"Good morning, Two-Bits!" Kid Blink said, cheerfully, sitting down on a stone bench in the courtyard, in the middle of which was a fountain. Two-Bits, who had her back to him, grimaced and bit back a sharp reply.
She had been practicing her dance for the school musical, West Side Story, and the last thing she needed was an audience.
Especially not Blink.
Oh, how I loathe thee, Two-Bits thought to herself, as if the thought was from a book, rather than her own mind. At the word 'loathe,' an idea popped into her head.
She spun around to face Kid Blink, a smile in place of her grimace. "Come to watch?" she asked, slipping her thumbs through the front belt-loops of her jeans.
"Sure," Kid said, leaning back. "Practicing for West Side Story?" Two-Bits nodded. She sighed, her attitude suddenly completely different, and she looked over, nervously, at the blonde boy.
"Uh, Blink?" He nodded, indicating that he was listening. "I, uh, I've been meaning to tell you…" She sighed, frustrated. "Well, actually, I found this song that says it all…Can I sing it for you?" she asked, hopefully.
"Sure, go ahead," Kid Blink replied, smiling, encouragingly.
"Okay, her it goes…" she said, nervously clearing her throat. As she began to sing, though, her nervousness vanished in an instant.
What is this feeling so sudden and new? I felt the moment I laid eyes on you…
Kid Blink's grin widened, considerably.
My pulse is rushing. My head is reeling. My face is flushing. What is this feeling? Fervid as flame…Does it have a name? Yes!
Two-Bits couldn't help but grin, spinning as she drew out the 'yes.'
Kid Blink's smile vanished.
Unadulturated loathing.
"For your face," she sang, cupping his chin. "Your voice." She stuck out her tongue at him. "Your clothing." She plucked at his button-up flannel shirt.
Let's just say—I loathe it all! Every little trait, however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl with simple utter loathing. There's a strange exhilaration in such total detestation. It's so pure! So strong! Though I do admit, it came on fast, still I do believe that it can last. And I will be loathing, loathing you my whole life long!
She finished with a twirl and a bow, laughing at the look of surprise on Kid Blink's face. With a cheeky grin, she grabbed her bag and danced off.