Chapter 1 – Sam's Quandary

Graduation day had finally come! Tonight Sam will graduate Magna Summa Cum Laude from Beverly Hills State University (BHSU) with a degree in Electrical Engineering and one in Physics. Pursuing a double major was challenging, even for someone as intelligent as her, but she made it! She was justifiably proud of her accomplishments in college. Sam reflects on the past four years here at BHSU, and she has to smile. These were four great years for her! She was able to choose what she wanted to study, and determine what profession she would pursue in life.

But there was trepidation as well. Sam knew she had put off important decisions that had to be made long enough. She has tried to look at each question from every possible angle, and she still wasn't sure what exactly she wanted to do! Now she has to decide what to do for the rest of her life! She has her pick of job offers from all over the country, as well as from right here in California.

But it isn't just what to do for a living that concerns her. Her personal life needs to come to grips with some major decisions as well, and these are far more gut wrenching than her professional choices. But what she chooses professionally will have a major impact on her personal life.

One decision she definitely has to make soon is whether she wants to continue being a WOOHP field agent. If she decides to do so, she will undoubtedly be assigned to a new team. With Clover earning a degree in Journalism, and minoring in Drama, she almost definitely will be quitting WOOHP. Alex also will most probably be quitting WOOHP as well. She has her major in Education, and her minor in Self Defense. Alex wants to teach – not exactly a field agent assignment!

Alex and Clover! Yes, her decision will impact her relationship with her best girlfriends too. They've been together sharing life's joys and heartbreaks now for 17 straight years! It's going to be difficult to move this active friendship to pen pals on the Internet!

Sam sheds a tear as she reminisces about the past 17 years with her friends. Meeting on the playground in kindergarten, who would have known then that these three little girls would become the best of best friends over the next 17 years? They did everything together! They spent almost all their free time with each other, first at the playground, then at the Mall or rollerblading, then at the student union or sorority! They were like sisters! Actually, they were probably closer than most sisters! She is definitely going to miss the camaraderie with these two!

She specifically thinks about Clover. Clover! Miss Spontaneous! Clover could come up with great ideas for things to do at the drop of a hat. She could talk herself and her friends out of almost any predicament. As a spymate, she was always reliable. There were times Clover went overboard with boys, making Sam and Alex feel second best. But Clover was always there when Alex and Sam needed her! She was fiercely loyal! She also seemed to settle down nicely in college, when she steadily started dating Clarence.

Sam then thinks of Alex. She smiles as she has seen Alex mature from an awkward teen to a self-confident woman. Alex was always the most fun! Her innocence made her an easy mark for some jokes, but Alex was always the glue that kept the three friends together. There were times Clover and Sam had arguments, but Alex always acted the part of peacemaker. Alex really matured when she started dating Pete on a steady basis. As a spymate, Alex could always be depended on. There were times her confidence needed bolstering, but Alex would take on a pack of hungry lions, to protect her two friends!

Of course, her decisions will also impact her relationship with Matt. This was the toughest! She started dating Matt, Senior year in high school. They went to the Prom together and had an unforgettable time! Then she was pleasantly surprised to find out that Matt was going to attend BHSU just like her! They have been dating steadily all four years. Sam knew she loved him, and she knew the feeling was mutual. Over the past few weeks, Matt has slyly steered Sam to some jewelry stores, getting her opinion on engagement rings and wedding sets.

If Sam decided to continue as a WOOHP field agent, she would have to let Matt go. She loved him too much to put his life in danger! If any of her long list of enemies ever found her true love, they could use him to try to force Sam into doing things she shouldn't or couldn't do, or they would harm or kill him to settle a score. She couldn't live with herself if that happened!

Sam begins to cry softly. What a decision to make! While in college, students held rallies to 'change the world'. She, Clover and Alex could always smile inwardly because they knew that through their spy efforts, not only did they 'change the world', many times they had saved it as well. As a WOOHP field agent, she and her fellow agents made a difference in the world; an easily discernable difference! But now she has to choose: WOOHP or Matt?

Sam knows that depending on the answer to that question, all the rest of her decisions will fall into place. Accept another job offer locally, out of the area, or remain a WOOHP field agent? If she decided to drop WOOHP, but accept a position out of the area, would Matt be willing to relocate with her? Would there be a position available in the area for a degreed Marine Biologist like Matt? Would she have to let the only man she has ever loved go?

Sam sheds some tears, but has made up her mind. She had to prioritize what she really wanted out of life. She would have to make the decisions based on what was important to her, and let the chips fall where they may!