A/N: Hola everyone! Sorry for the wait. It's my fault to have started writing so many fics at one go, so it was hard to finish them in time. But don't think I've abandoned this fic! Here's the new chappie and hope you'll all love it. Be sure to review too!
Chapter Five: Goodbye, Destiny Island
"Sora! Sora!" A faraway voice seemed to be calling out for him. Sora stirred in his sleep.
"Sora! Wake up! Sora!" The voice was getting closer. Closer to him. But his eyelids felt so heavy. He couldn't open his eyes.
"Geez, Sora. Get your lazy bum off your bed already." A very male voice spoke.
Sora opened his eyes. Two heads appeared right outside his window. The sun was in his face so he couldn't see very well. But he thought he saw a redhead and a taller shadow standing just behind the redhead.
"Riku? Kairi?" Sora rubbed his eyes drowsily and sat up.
"Finally awake, huh?" Kairi laughed. "It's already noon time. How long do you plan on sleeping anyway?"
"Uh…Sorry." Sora said, smiling sheepishly at them. He could see Riku standing behind Kairi, a perplexed look on his face.
"You forgot again, didn't you?" Riku muttered, his deep green eyes boring into Sora's.
"For…forgot?" Sora widened his eyes. It was then that it hit him. The raft! They were supposed to rebuild the raft today!
"Riku! I'm so sorry!" Sora quickly said and jumped out of bed. "I'll be there right away and I'll…"
"Forget it, Sora." Kairi chipped in. "It's too late. Riku already finish the raft all by himself."
Sora's face fell. "Oh…he did?"
Riku rolled his eyes. "If I were to wait for you, we'll never get the raft done."
Standing at the base of the beach, Sora grinned in amazement as the sun shines on the newly made raft.
"Wow! It's amazing!" he exclaimed.
"No thanks to you." Riku muttered, folding his arms.
Sora was about to say something back but Kairi quickly cut in.
"Hey! Let's take a test ride on the raft!" she said, smiling happily.
Kairi…even though you're smiling right now…actually…actually you will miss us…won't you? Sora thought, glancing at her.
"Test ride?" Riku turned to Kairi. He was wearing a cap today and had folded up his sleeves while he was working on the raft. A few strands of silver hair peeps out from under the cap and Sora silently admires the way Riku can look beautiful even when he's perspiring under the sun.
"Yup. We'll just sail a little over to the other side of the island and back again. To test if the raft will hold out." Kairi replied.
Sora nodded. "Sounds good to me. Let's go!"
The raft test was positive. When they pulled the raft back onto the sandy beach, Kairi turned to them, her expression serious and grave.
"So…so I guess…this time, both of you will be gone for a while, huh?" she said softly, her gaze falling to the ground.
"Kairi…" Sora muttered. He felt guilty of leaving her behind.
"Don't worry, Kairi. I promise we'll be back." Riku said firmly. There was a look of determination in his crystal sea-green eyes that Sora thought he'd never seen before.
"Thank you." Kairi nodded. "Take care, both of you…"
You take care too, Kairi. I promise you…I'll return that lucky charm to you one day. When I help Riku find his dawn…I promise…
"Sora?" Riku's voice snapped Sora back into reality.
"Huh?" Sora glanced up and noticed that Riku was already pushing the raft into the sea.
"Hurry up. There's a good wind. We can't miss this opportunity!" Riku called out as he hopped onto the raft.
Nodding, Sora turned to Kairi. "Kairi, when we return…we'll…we'll have a hearty dinner together, okay?"
A small grin appeared on her face. "It's a deal then, Sora."
Sora then turned around and raced after Riku as he leaped onto the raft. The two of them turned back and look at the island. The island they won't be returning to for a while.
"Sora." Riku suddenly said, as the island, together with Kairi slowly became dimmer. "Do you regret this decision?"
Sora turned and looked at Riku. He still had that silly cap on his head. It made him look far more boyish than usual. A small faint blush appeared on Sora's cheeks as he said this,
"Riku, I'll never regret doing anything crazy, as long as it's with you."
His words seemed to have make Riku pause and think. There was a moment of silence between them and it seemed as if it would last for the entire trip…