ahh! now he's biting my
foot! Ahh! Help me! Sora! It's you hut! I know I'll kick the fuzzball out!" As he finished a
small ball of monkey flew out of the hut. "Serves you right for messing up my hair! I only
have little hair gel left!" Yamato shouted walking out of the hut. "Ladies here you go...
your de-monkeyed hut."

Mimi , Sora , Hikari , and Miyako walked in. "This place needs a ladies touch.
Maybe we can get some trees and Koshiro can find glass for a dresser....."Mimi started "
Then make a few beds.... I did see a TV. that ran on batteries in the boat maybe It's still
there! I mean I have some batteries still." Mimi walked out to Taichi , Daisuke , Iori , Jyou
, Yamato , T.K. , and Koshiro. "Well, how's the hut?" Yamato asked. "It's okay... is there
a way to fix up the bed and stuff that was in the boat?" Koshiro spoke up, " Mimi, that
stuff was very damaged... But, we'll try for all you." He gave a smile. 'Hey! This guy is
trying to get Mimi!" Matt thought as he watched Mimi walk back into the hut to tell the

"Who's in which hut do we have and who are we sharing with?" Iori asked "Umm,
How about since the girls have the monkey , umm, Koshiro and Jyou have the sciencey
stuff , Iori , Daisuke, and T.K. have the one with the hole ,and Yamato and I have the one
with old money. Okay?" All the boys agreed and continued talking

"Hey, I don't know about you guys but I'm going swimming!" Taichi yelled as he
stomped out of the hut with a very baggy trunks. "Can we go with , Taichi?" Hikari asked
as Taichi turned around. "Okay.." he finally said , "But don't be a buttache!" "Yay!" yelled
Sora as she ran out of the hut with a bathing suit. Mimi ,Hikari , and Miyako followed

"Look out blow!" yelled Mimi as swung into the lake on a vine. "Hey, that look likes
fun!" Sora yelled as she grabbed a vine. "AHHHH!" "Okay, umm.... you didn't have to
yell." yelled Taichi. "Well, Taichi you would yell to if you've never done that before..."
Said Sora as she walked out of the lake.

45 minutes Later.........
"Hey Matt, Can I ask you a question?" Mimi asked walking up to him. He looked at
her and said ,"Sure." "Did your guitar make it past the monsoon?" "Yeah, it was about the
only thing that did of mine. I knew I did good when I bought a water-resistant case. Um,
why do you wanna know?" he asked. Then she said, "Well, I have a song idea and I can't
do it without a guitar." "Oh, really? What music do you need?" "Um, well, do you know
the music of the song 'I want it that way'?" Mimi asked hopefully. "Well, I don't know all
of it" Matt answered. "Well, how much do you know?" "The first 3 verses." "GREAT!
the song is only 2 verses!!" Mimi said as she ran to the girls' hut to tell them.
MimiAndLillymon2 ::::types at computer franticly::: I gotta get this done!! I gotta show
off to KariAndAngewomon!! I'll show her for making a better story than me!!
KariAndAngewomon: Umm.... What are you doing?
MimiAndLillymon2 ::screams:: AHH! Hey, when did you get here?
KariAndAnewomon: Well, It was sorta easy!
MimiAndLillymon2: How? Were you the one how stole my housekey?
KariAndAngewomon: No, SoraAndBiyomon gave me the key! I swear! Plus, I wanted to
steal your idea for your story.
MimiAndLillymon2: Well, like all the stories I've written , yet never made known to
human contact your not going to steal my idea now! I'm going to teach you for writing an
A+ story for English! Just because I don't have god writing skills like you do miss, Kari
doesn't mean I R not smart! Um, I mean I am.
KariAndAngewomon: Who cares that I wrote a better story than you?!
MimiAndLillymon Lillymon2: I'll show you! ::starts again typing franticly on computer::
3 1/2 hours later.......
" Okay, everybody Taichi , Jyou , Koshiro , Sora and I have a song to sing. Matt is
playing it on guitar. and 1... 2...3!

::Matt starts to play:: Tachi starts to sing......

