The Bladebreakers team was in New York City for the newest tournament of the BBA. Daichi had joined, Kai had rejoined, and Ray and Max had decided to come back also. There were five of them, total, not including their coach, Hiro, Kenny "chief" their mentor slash techie and repairman, and Hillary (she wasn't really there as anything besides a tagalong cheerleader.) They were staying in a large hotel, at the moment, and were barely tolerating each other in such close quarters.

The hotel room was fairly large and connected to a separate room for Hillary, Hiro and Kenny. Apparently, the Bladebreakers would have to share one room between the five of them. It wouldn't have been so hard, had there been less of them and had they gotten along better. Max calculated that Daichi and Tyson would eat all their food in about two hours -he was right- and when the two weren't eating, they would be bothering Kai or being so loud that no one could sleep. Also, the fact that Tyson by himself could take up a king-sized bed posed a problem. Five people, two twin sized beds (one of the five people being Tyson.) Ray had offered to sleep on the floor, but Kenny had squashed the idea by stating that he'd be too sore to blade his best.

Tyson was shoving his face, just as quickly and greedily as he could, fighting with Daichi over different dishes while Kenny and Hillary watched, almost embarrassed that a world champion could be so disgusting. Over on the Sofa of the large hotel room Max and Ray were watching some comedy movie on the television and cracking up, with Hiro sitting between them looking only slightly amused.

Kai was laying on one of the twin beds, staring dully at the ceiling, giving the impression of someone hypnotized. The sound of Daichi launching himself across the table, and missing the dish he wanted, woke him from his daze. He was extremely bored and sick of being stuck in a hotel with his whole team.

"I'm going out," he said simply, not bothering to say where. His teammates were so stupid hw couldn't understand how they'd all become world champions. A reply from Max startled him.

"Yo, man, I'll go with you!" the cheerful blonde called, catching up to him, "Hiro wouldn't want any of us going out alone. He still thinks we're kids," Max laughed a little at the thought then explained, "I mean, I'm old enough to drive and he acts like I need a babysitter. He's rougher on Tyson, though, so I feel worse for him."

Kai decided that if he ignored him, the moron would go away. His plan faltered when Ray joined them, looking almost excited about being out in the city. The raven-haired boy was grinning like there was no tomorrow (which that gave Kai a jealous feeling, for some odd reason.)

"We could do some serious exploring," Ray said, and the two assumed it as his greeting, "hey, wanna go check out some of those shops over there?" he pointed at a long string of the small buildings.

"Max shrugged, "Why not? I could get some city clothes. Maybe, we could meet some ladies," he smiled, though it was empty. Max was hopeless when it came to girls. Actually, all three of them were. Kai scared them away, Ray was too preoccupied to notice them until they were gone, and Max was just pathetic and hopeless in general.

"Why would I want to go shopping…" Kai muttered, glaring at Max and giving Ray a look that clearly stated he was acting like an idiot, "I have better things to do than spend my money on a bunch of crap," he walked a ways ahead, but found himself sandwiched between his two teammates in a matter of seconds.

"Alrighty, Mr. Sourpuss," Max exclaimed, laughing loudly, "we'll do something more fun and meaningful, since you obviously want to go to that dance club across from the shops!" he started steering Kai towards he building, from which a loud bass beat was issuing.

"Yup, I have to agree with Max," Ray said, giving Kai a somewhat apologetic look, "you don't get out enough, so we're just gonna force you to be social," he pushed Kai the direction Max was going, and they soon reached the doors.