A/N: YAY! Final chapter is here! I really hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this. Thanks a lot to my beta Falcon, who patiently helped me through this! This is the last one, please let me know what you think!

It's finally FINISHED!


Chapter XV: Before I go.

John had finally been given permission to see Amara. Apparently Carson had acknowledged he was feeling much better because first of all he had allowed Sheppard to wear scrubs instead of the horrid gown and secondly he was now on his way to Amara.

John thought back on what Rodney and Elizabeth had told him about Amara and what she had done back on her planet. Elizabeth was right, Amara wasn't fully aware of what she was capable of. While he was reflecting on all that had been said he was also wondering what he was about to say to the young woman currently held under guard in the city of Atlantis, where she thought she'd finally found her freedom.

The airman pushing his wheelchair stopped at the door of Amara's room and John nodded to the guard stationed outside who opened the door immediately. The airman wheeled John inside and left him in the middle of the room, leaving a fair distance between the chair and the bed. John stared at Amara, who was sleeping soundly, her beautiful young face facing him. John moved the wheelchair a little, or at least as far as he could get it and reached out to gently touched Amara's shoulder.

Amara slowly moved, stretched a little and sleepily opened her eyes, making John smile, "Hey." Amara froze at the sound of his voice. Not sure of what to do, she returned the smile, but at the same time tears started to form and roll down her cheeks. John took her hand in his, "It's ok!" In turn she wiped her tears away, "I was beginning to think I was never going to be able to apologize."

"You don't need to…" But before he could finish his sentence she cut him off. "Yes, I do. I acted like a selfish child and in the process I nearly got you killed." Slowly she sat herself more straight on the bed and shifted so she could rest her back against the wall. John was looking grim, "You didn't know…"

"No John, please listen." John nodded and Amara continued, "I understand why I am being guarded, but I can not be like this forever. I never intended to hurt anyone, but I did. A lot of people died on Toulnya, most of them innocent and unknowing. I do not regret what I did to Elek. He, like his ancestors, was a very cruel man. But at this very moment as we speak Toulnya is without protection and without leader. The Wraith may be gone for now, but people will panic and innocents will die if another person like Elek decides to fill the void left by him."

John stared at her in disbelief, "Are you saying you want to go back to the place you hate most?" Amara suddenly found her hands very interesting. Now it was her turn to look grim.

"I will not be going back to a slow life inside a stasis chamber. I do not even intend to go back and stay permanently. But at least I will be going back having enough time to help fix what I destroyed. I can find out if the writings concerning my creation are there, which I believe still exist. And if your leader allows it, I like to come back and help you fight. You know now what I can do; I hope I can fill your requirements." John smiled at Amara and she returned the smile ten-fold. "Are you sure about this?"

"My mistakes will be fixed and I will be able to move on."

John nodded as a sign he understood and called the airman, who was standing at the door, in. He immediately needed to speak with Dr. Weir. The moment the door opened and the airman walked in to take Sheppard back to the infirmary, Amara grabbed his hand, "Please do not leave me here alone again... At least not yet, your presence is kind of soothing." John smiled and replied, "Why don't we do something… I'll go and have a talk with Dr. Weir and after that I will keep you company for as long as you want."

Amara nodded, "That sounds good."

Major Sheppard urged the airman pushing his wheelchair to go a little faster, not wanting to leave Amara for too long a time. Once there he called for Elizabeth and in no time she appeared in the infirmary, answering his call and hearing what he had learned from Amara. "How did it go?"

John looked at Elizabeth as she made her way towards his bed, grabbing a chair on the way so she could take a seat next to him. Once seated comfortably she waited for John to start and end his explanation about Amara's plan.

"That would be stupid John, and you know it."

"What do you mean?" John asked a little annoyed, "She's willing to bring back everything regarding her creation. Do you know how valuable that could be?" Elizabeth was pondering John's last statement while he continued, "I know how you must feel, but I believe her. I think her encounter with the Wraith changed her priorities. At first, all she ever wanted was to get off that planet, to escape from Elek, but then we came along. I carried the ATA gene and at once she knew she had a place where she could go to and be safe. She wants to return to help us fight the Wraith. Do you know how good it'll be for us to have her around when the Wraith come knocking on our door? And you know they will!"

Elizabeth knew John was right, who knew what she could help restore in the city, "Ok, I'll let her go back..." John smiled but Elizabeth continued, "But she won't be going alone."

Rodney walked into Amara's room, by now she was wearing a combination of military pants and a white shirt. She was barefoot which seemed like a strange view in Rodney's eyes, but seeing her up was nevertheless a good sign.