Yeah... they are on fire. they have desires , but one it that they
have is one backstreet boy is gay. But they don't want to be mean. Since now he's a
queen. Don't ask please 'Which Backstreet Boy is gay?' Tell me who (Koshiro , Sora
, and Jyou in background) ::Ain't saying that it's A.J.:: Tell me Who (Again in
background) ::Ain't saying that it's Howie. Tell me who. I never wanna her you say
'Which Backstreet Boy is gay?' ::
Mimi takes Taichi spot in singing) Now I see can him. He's in women's clothes. But,
he don't need an I.U.D. (Background) ::Yeah:: He like Village People , he's playing
croquet , his dog is a pickingses! (Sora takes Mimi spot in singing) He is on fire. His
back perspires. (Background) ::Won't say , Won't say:: (Jyou) Who's Gay! (Koshiro)
He's always sayin' He's nothing but a buttache , He's nothing but a fruitcake. I never
wanna hear you say 'Which one of them is gay?' Tell me who! (Background) ::Ain't
saying that it's Brain:: (Taichi) Tell me who! (Background) ::Ain't saying pick on
Kevin:: (Mimi) Tell me who! (Background):He's baking up a souffle .Which
Backstreet Boy is gay?:: (Taichi) Okay, their all gay....

:::Everybody starts to cheer:: "From the sound of it all we must have done pretty good!"
Mimi said smiling "Anybody have idea for another song?" asked looking at the people.
"Umm... I have one" Iori said shyly. "Okay, what group do you want me to make fun of
now?" she looking at the young boy. "Well, I always did hate the song "The Real Slim
Shady" he said as he kicked a stone along the ground. "Okay! I already have an idea for
it!" Mimi said brightly. She ran off to the hut to practice the song.

"Well, it seems like Mimi is trying really hard to make being trapped on a desert isle a
good thing." pointed out Taichi. "Yeah...."agreed everybody. "Well, *YAWN* I'm
turning in for the night." Jyou said yawning , "By the way which hut am I in , and who am
I sharing it with?" "Jyou, we told you a thousand times *GROANS* you in the hut with
the cob webs and old science stuff , and you sharing with Koshiro , Daisuke , and Ior-"
said Yamato being interrupted by Mimi. "Hey guys! I have the song done!! Ya'll wanna
hear it?" "Okay!" everbody agreed quickly. "Okay, 1.... 2... 3....!

May I have you attendion please? May I have you attendion
please. Will the real Slim Shady please shut up. I repeat will the real
Slim Shady please shut up? We're gonna have a problem here.

Ya'll act like you've never heard a white person before. His rhymes and refore. Punk
kid trying to be hard core. Wash your mouth It's back worse than before. Makin' a
snore. Whinin' in the microphone. It's return of the- wait oh.. wait. you didn't pay
money for that CD did you? And Dr. Dre did. Everything you idiot without Dre's
beakbed your as good as dead. The world's had enough of Eminem. Tiki-Tiki Even
his girlfriend cheating on him. Look at him. Walkin' around living off Dre. Acting so
cool , but he's really kind of weak though. Little twit blast Christina on his new CD.
Why? Because she turned him down for a date. He-he. As for the question of who
came first. Was it Carson Daily or was it Fred Dearse? I'm sorry Slim but this is gonna
hurt. They both came first to her then you ever will jerk. Your song gets on our nerves!
Your song gets on our nerves. Your kinda lucky. You got more faith than you deserve
And that is the answer that I give to little kids. You can become famous without even
knowing what Thailand is. Of course their gonna like you. Of course the do. our like
the cartoon version of Vicky Shroder on Silver Spoon. You ain't nothing but a
product. patched to be brought up. You know a year from now you won't be thought
of. So your right about dead animals and cannibals and someday you'll stop dating
dogs and date higher mammals. And theirs a million Women just like me that think
like me and all can see That Slim Shady is a boy dealing with puberty. So if you agree
scream loudly with me. Your slim Shady. Yes, your the real Shady. You sound like
Peter Brady. you get quite irritating. So won't the real slim shady , please shut up
please shut up, please shut up? Your slim Shady. Yes, your the real shady , you sound
like Peter Brady. You get quite irritating. So won't the real Slim Shady please shut up,
please shut up , please shut up?

"Okay, I would have made something better up , but I didn't have alot of time. Plus, I
wanted to do it tonight." "Mimi, how did you make something that long that fast? I mean
even I couldn't do that." Koshiro said looking at Mimi. "Okay, I'll break. I didn't write
either song.... I just heard them on a CD. But, I did change them a little." She said as she
walked up to Koshiro. "I see". he said looking at the ground pretending to be interested.
"Hey! he's trying to get Mimi again! Oh, that little shrimp!! I'll get him! I'll umm... well,
it's so good that I even don't know what it !!" Yamato thought as looked at Koshiro and

"Well, I'm going to cot." said Taichi jokingly (Well, it took me awhile to think of the
seemly stupid joke. So, I hope you didn't think it was to dumb!). All the digidestioned
went to the huts. Both Jyou and Miyako complained all night about the bugs , and Koshiro
was up all night inventing things to help if someone became ill.

