A/n: HI! This fic is called "Suicide" It is very sad and depressing and there is some fluff!(this is my first fluff story!) I know! It will probably suck! Let's try! Please Read and Review! Seto kaiba wants to die and he'll do anything to kill himself. Yami cares about Seto and has a long talk to him about how stupid he is being. Yugi has no life and always feels left out and neglected. So he commits suicide leaving his dark all alone. Yami only has one hope…… not to lose another lover. And not to break another promise. " If you are willing to do anything to hurt or kill yourself, than I'll do anything to stop you…." Yami paused making sure Seto was listening. " And that's a promise."
I DO NOT OWN YU-GI-OH! …..all I own is a computer! Wait this isn't mine either!
The First PromiseYugi left the hospital room with his head hung low. Without his Grandpa he felt alone. After all Yami was always studying or working, cooking, cleaning, or shopping and barely had time to care for Yugi. This disappointed Yugi. His other half was so busy trying to take care of everything else the house needed. He never had anytime left for himself or his light and Yugi was getting sick of it! And now that Grandpa was gone, Yami had more work to do. He would have to manage the game shop daily. And on top of that, Yami would have to drop out of school so the shop wouldn't get closed down or go bankrupt. He would never get an education a 16-year-old boy needs. In fact, he would probably have to close the shop, because of all the houses needs. So Yugi would be more alone, than he was now! He didn't want that! Grandpa's death would take a lot of their money, due to the cancellation of their insurance. That means Yami would have to work another two jobs just to pay that off!
Yugi always tried to interact with Yami but the same thing always happened. Never the less, Yugi tried again one stormy night.
" Hey Yami! Welcome home!" Yugi greeted cheerfully as the pharaoh entered threw the front door.
" Hello Yugi." Yami yawned. " How was school?"
" Good!"
" That's nice." Yami said through a tired sigh.
" You sound sick. Are you alright?"
" Fine, just very, very tired."
There was a silence between the two.
" Wanna play checkers?" Yugi asked pleadingly.
" I'm sorry Yugi, but I'm just too tired." Yami replied truthfully.
Yugi groaned. " That's what you always say!" he cried, tears forming in his eyes.
" I'm sorry Yugi but I don't have the energy to play right now. Maybe tomorrow" Yami said trying to hold Yugi. Yugi pulled away. Yami was crushed.
" That's what you said yesterday!"
" I'm sorry. It's just that work and school and the cleaning and cooking….it really wears me out." Yami looked at the floor. " I'll play with you tomorrow."
" No you won't! You always make these promises and never keep them! Something 'always comes up'! Well I'm sick of it!"
" Yugi I am so sorry if I make you feel neglected but…" Yami stopped realizing all the times he's brushed Yugi off. " Tomorrow we'll have lot's of fun! I promise!"
Yugi jumped into Yami's arms and kissed his lips. " Get some sleep." The two broke from the embrace and went upstairs. Yugi would not sleep though; he was too exited about the next evening. Tomorrow night was going to be great. Him and Yami together for a whole night!
Well, Tomorrow night came and Yugi waited. And waited. And waited. No Yami. The clock hit 10:30pm and still no Yami. He was three hours later than he should have been. Yugi ran up to his room and locked the door. Finally, around midnight Yugi heard the front door open. Yugi grabbed a pocketknife out off his dark's wallet and brought it towards his skin. He shut his eyes and quickly brought it down to his chest. Stabbing right in the ……..heart.
When Yami got no answer from inside Yugi's room, he began to worry. He lost track of time and due to a problem at KFC (do not own…wish I did!) He had too work late. He tried to call, but the phone line seemed to be dead. Yami quickly ran downstairs to get the spare key to the bedrooms. Hastily he unlocked Yugi's room. Yami stood speechless. There was blood everywhere and …….Yugi was the source. It ran freely down his aibou's body and out his mouth. Yami held his fallen lover and screamed in agony, it was all his fault.
And at the Kaiba's residence, things weren't going so well either…….
To Be Continued….
A/n: Well? Pretty bad huh? Oh, well! Please Read and Review!
Yugi: Why did you kill me?
Kyshin: Simple! I am a psychotic bitch!
Yugi: No kidding!
Kyshin and Yami: Please Read and Review!!!!