Neko's ending
opens mouth to repeat
"Don't bother. I heard."
Yuki leans in teasingly
"Well then?"
"What! Are you serious!"
"What do you think?"
"I think you're full of it!"
"Oh is that--"
Trips on tinsel, lips falling on Kyo's
Kyo's propped back against a wall
"Kuzo nezumi! What the hell are you playing at!"
"! Hey, you tripped me up! AND you were asking for it!"
Kyo glances away
"What did you say, Kyo?"
"You want me to kiss you again!"
"! As if! Its not my fault you seem to be obsessed with m-"
Yuki kisses him
They meet eyes honestly
"What the-"
"-hell are you doing with that camera!"
"Aww, i'm sorry, you two just looked so cute!"
"Honda-san - you photographed us kissing?"
" were kissing? How did i miss that?"
"Dammit rat! This is all your fault!"
The two proceed to chase the girl out of the room
Kyo still in pink tinsel
I know i know, but it was annoying me, sitting there all unfinished like that. What'd'you think? btw thats aimed at anyone thats actually decided to read this - and if that someone's you, then thankees!
C ya!