The Next Morning........
"I'll tell you something.... how come Ken didn't do anything last night? I won't have
expected him to come up with another flawed attempt to take us over." Iori said looking
at the rest of the group eating a breakfast of wild goose eggs. "Well, maybe he ran out of
ideas. I mean a wannabe slingshot and a berry? Come on! I think he's finally lost his mind!"
T.K. said while chewing a mouthful of eggs. "Well, their are different things, like green
ketchup." said Hikari looking at T.K. while everybody stared at her. "Okay , Hikari , Um,
well , that is a different , but I mean he did capture Agumon , escape to Digiworld making
everybody think he ran away , and try to capture Patamon. I seriously don't think he's
losing his touch!" said Miyako. "Let's go find him after we eat. Okay?" said Daisuke
making a fist. They all agreed.

KariAndAngewomon: Hey! I wanna see your story!!
MimiAndLillymon2: Well, tough! I'm not letting anyone see it! BW,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA!
KariAndAngewomon: O- K.... Mimi, it's okay we all feel for you... I mean we all do...
SoraAndBiyomon , TaichiAndAgumon7 , TKAndPatamon , MattAndGarurumon2 ,
IzzyAndKabuterrimon , JoeAndZudomon , me , and the others........ I mean we talked
about it at Taichi's party last week after you left. I mean you broke 3 lamps, ruined 7
cushions and spiked the punch!
MimiAndLillymon2: I'm not crazy! Well, okay , I might have a few screws loose... I'll
admit. I have to get back to my typing!

"That was a good breakfast. I've never had eggs made so many different ways!" said
Daisuke as he rubbed his stomach. "Well, when we were in Digiworld once all we had was
a fridge full of eggs!" Sora exclaimed. But, no one showed any interest. "Well, where do
think a evil genius hides?" asked Hikari. T.K. looked over his and said , "How about right
there?" he pointed to a cave that had a sign in front "KEEP OUT! This IS NOT the Evil
digimon Kaiser hideout!" "Well, that's alittle redundant."Jyou exclaimed. "Well, let's go
scare him." suggested Yamato as he walked into the cave quietly.

"BOO!" they all heard Yamato yell as the Kaiser ran outside yelling like a little girl.
"I'll kill who ever did this to me!"he said pointing at them. He starts walking back to a the
cave when Taichi saw Yamato bent down on the ground , then he said ,"Don't worry Ken,
where're right behind you!"after he said that The Kaiser tripped over Yamato. "Hey, Ken
have a nice trip! We'll see you next fall!" said Mimi as she laughed at him. "I'll show you!"
he said as stomped back to the cave. Turned around and again pointed at them ,"I'm the
only one who knows a way off this ill-begotton island! Plus, I'll destroy you all before you
even have the chance! And , I know the secret about Green Ketchup!" He turned around
and began laughing.

"Looks like Ken's got his genius back , I wouldn't mind knowing the secret to Green
Ketchup myself." Daisuke said looking the sand. "Wow, once you know the secret to
Green Ketchup you know almost everything...." T.K. said scratching his leg. "T.K., the
answer to Green Ketchup is simple!" Koshiro said. "Well, what is it?" Taichi said holding
up his fist. "Well, the Ketchup company adds green food dye to the regular red ketchup ,
or they use green tomatoes." Koshiro said trying to impress Mimi. "He's at it again! I
really need to tell Mimi that I like her before Koshiro does! I have to do it tonight!! I'll
umm... well, I don't know what I'm gonna do yet...." Yamato thought as he watched
Koshiro explain his theory about Green Ketchup. "People, although some of us are
amazed by green Ketchup , but we really need to scout the island. Plus, I hate ketchup
altogether! We need to talk Ken into getting us off this stupid island....." Miyako said.
"Well, I don't think he's gonna tell us , unless we become his slaves." Jyou said while
waving his arms. "Well, its about 9:30pm we better get to bed if we're gonna go scouting
tomorrow." Taichi said as he yawned. Everybody slowly agreed and went to bed.

"Mimi, will you come with me down to the spring?" Yamato asked as the held her
shoulder. "Okay." she said as she took his hand into hers.