"Dr. Rodney McKay, I thought you had forgotten about me." Rodney smiled a little embarrassed, "Never, but I've been really busy. Do you want to go out for a walk?" Amara smiled as she nodded. They walked out of the room, and Rodney led her to the nearest balcony. "So… how have you been?"

Amara was leaning against the rail, looking at the ocean in total awe. "Good, I was really happy to see John Sheppard in good health. He was kind enough to show me around last night. The city is very beautiful. He took me to the top of the southwest pier; I think that was the name. It was really beautiful." McKay could only reply, "He did… that's nice."

McKay tried to hide his confusion, knowing the last time John went there was for a midnight picnic with Chaya, another Ancient beauty. Amara was staring at Rodney with an amused expression, "Is there something you want to say?" Rodney snapped back to reality, "Err no err … I heard you want to go back, is that true?" She took another glance at the ocean, before turning back to Rodney, "Yes."

"John told me why. But, are you absolutely sure?" Amara smiled, "Your leader has decided, what did she say?" Rodney was now leaning against the rail next to Amara, "Well, Major Sheppard influenced her decision a lot. She decided to let you go back, but she's sending a small team with you. They can help you search for what you're looking for. There's going to be two scientists and two airmen for protection."

"I do not need protection in Toulnya."

"We know, it's protection for the team." Amara started to look grim, "Your leader still does not trust me?"

"Think of it as a test, if they all come back in one piece, then we know you're good."

Amara's eyes searched Rodney's, "Thank you, Rodney."

"What for?"

"You heard me and came back; I tried to make you more receptive when I sensed you carrying the same gene as John. But yours is not natural." Rodney understood, "Is that why I could see you in my head?" Amara nodded. Rodney had to give it to her, if another person from the team would have been the one saying that he was seeing Amara in his head, Rodney would have been the first one to say 'crazy'.

Rodney reflected on the past couple of weeks. Now they finally had the opportunity of working with a living, breathing Ancient creation, who's power was still uncharted but great nonetheless.

By the time John was finally checked out of the infirmary, Amara was getting ready to leave. Sheppard left his quarters, wearing his black Atlantis uniform. His arm was a little sore, but no longer in a sling. He was still limping, but Carson had given him a walking stick which he was obliged to use if he didn't want to end up in a wheelchair. Carson had threatened that the moment he saw John without the stick he would promptly place him in one of the few chairs they had. Therefore he limped his way over towards Amara's quarters. She was getting ready to leave. "Care for some company?"

Amara looked up and gave him a 1000 mega-watt smile, "I could use some help, thank you." John followed her gaze down and noticed she was unsuccessfully trying to tie the laces of her boots. He grabbed a chair and placed it in front of Amara, John sat down and in a swift motion he tied her shoelaces. He stared at her, "Are you completely sure about this?" Amara gave him a reassuring smile, "Do not worry about me, I think I know where to seek for what I need. As for the people in Toulnya, I know they respect me. I do not foresee any major problems."

"Shall we?" John opened the door and Amara walked out, John following close behind her.

As they walked into the gate room, Rodney and Elizabeth were already there, waiting for them to arrive. The team assigned to accompany Amara was ready and standing by. Elizabeth was the first one to speak, "Everything is set. My team will need to check back with me once every few days. I hope it won't be a problem."

Amara looked at the leader of Atlantis, "They will not be disturbed, Dr. Weir." Elizabeth smiled, "I hope we'll be hearing from you soon." Now it was Amara's turn to smile, "Thank you."

Amara turned to Rodney, "See you soon Dr. McKay, I am sure that whatever I bring back will keep you awake for several days. So rest now!" Then she looked at the group of people in front of her, "I apologize again for the trouble I caused. I truly hope that whatever I bring back will help against our common enemy."

Then she turned to John, "I hope the next time I see you, you are fully healed. I really wish you well John." John gave her a small smile, "I'll be fine, you'll see."

Amara then turned to Elizabeth, "I am ready." In turn Elizabeth looked up to the control room and gave them the go ahead to start dialing the Gate. The team grabbed their gear as the gate opened. One by one they walked into the even horizon. Amara followed them, just before stepping through; she turned and stared at the people, making sure she had their faces printed into her mind not forgetting what they were giving her … a second chance.

Amara smiled one last time and then stepped thought the gate, off seeking answers to her many questions and hoping to find some sort of redemption, so that one day she could return to Atlantis and help her new friends in a fight much bigger than her own.


A/N: (sniff) The End... so What do you think? Review, please, review; I'm a review junkie:-)