Misao: Another Chapter! Joy to the world. -cough- anyways, I should really be working on A Very Yu-Gi-Oh! Christmas, since I haven't updated that in like, 3 weeks. But I just really stuck, writers block for that story is killing me. This story, however, doesn't have that problem. Yet. Even though there is still really no plot to it...but I'm working on that... . . ...
It's just taking a while.
And to my reviewers...Thank you! You all rock, seriously! Sorry to those of you who I made cry, I don't know if I should consider it a good or bad thing though... it was suppose to be really sad and all, but I do feel sorta bad for making people cry. Ok, well, maybe I don't but it's rude to tell the truth so I'll just let you all believe what you want to-smiles innocently-
And also! Thank you Ambivalence for pointing out that I forgot to dress Bakura before they left the house! That totally skipped my mind when I was writing it. Lol. So, I fixed that! Thank you again for pointing that out!
Also, all of your suggestions have been really helpful! And chapter 4 should be up very soon!
Ok! On to Chapter 3 of this plot-less story!
As Time Goes By
Chapter 3
Well, the first thing I noticed when I woke up was the smell of food, a very pleasant scent to wake up to first thing in the morning I assure you. The second thing I notice is that I'm snuggled up against something very warm, and someone's arms are around me. Oh, wait. I forgot that Marik had decided to cling to me last night. But what about the part with me snuggled against something. Ra, that word shouldn't even be used to describe any of my actions!
Reluctantly I open my eyes, and I'm greeted with the sight of Marik's chest. Odd, when I fell asleep last night I was facing away from him. After regaining most of my senses, I realize that my arms are wrapped around his waist and my head was resting on his said chest, while his arms are still planted firmly around my own waist. Do I even want to know how we got into this position? Probably not. And I can tell his face is buried in my hair, joy, I can tell getting out of bed is going to take more effort then I would have liked.
Ok, I have to take this one step at a time so I don't wake him up. It would be very awkward to have him wake up while we're like this. Ok, step one. Slowly I remove my arms from around his waist. Good, that didn't disturb him. Step two; get his arms from around my wait. This is going to be more tricky. So, I cautiously wrap my fingers around his arms and pry them off of me, then I release them gently onto the bed. Step three, getting out of the bed. I pull the covers down and scoot away from the sleeping blonde, freezing for a moment when he shifts and start mumbling something. Once I'm sure he's asleep, I climb out of the bed and pull the covers back over him. I hope it doesn't take this much effort to get out of bed every morning. Though it is amusing, the once crazy, sadistic, mad man now clinging to me like I'm his teddy bear or something. How three little lights can change people...
I silently slip out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me before making my way downstairs to the kitchen, were I figured Yami was making breakfast. I walk into the kitchen to see that I was right, and from the looks of it he was having some trouble reaching something in one of the higher cabinets. Heh, his shortness is amusing. While he is taller then Yuugi, and always has been, he's still short compared to me and Marik.
Being a skilled thief, I managed to walk up behind him without him even noticing until I reach up and grab the box he was reaching for, which startles him, causing him to jump back and knock right into me, sending up both to the ground.
"Bakura!" He gasps, glancing over his shoulder from were he landed on his ass, "You scared the shit out of me!" Yami quickly stands up and reaches his hand out to me to help me up. I hesitate, but then grab his hand and haul myself off the ground with his help.
"Sorry..." I mumbled, then handed him the box. I really don't like apologizing, not at all. But Yami and Marik have done alot for me, so I guess I at least owe them that much...
"It's ok , Marik's usually just so loud, and with you being the expert thief you are and all, I'll have to get used to that. Oh, and thanks." He smirks and turns around, returning his attention to the food.
Since he seems busy, I take a seat at the table and stay silent, not wanting to distract him and have the food burnt. Glancing around, I see no clock in the kitchen. Wow, this place has everything but they don't have a frigging clock in the kitchen. A loud yawn escapes my lips and I quickly cover my mouth with my hand to try and stifle it and make it less noticeable. I guess I'm still tired, I did miss a week of sleep after all.