When they got to the river Yamato looked at Mimi and said, "Do you think Koshiro
likes you?" She gave him strange look then smiled ,"Of course he does. He told me he did
when we boarded the ship. I told him I liked someone else , and he understood then said '
If you ever want to talk me or need a shoulder to cry on you know where to come.' I told
him 'okay' then he asked who I liked and I told him." Yamato gave a hopeful look as he
asked ," Well, who do you like? Taichi , Daisuke , T.K. Jyou? Who?" "You forgot
someone." she said as she looked at him smiling. "Iori?" "One more guess." "I don't
know!" Mimi walked up to Yamato and looked him straight in the eye. "Come on!" she
held Yamato's hand up to her face. "I think I know who......" he said in a small voice.
"Who?" He cupped his hands around her face and kissed her softly. "Right." she said
smiling. "Well, that's one reason why I asked you to come down here." he said, "I've had a
major crush on you since I first saw you. But, when we were kids it seemed like you and
Jyou made a better couple." "Me and Jyou? You've gotta be kidding me. He's more like a
big sister than a boyfriend." "Oh." "Well, we better get back to the group before they
worry. " "Okay, but don't tell anybody about what happened. Agreed?"Yamato asked as
he looked at her. "Agreed."

Back at camp no one even thought about Mmi and Yamato. They went to bed , and
in the room Hikari asked, "So, where did you Yama go?" "Umm.... Where do you think
we went?"Mimi asked in a nervous voice. "I don't know. I saw you two leave. I'm was just
curious." "Well, w-w-we went down there and h-h-h-had a drink of water. Then we came
back." "Oh, umm... since when do you studder?" "Well, I-I-I don't know." "Okay, I'll see
talk to you tomorrow morning." Mimi looked at Kari and also followed her example and
fell asleep.

MimiAndLillymon2: This Fanfic is so good if the Digimon productors found it they might
make it a show!
KariAndAngewomon: I doubt that. I mean all you have in your story is "Mimi and Matt
Sitting In A Tree K-I-S-S-N-G."
MimiAndLillymon2: No, actually my story is long. Alot longer than any you have written!
*MattAndGarurumon Walk in and reads Mimi story over her shoulder.*
MattAndGarurumon: Hey! I'm not that crazy about you , and since when do you studder?
MimiAndLillymon2: It's Fanfic. Anything can happen......
*X-files theme again starts to play.*
MimiAndLillymon2: There's that stupid theme again! Why did it play again? I don't even
have a playlist for my Napster.
KariAndAngewomon: I don't know. Maybe your computer is possesed , and the evil
demon Pu-Zuu-Zuu is inside , and any minute it'll start throwing pea soup at you!
MimiAndLillymon2: No, I seriously doubt that. Well, I better get back to typing...
The Next Afternoon.......
*YAWN!* "Oh, I had a good sleep. Hey where is everybody?" Daisuke said looking
around the empty hut. Daisuke gets up and walks outside to see where everybody went.
He quickly tripped over a rock and landed in front of a message wirtten in the sand.
'Daisuke, don't be worried. We all thought you might trip over that rock so when wrote
this note. We all went scouting. We'll be back in about 2 hours. Bye! -Taichi' "Well,
atleast they thought of me. And what do they mean they all thought I was gonna
trip?!?!Oh, well. I guess I'll walk around. He-he I think I'll scare the girls when they come
into the hut! He-he! Why didn't I think of this!" Daisuke hides behinds the door as he
hears yells of his name. 'Their coming he-he!' Daisuke thought as heard foot steps coming
towards the door. Miyako and Mimi walk through the door at the same time. "BOO!"
Daisuke yells scaring both of them to death. They run from the door to the others.
Daisuke was giggling as he heard Mimi sobbing out the story to Yamato. A few minutes
later Taichi walked through the door. Daisuke jumped out and yelled "Boo!" again and
with a sudden empacted Taichi punched Daisuke unconious.

A few minutes later Taichi walked out of the hut carrying an unconious Daisuke.
"What happened to him?!" asked T.K. in a worried voice. Taichi said in a pretend sad
voice , "I accidently killed him..... I punched him to hard." "YOU WHAT????" T.K. said
running over to Taichi. "Well, why are you worried. I thought you two were enimies."
T.K. anwsered, "Well, um... he's um... he's the best enemy ever had." "Oh"

"Oh, really? That's not what you said few days ago." Hikari said. "Really? What did
he say? I need some fresh gossip!" Sora said. "Me too!" Mimi said running beside Sora.
"Well, Sora, I've got something." Yamato said looking at Sora then at Mimi and smiled
evily. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I know who Mimi's new boyfriend is!"
Sora gasped and yelled. "WHO?!?!?!" "Well, I promised I won't tell." "Oh, come on
Yama..." "Oh, maybe later. But, you'll probably have guessed before."

