A Feast of Farewell and goodbyes

Legolas and I finally managed to make it to the dinning hall. Although, I admit, we were slightly delayed...again. He'd seated me in beside my mother and father and he had taken the seat to my left. I looked up and realized just how many people had actually shown up. Before now I'd simply refused to look at them all but now it seemed I had no choice.

The room was packed with row up on row of tables all of them filled with elves. Well all except the table that held the rest of the fellowship. Everyone looked up at us expectantly until my mother stood up before them.

" Welcome Lords and Ladies. We've gathered here today to publicly introduce my lovely daughter too you all." there were small gasps of surprise and some murmuring amongst those who were seated. Galadriel held up her hand and once again all fell silent. " Long ago we had to send her into the care of Gandalf who placed her with a family that would keep her hidden from the evil that plagued this world. Her destiny is a great one and for that she was hunted. She returns now as part of the fellowship. She has set out with them to help destroy the very evil that hunted her. I would like all of you to meet my Youngest daughter Guinevere of Lothlorien." Galadriel stopped talking and motioned for me to stand. I swallowed hard and looked at my mother. She smiled and I to smiled back. I stood proudly and looked at the room before me. Many whispers were going on but soon the room broke out into applause. I sighed in relief and bowed my head to the room of elves before me. I raised my head and saw many of them looking at me expectantly. I raised my hands and the room quieted around me.

" I would like to Thank you all for opening you hearts and welcoming me home. But I want you all to know that I do not want your respect because of my name or my lineage. Right Now I am just an elf, no more important than the next. I have always been taught that Respect has to be earned. I intend to earn the respect that comes with my name. I vow now to you all that I will do all that I can to protect my home. I am not ready to loose my home after I have just found it. So by my life or death I will make you proud." I finished looking at the crowd before me. Many look surprised some looked accepting. I looked at my mother and she just looked...Proud, as did my father. I sat down and the room broke into an applause that was deafening. I smiled as Legolas grabbed my hand. His slight gesture of comfort settling my beating heart. Again my mother raised her hands for silence.

" Let us eat in peace." She said Many reached for the goblets and repeated the last part of her phrase.

"In Peace". And from there dinner continued. I talked quietly with all those around me. Mostly I talked to the fellowship. Soon dinner was over and the tables were cleared. And everyone took to the dance floor. I watched as they all twirled gracefully about the floor. The song that was playing reminded me of a song from home and I started humming the tune. Not noticing that I had attracted the attention of the hobbits.

"Do you Sing Gwen?" I heard the question and looked over to Merry.

"I do sometimes, It calms me." I said. Hoping he wasn't up to something.

"Do you ever sing for people?' Pippin asked looking over at me innocently. I narrowed my gaze and looked at the both of them.

"Not usually. And I don't really want to do it to night, maybe some other time." I said not noticing Legolas had come back from the dance floor.

"Wont do what tonight?" He asked kissing my cheek much to the surprise of those around me.

"Gwen was saying she really wanted to sing." Merry said. I tried to break in but they just kept on talking.

"Yes, she said she use to do it all the time."

"She kind of misses singing."

"She was going to sing tonight for all of us." Pippin finished. Ohh... He was going to die. I was about to say something when I felt Legolas quickly leave my side. He started walking up to the stage quickly.

"Legolas... Legolas..." He didn't answer. He was going to do this. I looked over to where the hobbits had been and they had left. I looked around and they were huddled around Aragorn. I was about to go over there when someone started speaking.

" I have just been in formed that Lady Guinevere would like to grace us with a song." I looked for the voice to see the orchestra's leader was speaking. I sighed. 'There's no getting out of it now' I thought as I walked toward the stage. I bowed my head to the elf and stepped on the stage. I closed my eyes. 'What song am I going to sing' I thought when I felt my mother's presence in my mind.

"Think with your heart, and you'll know what to do." Galadriel said pulling from the confines of my mind. I knew just what to sing.

I started out softly but soon the music in my mind took over and the feelings the song portrayed push away all my fear and stage fright.

"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder

You get your fill to eat

But always keep that hunger

May you never take one single breath for granted

God forbid love ever leave you empty handed

I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean

Whenever one door closes,

I hope one more opens

Promise me you'll give fate a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance

Never settle for the path of least resistance

Living might mean taking chances

But they're worth taking

Lovin' might be a mistake

But it's worth making

Don't let some hell bent heart Leave you bitter

When you come close to selling out Reconsider

Give the heavens above

More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you still feel small

When you stand by the ocean

Whenever one door closes,

I hope one more opens

Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

Dance I hope you dance I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance"

I stopped singing and opened my eyes to find the room was silent. Some had tears in there eyes and many looked pleased. I bowed and the room broke out into applause. I stepped down from the stage and made my way to Legolas, who was standing with my parents.