"You can go in the living room and sleep if you want, I'll wake you up when the foods ready, you must still be tired." Yami says suddenly, while still running around the kitchen.
"No, I'm fine..." I mumble. I really didn't want to go back to sleep.
"Well, it's only about 8, and Marik won't be awake until at least 12:00, if not later." Yami informs me, setting some plates down on the table.
"He sleeps that late everyday?" I question him. Though it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Yami nods, "Yeah, he always sleeps in, then he complains when his food tastes like crap cause he has to re-heat it." Yami then turns and goes back over to the stove.
"How long have you two been living like this?" I ask curiously, propping my head up on my hands and leaning my elbows on the table, staring at Yami's back while he works.
"Well, I've been living here the longest. I lived in this house alone for about 4 or 5 years before Malik died. It was very strange living in this huge house alone. But when I heard of Malik's death, I went to find Marik. It took me a few days, actually, to find him. He had hid himself away in the shadow's after his hikari's death. He was in a broken state much like you were when I found him. Malik's family was freaking out because some man that resembled Malik was in his room. But I managed to get him out before the police showed up. So I've been here for about 11 years, and Marik's been here for 6." Yami explained, pausing in his breakfast-making to face me.
"So you two are pretty much used to living like this by now, huh?"
"Even though I've been here for so long, I still feel...uncomfortable. That feeling was slightly eased when I brought Marik here, but it was still there. And in all honesty it feels even more comfortable now that your here. It's really odd, alone I was miserable, but now that my two enemies who have tried to kill me Ra knows how many times, are here, I feel so much happier... and safer." I starred at him, judging from his expression, I knew he was being truthful, he looked so thoughtful and sincere. But that flood of statements came as a surprise to me. I felt the same way, some-what, so I figured those two did too. But I never expected him to admit it, especially to me of all people.
"Irony can be a bitch, can't it?" I smirk at him. He smirks back.
"Yes it can. But I can't say I mind it much." He then proceeds to place the food on the table, after making about 3 plates of food and setting it to the side, for Marik probably.
We eat in silence, though it's a comfortable silence, probably because we're so busy stuffing our faces that we don't even really notice it. I eat allot more then I did last night, that's for sure, and that seemed to please Yami. Actually, since I'm only in my boxers right now, I notice just how much weight I've lost. And from the looks of it it can't be a healthy thing...it's almost sickening really. And not just because of the past week, it happened over the past 90 some years, from not using this form much at all and when I did I never really bothered to eat or anything like that, didn't have time to because Ryou's stupid wife and kid was always around.
After watching Yami clean the dishes, which I found to be highly amusing, the pharaoh doing house work! I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that, we both headed into the over-sized living room to see Marik sleeping on the couch, "Is that normal?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at Marik's sprawled out form on the couch.
"Yes. Whenever he waked up and realizes he's alone, he comes down here and falls back asleep on the couch." Yami explains. Geez, Marik really has changed. Allot. All those years ago, if someone would have told me that the big, bad, crazy, evil, psychotic, twisted Yami no Malik, would be reduced to someone who clings to people at night and doesn't like to be left alone while sleeping, I would have laughed. I would have laughed so hard I would have probably passed out from lack of breathing!
"Well...that's...odd." I mumbled, taking a seat on the 2nd couch in the room.
"Yes well, we have all changed in more ways then one, Bakura." Yami says, sitting in the same chair he had the day before, "I'm sure you have realized this by now."
"How could I not realize it?" I ask him.
"My point exactly. Our hikari's have really changed us all, for the better most likely." He sighs sadly at mentioning the hikari's.
"Wonder how long that'll last with them gone." I mutter, but regret it when I realize the pharaoh had hear me, because he has a pained expression on his face now as he stares at the ground.
Luckily though, Marik has decided to wake up right about now and spare me the effort of trying to correct what I said. But he stupidly rolls over and falls off the couch, "OWCH!" He growls as he drags himself back onto the couch, "Damn couch..."
"Wow, your up early." Yami comments. I glance over at him to see his features are now of amusement instead of depression. Good, now I don't have to feel guilty.
