Okay, heres the fifth chapter. I had so much fun writing this chapter. Its another one of my favorite ones. It might be a little to cutesy, but oh well.

Madison and Don sat out on that rock what seemed to be about an hour or so. They didn't

talk, just looked out at the small creek. Madison was starting to feel better as she looked up

at the star filled sky. "Its beautiful." she said softly, still gazing at the stars. "Yeah, it is." Don said

looking up at the stars. Madison smiled as she gave a small yawn. "Tired?" he questioned as he

looked over at her. Madison shook her head, "No not really." Don smiled, "Ready to go back

to the party?" he said as he leaned back. Madison shook her head, "No I want to stay out here."

She could still hear a bit of the music as it floated out the back door. The song had changed to

a slow song. Madison smiled as she grabbed Don's hand and pulled him towards the creek.

"Where are you taking me?" he questioned, raising a eyebrow. Madison just grinned as she

stopped in front of the creek, wrapping her arms around his neck. He gave her an odd look.

Madison rolled her eyes a bit, "LIsten to the music." Don nodded his head a bit as he listened

as the music softly could be heard from where they were standing. He smiled as he wrapped

his arms around her waist, swaying along with the music.

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart

Without saying a word, you can light up the dark

Try as I may I could never explain

What I hear when you don't say a thing.

Madison looked out at the creek with a small smile on her face. She felt that as soon as the

dance ended she could die a happy person. She looked up at Don who seemed to be in his

own little world. He caught Madison's gaze and smiled. Madison smiled back at him as she

looked back at the creek.

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best, When you say nothing at all.

Madison closed her eyes as she rested her head on Don's shoulder. 'This is like being in

heaven' she thought as they continued to sway to the music. Don looked down at her. He

had never noticed how pretty she looked until know. 'You can't fall for her know.' he

thought as he looked out towards the lake.

All day long I can hear people talking outloud

But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd

Old Mr. Webster could never define

What's being said between your heart and mine.

Madison removed her head from Don's shoulder ad looked towards the barn. She let out a

small sigh as she turned her head and looked at the creek once again. Don smiled as he looked

up at the stars.

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best, when you say nothing at all.

Madison looked up at Don, "What ya thinking about?" she questioned. Don smiled as he

looked at her. "Remember how you said the stars where beautiful." Madison nodded her head

as she gazed at the stars. "Well I was just thinking about how beautiful you are." Madison's

eyes widened in surprise. The next thing she knew was that her and Don where kissing as the

music in the background continued.

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best, when you say nothing at all...

And there it was, the fifth chapter. I really hope you like this one. The song in this chapter is When you say nothing at all by alison krauss and union station.