"That was beautiful. I knew you could do it." Galadriel said taking me into a hug.

" I am proud of you." My father said hugging me as well.

" That song was wonderful. Where did you learn it?" Legolas asked putting his arm around my waste as I went to stand next to him.

" A woman in my world wrote it. For reasons I don't know. But I felt it fit well." I said sighing. "And thank you for the complements." I said smiling at them all.

"Would you like to dance before we turn in?" Legolas asked.

"I would love too." I answered as he walked me to the floor, not even noticing the eyes of some very intrigued parents.

"My love, It seems that we no sooner get our daughter back, that we are to loose her already." Celeborn said to his wife as he took her hand.

"Yes, but I wouldn't want to loose her to anyone else." She said smiling.

Soon the song ended and it was indeed time to turn in. Legolas and I walked down the hall. We came to my door.

"Goodnight." I said softly as he leaned in.

"Goodnight." he whispered against my lips, before taking them in a passionate yet gentle kiss. He pressed harder and I opened my lips to grant him entrance. I had reached up and tangled my hands in his hair. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me flush against him. I could feel his arousal against my hip and I moaned into the kiss, leaning more on him. But soon he pulled away. "If I don't stop now, I wont be able to." he finished his voice a few octaves deeper than before. I smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.

" Then goodnight." I finished my voice huskier then I remembered. He nodded and Let me enter my room. His arms slowly leaving my form. I slowly backed into my room and shut the door. Leaning heavily against it I sighed. It would take awhile to fall asleep tonight.

The last day passed quickly and it was time for us to depart. The next part of our journey was about to begin. I knew that there were going to be challenges faced unlike any others we had partaken in. I wasn't sure I was ready to do it. I mean how am I to save Boromir? Should I save Boromir? Would it change the future? I didn't know what to do. I sighed and walked down the stairs to the forest floor. This was going to be along journey. I walked lost in thought to our departure area, when I suddenly felt a presence behind me. I turned quickly to find my mother standing behind me. I smiled and walked up to her. She simply shook her head and drew me into a hug. I buried my head in her shoulder and took a few deep breaths. I was scared and confused and her presence soothed me.

"My child, you must relax. The world does not rest upon your shoulders." She said pulling me from her. I looked down. She always knew what to say. "I do have some words for you my dear child. Choices you will make, you will make with your heart and rightly so. But some will give life and some will bring death beware of the consequences for there is always a balance." She finished. She took one look at my confused features and sighed. I understood what that meant but It gave me no answers. "As you do, I face the same problems. To reveal to much of the future could prove to be disastrous. You must trust what you feel here." She said placing my hand to my heart. "No matter what." I nodded and she drew me into a final hug.

" I will miss you mother and I could never thank you for everything you have given me." I said wiping tears from my eyes. " Thank you" I whispered brokenly as she squeezed me harder.

"You are welcome my dear. But you are my daughter and the things I do for you do not require thanks." I nodded and kissed her cheek. I silently slipped away form her and headed to the banks of the river.

As I wondered through the forest I finally came upon the river and saw that everyone else had arrived. I took my place among them. I was weighed down with emotions. I felt like a bundle of nerves.

"Where have you been?" Legolas asked taking me into his arms.

"I was speaking to mother." I said leaning my head on his chest. Breathing in his woodland sent.

"What troubles you?" He asked resting his head on mine and rubbing soothing circles on my back.

" Nothing... I am just nervous about our road ahead." I answered as truthfully as I could. "Legolas?"

" Yes Gwen." he said. I stepped back.

"Legolas, I want you to promise me something right now. I have to know you will do this for me." I said looking up into his eyes. Watching confusion and worry cross his eyes in a shadowy gloss.

"What is Gwen? I will do what I can. I promise." He said drawing me toward him again.

"Promise me that no matter what happens you will always press on. Promise me that you will never give up." I finished burying my head into his chest. He took a deep shuddering breath.

"I promise..." He said slowly in a whisper.

" Thank you. That helps me a little." I said looking around. Everyone had stopped moving my mother and father had made their entrance. "It is time." I whispered. Legolas nodded and kissed my forehead.

" That it is." he said walking with me toward Galadriel and Celeborn. We lined up before my mother along the banks of the river. Saying our goodbyes and receiving our gifts. From my parents I received nothing. For that I was glad. They had done to much for me as it was. I hugged my parents one more time and headed to the boats where everyone was waiting. I climbed into the boat with Legolas and Gimli and we set out back into the unknown danger that awaited us.