Enjoy plz! Reaaad on…………

Disclaimer: Do I LOOK like I have enough money to own CCS!? Swuing me is pointless…

"----------" - People talking

'People's thoughts' - People's Thoughts

A/N: ---------- - My words


14 Days of Fun- Chapter 1: Day-0


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I stared intensely into the clear waters of the beautiful and sparkling lake, the darkness surrounding me like a huge shadow, yet they were convated by the ever-bright moon shining down on me. I could see my reflection clearly and bended over, my long auburn curls falling down my shoulders, just inches away from the glassy waters.

Behind me, I heard the rustling of leaves and a twig cracked, disturbing the peaceful silence. I turned my head around sharply and stood up, looking into the green and golden forest that surrounded the lake and stared at the figure coming closer to me. I immediately took a slight step back, wondering confused who it could be.

The figure immerged slowly from the shadows and I could kind of make out it was a human, by his broad shoulders and chest. He took a few more steps and stood staring down at me with a quiet but mysterious smile. I could see that he had messy chocolate brown hair with fiery amber eyes…I was so mesmerized by those amber orbs that I didn't even realize he had pulled me closed to him, holding my waist gently. I shivered slightly as his hand brushed against my bare, pale, skin.

"Oh Sakura…" he said in a soft but sexy tone, and he leaned even slower to me, squishing my body close to his and I fluttered my eyelids shut. The next thing that I knew, his lips were pressed against mine and slowly touched his hand on my face and fireworks exploded inside me as we kissed in the moonlight…………


Yeah right. Like hell that would happen between Syaoran and me. I sighed in despair as my thoughts of my daydream ended, and Mrs. Sumire yelling her head off telling me to pay attention.

"Sakura!!! Just how many times have I told you…" Mrs. Sumire said again. Blah blah blah blah…that was ALL I was hearing coming out of my stupid math teacher. I looked at my best friend, Tomoyo, and rolled my eyes in exasperation. Everyone was doing their own thing, throwing paper air planes immaturely, fooling around, you get the point. Really…just WHEN is math class going to end!?


The school bell rang loudly—school was over FINALLY! As I trudged out the door, I realized Tomoyo wasn't beside me! I quickly ran inside the half-deserted hallway to find…GASP…Tomoyo was talking to Eriol, and Syaoran…Syaoran was RIGHT BESIDE her!!! I quickly brushed my hair out of my face and fixed my skirt and untucked blouse (yes, we do have to wear uniforms here).

I took a deep breath and walked over casually to Tomoyo.

"Hey To-mo-yo! Where were you?" I pouted slightly. "You could've at least waited for me…" I couldn't help but steal a look at Syaoran, who was staring at me. My stomach nearly flipped over and I quickly looked back at Tomoyo. Tomoyo smiled at me apologetically. "Sorry Saku! I was talking to Eriol so…" Her expression changed dramatically and now she was hugging me and screaming "KAWAIIII!!!!! YOU'RE SO CUUTE WHEN YOU POUT!!!!". I sighed as my best friend nearly choked me to death and Syaoran was looking at me with an amused smile, while Eriol had on a worried expression looking at Tomoyo. I couldn't help but crack a grin at this situation, it was just too funny.

"Tomoyo…you still didn't tell me why you were with Eriol!" I said, suddenly remembering just why on EARTH did Tomoyo 'leave' me. Haha! Tomoyo immediately glanced penetratingly at Eriol, who sweat dropped. "Uh…" he started. "Because she needed help on her extra English lesson so the teacher told me to tutor her." He ended, sounding confident using a matter-of-fact tone.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiight." Was all I said to him. "Come on Tomoyo, stop hugging me! Today is when I go to your house after school which is NOW, so let's get going! Bye Eriol, bye Syaoran!" I said cheerfully as I literally had to drag Tomoyo out. "See ya." I heard both Eriol and Syaoran call out from behind me. 'Syaoran…sigh was as hot as always………………SAKURA! Stop it stop it you crazy girl in love!' I thought as I shook his image out of my mind, and concentrated on Tomoyo.

"Sakura! Why did you want to go?" Tomoyo asked me questioningly. "Ohhh…it's about Syao---" but I quick interrupted. "Cupcake! Use the fake name or else someone might hear you!" I exclaimed inverently.

Tomoyo rolled her eyes are me. "Sakura, no one would hear us! I mean I can just say: SYA---" I quickly covered her mouth with my hand to prevent her from screaming the name 'Syaoran'.

"Tomoyo!!! We are going home now, so come one!" I said in an annoyed tone, as I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of school property, and on to the sidewalk.

Tomoyo instantaneously burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You should've seen the look on your face!" I glared at her, giving her a look that clearly stated: Shut.Up. "Oh come on, Saku! He's never going to notice you if you don't take action. Let's……" suddenly, Tomoyo grinned with glee. "I've got a great idea!" She smiled slyly at me. Uh-oh…that Look meant…that she just thought of smoothing evil and she'll most likely FORCE ME to do it!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I sighed. "Yes yes! What is it?"

"We-ell…" she started. "I know how much you just looooove Syaoran, but he doesn't really even notice you!" At this I muttered a sarcastic "Thanks Tomoyo that was helpful". Tomoyo continued, "So…let's just DO something okay? I'll write down first what you have to do and for every single day for TWO weeks! So basically I'll make up something everyday and YOU have to do it! Well, of course, it will be related to…" She wriggled her eyebrows at me. "Syaoran!"

I looked at her, horrified that my best friend would have thought of something this evil.

"Whaat???" I exclaimed. "No way! I'll be sooo embarrassed!" Suddenly, Tomoyo's face changed from her happy to a cold face. "Fine. Then he'll never notice you and then don't blame me when he likes someone else then. You do realize he's one of the hottest guys in school?"

"Okay, okay! Sheeshers…" I sighed defeatedly.

Tomoyo smiled widely. "YEAA! I'll give you the note tomorrow, telling you what you have to do. Come on, let's hurry to my house and I'll even bake a cake for you!"

With that, she skipped off, leaving me thinking: "Just what have I got myself into?!?!?"


I groggily walked toward my locker the next morning, and yawned as I fumbled open my lock. Suddenly, that scary friend of mine YES TOMOYO popped her head right in front of me, startling me to my senses. She said nothing but rather dropped a neatly folded note in my hand, and victoriously walked off.

I yawned again and rubbed my eyes, then carefully opened the note………

My mouth literally dropped to the FLOOR when I read the note! I was at this instant awake and looked utterly horrified and disgusted with Tomoyo's note.

"Tomoyo!!!" I screamed, my voice echoing through the hallway, with heads turning to see who exactly was shouting.

"Yesss?" Tomoyo turned around, smiling.

I stormed towards her and said fervently, "There is NO way I'm goina do this!"

"YES way! Okay now hurry to your class, and I'm sure you can't wait 'till after school, right?" she winked at me, and then started walking towards her first class.

Haha…yeah right…I just coooounldn't wait until after school. Man, I swear that this is going to be the most. disgusting. thing. I had EVER had to do……………

My Ramblings: Chp 1 dun!! Hopefully yall will like it!!!! Plz review plzplz thnxxxx dis iz my THRID ccs fic---o wait fourth cuz I didn't type up my other one yet, and the other threee I completely erased it! LOL Ja ne…..

Lil Angel Rini >.

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