"Anyway, what did T.K. say a few days ago?" Sora said looking at Hikari. "Well, I
was spying on T.K. then." "Hikari! please don't tell them what I think you want to!"
"Okay T.K., I won't tell." "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" T.K. said swooping her
up in his arms. "Okay, you can put me down now." Hikari said looking at him.

waking up. "Well, Daisuke, Hikari stopped telling a secret she knew about T.K. and he
was so happy that he swooped her up in his arms!" said Iori. "T.B. I'M GONNA KILL
YOU!" "Looks like Daisuke's back..." Miyako said staring at him.

"Daisuke, I have to get something off my back." T.K. said walking over to
Daisuke."First , My name is T.K. not T.L or T.B. T.K.. 2nd, I want to get atleast some
respect from you! Third, I want to know why you hate me! Why? Why? Why? Why?"
"Okay, which 'Why?' do you want me to anwser?" "Pick one!" "Umm, I don't hate you."
Daisuke said twiddling his fingers. "Then why are you always making fun of me? Huh?
You know Hikari doesn't like you! I can't help that. Now Come on. Why do always act
like that every time I see you? When I'm having a day day it gets worse. When? When, I
see you." T.K. started pointing his into Daisuke's chest.

"First of all T.K. I know Hikari doesn't like me. Second I know you can't help that.
Third, The reason I act like is beca-because uum... um.. I'm a big jerk! Yeah that's right!
I'll admit... I don't hate you. I'm just jealous. I mean you have it all. Trusting friends, a big
brother you can get advice from, and a beautiful girl. What more could you want? What
do I have? A sister that's a pain in the butt, hardly any friends and that beautiful girl hates
me!" "I never thought of it that way. I guess I kinda lucky." "Dang straight. Well, I'm
leaving. I'll see ya'll when I see you." Daisuke puts his hands in his pockets and walks
down the path towards to Mimi's Lagoon (That's right! I named the lagoon!).
MimiAndLillmon2: yeah that's good. Yeah, I'll do that after that.
KariAndAngewomon and MattAndGarurumon: Come I wanna read it!
MimiAndLillymon2: In a minute. I'm almost done. I should be done in about um.. 3 days.
KariAndAngewomon and MattAndGarurumon : Come on Mimi!! Please!!
MimiAndLillymon2: Be patient! Good things happen to those who wait!
*KariAndAngewomon and MattAndGarurumon fall over and Mimi continues writing*
"Stupid T.K.. Why must my life be so hard." Daisuke said chokingly through his
tears. He took a handful of rocks and threw them into the lagoon. "I want to be his friend.
I really do but, something is telling my 'no don't do it!' I'm so confused." He heard the
sound of T.K. voice calling his name. He knew that he wanted to run up to T.K. tell him
sorry and make peace but that little voice told him 'no'. He heard T.K.'s getting closer. He
felt the little voice die down as T.K.'s voice came closer.

"Daisuke! Daisuke! Where are you?! I need to talk to you!" T.K. yelled as he came
into the beach of the lagoon. In a sneering , yet shaky voice Daisuke said ,"What do you
want? Don't you think you've embarressed me enough?! I'm peed off. Leave me alone."
"Daisuke, things don't get better if you keep them bottled up inside." T.K. said putting
hands on Daisuke shoulders. Daisuke yelled as tears started flooding his eyes, "DON'T
TOUCH ME!" T.K. pulled his hands away almost as if he stuck them into a fire. "Sorry",
he said looking at him. "Sorry, Daisuke. I was only trying comfort you." "Why are you
even bothering?" He said picking up another rock and throwing it into the lagoon.
"Daisuke, that's what friends are for. They help you through tough times. If you don't
want me as your friend, I understand." "Well, I guess so. I can't help it. I'm jealous of
you." T.K. puts his hands back on Daisuke's shoulder and sighs.

As he and Daisuke watch the sunset "Beautiful huh?" T.K. said as Daisuke looked at
the sky. "Yeah. T.K. why don't you sit down?" "Okay." T.K. takes his hands off Daisuke's
shoulders and sat on the warm, tan sand. "I love watching sunsets." T.K. said looking at
the sky. "I love something else." "Oh, yeah what is that?" "The lagoon." "Oh, well, it's
beautiful too." T.K.answered as he watched the sun go down. "I wonder what
constellations are visible here." He said as tiny stars started blotching in the sky.

"Hey, don't you think the others are waiting for us?" Daisuke asked scratching his
head. "Yes. Hey I have an idea...." "Yeah.... "Well, we could make it look like he had a
fight and we're still eniimies." "T.K. I like the way you think." "I do too. But, don't tell
anybody we're really friends , and only pretend punch me when we get back to camp." he
said picking up a hand full of dirt and smaching in into his clothes , face , and body.
Daisuke did the same , expect he started hitting certain spots on his body making it look as
if he were punched there; T.K. followed the example. "Okay, I'm ready." Daisuke and
T.K. said at the same time.