"Save it, Pharaoh." He snaps, obviously not a morning person. But that's fine, neither am I usually, we'll just end up killing each other sometime in the near future, that's all.
"What? I'm simply stating a fact." Yami tells him, his arrogant smirk once again of his face.
"No, your just being an ass." Marik growls, then glances over at me, obviously just noticing my presence, "What the hell are you looking at thief?" He snaps at me. I blink at him for a minute, before realizing I was staring at him because of his outburst.
"I'm looking at you in all of your stupidity." I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms.
"What was that?" He growls, looking about ready to lunge at me.
"Do you like hearing me call you stupid so much that you wish for me to repeat it?" I hiss at him, not moving an inch and practically daring him to try and attack me.
"That's it!" He yells and jumps at me, flipping the couch back in the process. I yelp out in surprise and wince when the back of my head hits the floor rather hard. Half of my body is still of the couch, and half of it is on the floor, and Marik is on top of me.
"MARIK! Leave him alone dammit!" Yami yells, then appears from behind the fallen couch just as Marik attempts to strangle me, while I try to pry his hands off my neck and kick him off with my foot. Suddenly the weight that was on top of my is gone, and I'm able to breathe regularly again. Sitting up, I look over to see that Yami had pulled Marik off of me, and was now trying to calm him down. I always knew he needed anger management...
Marik glares at me, and I glare back while I push the couch back up, then return to sitting on it, "You two are immposible I swear." Yami growls, looking and sounding pissed off as he collapses back onto his chair, Marik on the other couch.
"You two provoked me!" Marik accuses.
"Your just immature." Yami snaps back. I stay quiet, I don't feel like getting into another fight until I am at full strength, then I can kick the psycho blonds ass.
There is a long, uncomfortable silence, as we all just sit there and glance around the room, no more insults being thrown at each other. Sometime during that 'moment of silence', Marik gets up and leaves the room, to where in this big ass house, I have no clue.
Yami sighs, "Well, he'll be brooding for a few hours. Would you like to go out somewhere?" He asks, breaking the silence and getting my attention.
"But...should we really be walking around outside?" I ask him curiously. Would it really be wise to walk around and risk being seen by one of our hikari's children or grandchildren?
"It's fine. We go out all the time, we just have to be extremely careful not to go near Kaiba Corp, the Game Shop or the school. Did you really think we were going to spend eternity locked up in this house?" I nod dumbly, "We'd all be driven insane if we did that."
"I'll be right back then." Sighing, I get up and stalk upstairs to our bedroom. Opening one of the three closets. I immediately realize that this one is not mine, because it is full of leather. Dark blue and Black leather mostly. I'm going to go out on a limb here when I say this, but I'm pretty sure that this is Yami's closet.
Onto the next one. I open it and once again, realize it's not mine. Marik has a different variety of clothes, but all of them are definitely his style, and all black, some dark purple. It suddenly occurs to me that I most likely won't have any clothes because I just got here and have not had the chance to get any clothes. Ah well, guess Yami and Marik will have to share. Marik's pissed at me at the moment, but I'm sure he'll get over it after a few good hours of brooding.
So, I dig through Marik's closet until I find a tight black shirt that I like enough to wear, it even has a small golden chair going across the front. But I find no pants of his that interest me. So, onto Yami's closet. It takes me no time at all really to find a pair of black leather pants that fit me. After getting dressed, I don't even bother with my hair because it naturally sticks up everywhere, I go downstairs to see Yami standing in the hallway by the door.
He raises an eyebrow at me, "Raided our wardrobes I see." He comments.
I shrug, "I don't have any clothes."
"We can change that."
"So, where exactly are we going?" I ask.
"Anywhere. Kaiba Land, the arcade, the park. And since you have no clothes I suppose we should go to the mall and get you some." Yami reply's, holding up a finger for each place he lists, "We have plenty of money, Kaiba Corp sends us extra money each week, and we usually don't spend it all so it adds up quickly. As a matter of fact we saved your money over the past 11 years, so you should have quite a lot. We better just hope that Kaiba Corp doesn't go out of business any time in the next few millennia." He adds jokingly, though I don't find it very funny, because it's bound to happen. I highly doubt Kaiba Corp will exist throughout eternity.