"Daisuke, I've had enough of you! I've tried to put up with you , but I can't!" T.K.
said coming into the clearing. "The same for me T.B.!!" Daisuke yelled back. He threw his
fist at T.K. missing him by millimeters. "Why you twirp!" T.K. said as he shot his fist over
Daisuke cheek. Skimming the skin barely.

"It's okay guys, you don't have to pretend." Taichi said. "Yeah, Miyako was going to
watch the sun set and saw you two there." Yamato answered. "Yeah, I'm a big fan on
gossip!" Miyako said smiling. "Awww, umm... We're not friends. We're enemies still."
T.K. said nudgeing Daisuke's side. "Yeah, um.. he's um.. OKAY! I"LL ADMIT WE'RE
FRIENDS!" Daisuke blurted out. "And we agreed not to tell anyone." T.K. said in a
mocking voice.

"Well, I saw you two their with your hands on his shoulders, I didn't know what to
think!" Miyako said pointing at T.K. who had put an arm around Daisuke's shoulders.
"Yeah, look at you two. What made you friends so fast. I mean, one minute your enimies
than after standing up to each other your good buddies." Mimi said in an awed voice " I
guess I'm a really likable person." Daisuke said while tugging on the sides on his vest.
"Sure." T.K. said while messing up his perfect spikes. "Hey! It took me 45 minutes to get
them like this!" Whined Daisuke as the tried to fix them.

"Anyway, I'm ready to annouce my new boyfriend." Mimi said. She ran up to
Yamato and kissed on the lips. "Yamato!" "When did you bag Mimi?" Taichi said jabbing
his arm into Yamato said. "Last night." "Prodidgus, I knew Mimi liked1 you." Koshiro
said again trying to impress everbody.

MimiAndLillymon2: I'm in a good mood. I think I'll read ya'll little something from my
KariAndAgewomon and MattAndGarurumon: Finally!
MimiAndLillymon2: Okay this is from the 12th page , and it says," The"
KariAndAngewomon: What is that?
MimiAndLillymon2: A little something from my story. Keep in mind. I said ,"little
something" Okay?
MattAndGarurumon: Come on Mimi! Please! Don't make me beg!!
MimiAndLillymon2: I won't. You'll just have to wait. I'm almost done. I have about 5
more pages. Okay? It's not my ya'll come in here to bug when I'm doing my story thing.
I'm gonna try to finish this within about 2 and1/2 hours. S'light? S'light.

"I'm going to sleep."T.K. said yawning. "I'll follow that." Daisuke said following that
example. I mean this day has been bad then good." Daisuke ran up to T.K. and leaned his
head on his should. "I'll go to bed to." yawned Miyako as she ran into the girls' hut.
Shortly, after Miyako ,T.K. ,and Daisuke went to bed the others also went to bed.

"T.K., help me!" T.K. turned around and saw Yamato , Taichi , and Daisuke
strapped to a table with a blade swinging ever closer to their bodies. T.K. ran closer trying
to save them but with every step he made they seemed farther away. He tried running
closer as the blade brushed across them all. All three boys yelled in horror as the blade
scraped their stomach. "Daisuke!" T.K. yelled as the blade cut him in half. He fell on the
ground crying.

"Ahhhh!" T.K. yelled as he awoke. "A dream." he whispered. "It was only a dream."
"T.K. are you alright? I mean you were yelling my name." "I'm fine. It was just a bad
dream." "What was it about?" Daisuke said coming over to comfort his friend. "Well,
Yamato Tachi , and you were stuck on one of those things where the blade swings down
lower and lower , and no matter what I do I can't get closer. In the end ya'll end up
dying..." "Weird." "What's so weird?" T.K. said looking at him. "Well, that's how my
dream started expect it was you , Hikari, and Iori." He said. "Well, Daisuke, We'll talk
tomorrow. I really tired." "Okay. 'Night" "'Night."

The Next Morning.....

"So people, I think we should we should try to build a boat and find civilazation."
Taichi annouced. "But, what if we sink?" Iori said said looking at the ground. "Well, who
know how long we could be on this island. I mean the passengers of the 'Minnow; were
stuck on it for 12 years." Mimi said looking at the group. "Well, some good thing have
happened here that would have never happened without us crashing here. Like Me and
Daisuke becoming frends Yamato and Mimi dating. I mean we wouldn't even know the
song 'Which Backstreet Boy Is Gay' ." T.K. said cheerfully. Koshiro groaned and said, "I
guess you can contribut that to good things." "Hey, do you think Ken is still here?" Taichi
asked "Well, no I think he left a few days ago. I saw a motor boat speed off last time when
I went to get a drink from the stream." Sora said looking at Taichi. "Well, it look hoples- "
Yamato said as he was interupped.