"So in other words, there's no point in me ever stealing anything because we have enough money to buy anything and everything we want?" He nods, "Well damn...that's no fun... but don't think that will stop me, old habits die hard."
His smirk drops, "I'm sure..." He mumbles, "Just don't get caught, that would cause many problems and I might not feel like bailing you out of jail every week."
"Yami, where is your faith? I am the Thief King, after all! I managed to break in and steal from you so many times in Egypt it's almost sad!" This time it's my turn to smirk.
"Yes well, if you haven't already noticed, the security of this time is much more efficient then back then." Yami commented. All of his memories had returned, so I know he remember the many times I had robbed him.
"I could handle it. So, are we going to sit here all day or go wreck havoc upon the unsuspecting world?" I smirk at him and head towards the door, he follows, smirking back evenly.
"Well, glad to see your back to normal." He comments, following me to the over-sized front door, "We were worried." That statement caught me off guard and I miss a step and practically trip onto the front proch.
"I'm sure you two would have been just fine without me, less problems to worry about." I mumble, avoiding his gaze as I look up at the outside of the house for the first time. Wow, it looked even bigger from the outside! It makes us seem like millionaires! Oh wait, We ARE millionaires! Even though technically the money is not ours and we did absolutely nothing to earn it! All we did was live for 3000 years because our souls we're trapped in the millennium items, Yami saved the world a couple of times, while me and Marik tried to destroy it!
"Bakura." Yami says, breaking me out of my thoughts, "I know it may not seem like it. But we really do care about you. Sure you we're a psycho tomb robber 3000 years ago, and desecrated my fathers tomb, and you robbed from me, took advantage of your host and used him to get revenge on me, locked your hikari in a card, stole the Millennium Eye from Pegasus, killed Ra-knows how many people, sent countless people to the shadow realm, tried to kill me, tried to kill Yuugi and his friends, sent duel monsters after people-"
"Ok, I get it..." I growl.
"Hm? Oh, right! Anyways, even though you have made many...mistakes -shut up and let me talk and word things the way I want to! I think 'mistake' is the best way to word this and you should just go with it even if you don't consider them to be mistakes- you realized your 'mistakes' and tried to make it up to Ryou at least, you probably didn't give a damn about the others. But even though you may not consider us as friends Bakura, we consider you as our friend... and I'm starting to sound disgustingly like Anzu and it's making me sick...so I'll shut up now because I'm completely lost and I have no clue where I was going with this speech..." Yami said all of this so quickly I missed most of it, then he glanced around nervously as I stare at him with wide-eyes, just as lost as he claimed to be over his sudden rant.
"O...k. I didn't comprehend any of that, but I'll get over it. Let's go." I mumble impatiently and start heading in a random direction. I have no clue what part of Domino we're in, so I don't know where I'm going.
"Go where first?" He asks, catching up to me at the front gate. Wow, we have a gate, once of those cool steel gates that you see around castles in horror movies.
"Wherever." I tell him. Honestly, I don't feel like going anywhere, but I can't lock myself up in the house because that would upset Ryou...and I don't want him to worry, him. Or Yami. Marik probably doesn't give a damn right about now.
"Wherever isn't much to go on. It doesn't matter to me, I don't really care where we go when." Yami says. I groan, WHY does he have to be so stubborn? I don't care either!
"It doesn't matter to me either!" I say stubbornly, smirking when he sighs in defeat,
"Fine." he mumbles, "How about we go-"
Misao: Ok, I really, really, really didn't want to end it there! But I couldn't think of a place they should go! There's so many places! I feel like this chapter is so pointless now... the point was for Yami to get Bakura out of the house and go do something, but when I got to this point I became indecisive and couldn't choose a place for them to go. So it's pointless and short! So, you, the readers, get to choose for me! If you have any certain place you would like them to go, please tell me! Most likely people will have different idea's, but I'll probably use most of them! They don't have to go to just one place! They have the whole day! So please review and give me some suggestions! That way I can get to working on Chapter 4!