"Hello, So now you know what it's like to be stuck on an island." Gilligan said as he
walked up to the young group. "Hey, we thought you were dead." Hikari said looking at
Gilligan. "No, the boat landed on The Skipper's head. I hid under him." How did you get
here?" Taichi said looking at him. "Well, I swam a few miles then got trapped by an
American Seafood boat caught me in the nets. They took me on the boat and I told them
about all of you , but they had to go to America to drop off the fish. After they dropped
off the fish I told them about all of you and we all came to get all of you. Their waiting by
the bay. Well, be in America in a few hours." "But, we're not Americans. We're Japanese."
Miyako pointed out. "Well, we'll have ya'll transported back in a few hours." Gilligan said
walking to the beach with kids back to the boat.

MimiAndLillymon2: Ya'll I'm almost done.
KariAndAngewomon : Mimi can I ask you something?
MimiAndLillymon2: Sure.
KariAndAngewomon : Well, if your nickname is MimiAndLillymon2 , who is
MimiAndLillymon2: Well, I thought MimiAndLillymon2 sounded better than 1.
MattAndGarurumon: Well, hurry up and finish your story I gotta go home in a while.
MimiAndLillymon1: okay :Starts to franticly type again:

In America......

"Hello, kids Welcome to the 4 seasons! We've all heard about your being trapped on
a deserted island. Have fun with your free stay!" said a Man with bleached hear , blue eyes
, and in a tux. "Thanks." they all said in rough english. A man showed them to their room
where they saw a telephone.They ran up to it and in japanese Yamato said ,"Are you guys
thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" And at the same they said yelled in japaneses "PRANK

"Hurry up Yamato!" Taichi urged as he looked for a phone number. "Hey, here's
one." he said pointing to the name "Mr. Oldsman" "They all laughed at the name as Taichi
dailed the phone.

"Hey! You kids get out of my yard!" Mr. Oldsman yelled before picking up the
phone. "Hello?" "Hello, I'm Mrs. Lemon Lemon Pie from the cheese factory. What time
should we deliver your thousand pounds of cheese?" Taichi asked in a woman's voice
"Cheese? I didn't order any cheese." "Sir, listen real close." Yamato said in his regular
voice. "I'm listening. " "BOO!" "Ahh! Why did you scare me with your call of 'boo'?" "Mr.
Oldsman you've just won the grand prize!!" Mimi said. "Really? What did I win?" " A
brand new one of the kind fully operational Pig!!" "Wait, I didn't register in any contest to
win a pig." "Mr. Oldsman , This is the FBI." Jyou said in a stern voice. "Um, hello Mr.
FBI agent. What did I do?" "Well, we want you to lick the phone." Mr. Oldsman lickes the
phone. "Um, sir we need to know what it tasted like. "Phone flavored." Mr. Oldsman said
as Koshiro hung up in his face.

"Hey, let's call the FBI!" Mimi said. "Yeah, we'll tell them we saw an Ufo!" agreed
Yamato. "What is we get in trouble?" Taichi said hanging up the phone. Then Miyako
perked up and said, "Come on. what do we have to lose?" "Our right to stay in America."
Hikari aswered. "I'll do it!" Mimi offered walking over to the phone.

"Hello, Agent Scully United States FBI how many I help you?" asked Scully typing on
the computer tracing the call. "Hello, Agent Scully we just saw an Ufo!" "Miss, when and
where did you see it?" "About 30 minutes ago.Right outside our window. It was a tiny
silver dot. "answered. Mimi "Miss, What is you name?" "Mina Moon" "Thanks, My
partner and I just traced you phone number will be over there soon." Scully said and hung
up the phone.

"Um, guys There's nothing to worry about, expect Agent Scully and her partner are
coming over to get the account." Mimi said nervously. "MIMI! WHAT? NOW WHAT
DO WE DO?" yelled Daisuke running around in circles. Yamato lifted up his fist Daisuke
ran right into in. He groaned and laid on the ground. "Well, tell them what we saw."
Koshiro said. "Well, Koshiro we'll tell them we were playing prank phone calls and their
name was next on the list. Very practical huh?" Sora said. "Well, we could make
something up. Since it was 'Mina Moon' here she'll tell them." Jyou answered.


"Hello Miss Moon" said a tall man with brown hair. "We're here to confront your
siting." said a woman with short redish blond hair. "I'm Agent Scully, we talked over the
phone , and this is Agent Mulder , United States FBI.." she said in an introducing manner.
"Well, I looked out my window. I saw a shiny silver object. I called my friend Matt over
to see it. He said it looked like something other than military crafts." After Mimi said that
she motioned for Yamato to come over. "Matt, did you see the object too?" Mulder
asked putting his hand on Yamato's shoulder. "Yes, I saw something that was different."
"Well,that's about all we need." said Mulder. "Can I ask you a question?" Hikari asked
looking at them. "Sure." "What does FBI mean?" she asked looking at the floor. "Um, I
think Federal Bereru of Ivestigation." "Well, shouldn't it be FBOI?" They walked out of
the room. They all sighed and continued on with life. Hikari stuck her head out the door
and said , "I'll get back to you on that!"

"Scully, why did we come to get this alien report? I mean you and I both know they
made it up." Mulder said looking at his partner. Then she stopped and looked at Mulder ,
"Well, I sorta got board at work, and um, well, the boss has been on my back since I spillt
his coffey on his shirt." "Well, Scully I don't even think their Americans. Didn't you hear
their strange accents?" "Yeah, New Yorks have weird accents to." Mulder sighs and they
continue going back to headquarters

"Hello Kids, umm, It's time to return to Japan." Gilligan said as he entered the room.
"Come on. The plane leave in 45 minutes and it takes 30 minutes to get there." "Gilligan,
will you promise us one little thing?" Miyako said in a sweet voice. "Don't bring up
anything about the monsoon, when you were on the island ,or when we were on the island
okay?" Miyako finished.

At the Airport....
"What plane are we on?" Sora said looking at the ticket. "Over there!" yelled Iori as
the ran and boarded the plane. "Well, let's see.. What class are we in?"asked Mimi.
"Coach" answered Daisuke. "Aw, the service there is so sucky!" Mimi whined as they
walked to their seats. "Mimi, we wee lucky to get these seats. I mean the 4 seasons paid
for these , so be grateful!"Taichi said. Then Jyou said ,"Well, I just think they were trying
ro get rid of us." "Well, who cares? We've had an adventure to last a lifetime." Yamato
said as he sat down beside Mimi.

"So ends our advender. What was supposed to be a 4 day tour turned into so much
more."Koshiro thought as the plane took off down the run way. "Our cruise was supposed
to be fun. It was. But, not the fun I expected , that any of us expected. I'm glad we knew
some wilderness skills for this. I've decided to never go on another boat again." Mimi
thought "This was the best trip ever! I gotta go on another one soon." Daisuke thought
while twiddling his fingers. Then Miyako spoke up, "Did any one actually have on the
cruise." They all raised their hands. "I guess I did to." Miyako said. "Well, if ya'll had fun
on the cruise I have an Idea. We could go to Burkittsville, Maryland. I hear good things
about the Blair Witch. We could see if she is real." They quickly agreed.

To Be Continued.......

Will the kids go to Maryland and find the Blair Witch ,or will the end up being her next
MimiAndLillymon2: I love the smell of a finished story.
KariAndAngewomon and MattAndGarurumon :FINALLY!
MimiAndLillymon2: I hope you enjoy my story!
*KariAndAngewomon and MattAndGarurumon start reading seperate copies of the story*
KariAndAngewomon: Mimi, Sorry I was wrong. Your story is pretty good. Except you
forgot to do spell check....
MattAndGarurumon: Well, Mimi gotta hand it to you. You got a good story here.
MimiAndLillymon2:Thanks you guys... Part two will be heavily based on the group
meeting all of us! Execpt for the safety of our sake I'll call KariAndAngewomon um, Rini
(Sailor Sailor Mini Moon), MattAndGarurumon um, Daren (Tuxedo Mask) , SoraAndBiymon will be
Amera (Sailor Unanist) ,and I , MimiAndLillymon2 , will be the champion of justice
known as Serena (Sailor Moon)! I will have the other sailors there to ,but sadly they don't
have a digi-name like the rest of us.
KariAndAngewomon: Mimi, um, I mean Serena , you're to digitally obsessed , and sailor
MattAndGarurumon: Hey! That still means I'm your boyfriend! You make it like that no
matter what I do!
MimiAndLillymon2: Okay, people it's past time. I'm already supposed to be bugging my
family right about now.... Bye-Bye! See you in part 2!
*MimiAndLillymon2 runs out the door into her dad's office. Hears sounds of a mad yelling
man and MimiAndLillymon2 running away*

Questions? Comments? Charcole for flames? E-mail me with them all!