Inurose: Hey guys. This isa fic I wrote for the new girl at my school.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Inurose: Before we begin, I'm telling you right now: Lizzi is a real person - not a Marysue! So don't get any perverted or rude ideas!



That was what Elizabeth remembered at her first day at a new school.

Elizabeth, or Lizzi, as she liked to be called, was a foster child. Her parents had died in a fire a few years ago, and she now lived with a traveling photographer named Tom. Tom had brown hair and brown eyes while Lizzi had black hair and blue eyes.

Now, why would kids make fun of her, you ask?

Well, Lizzi was over-weight. Now, she wasn't ridiculously over-weight, but she was chubbier then most people. Human nature is very cruel sometimes. We see something different and we either find it frightening or funny. But, in cases like Lizzi's, it's usually funny.

I know you've heard that saying. "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names can never hurt you." Well, that saying is one hundred percent false.

Words are very painful - even more painful then sticks or stones at times!

Now, most readers right now would probably stop reading this story and go on to the next one where a pretty girl gets paired up with their favorite bishi, but I'm asking you to please stay because this story has a valuble lesson in it.

It was a cold winter's day in Japan for fourteen year-old Lizzi.

Tom had been wanting to come to Japan for the longest time, so she had been learning Japanese and studying up on it's culture. Lizzi was bright, despite what other kids thought of her.

She grinned half-heartedly thinking about what Tom had told her the other morning. "I'm sure you get your brains from me. I'm a pure genius." Of course, he said this while he was reading a bookcalled 'Japanese for dummies.'

She heard soft laughing from behind herand she turned her head slightly.

There were a few boys standing behind her, laughing and mumbling some things under their breath.

She could bearly make out 'baka' and 'inu.'

Scowling at the boys, she smoothed out her skirt and continued walking.

As she did so, the laughing grew louder.

She whirled around. "Kusos!" she cursed at them.

Now, kuso means shit, so to make it plural, she tried adding an 's', but apparently the boys found this very amusing.

They laughed harder, holding their stomaches.

She felt her face grow warm and she continued walking on. 'Smooth move, Lizzi.' she scolded herself. 'You can't do anything right, can you?'

When Lizzi approached the school, she saw a few more boys standing outside the gate. There was one boy that had slicked back black hair, one boy with curly ginger colored hair, one boy with long red hair and emerald eyes, and one boy with black hair that seemed to defy gravity and red eyes.

Knowing it was rude to stare, Lizzi focused her gaze on the ground and continued walking.

She heard some more laughing and she felt her cheeks grow warm again.

"Check out the elephant over there!" she heard someone hiss.

"Yeah. It probably escaped the zoo yesterday!"

She walked at a faster pace. 'Please leave me alone.' she begged in her mind.


Lizzi whirled around to see a brunette with brown eyes whacking one of the boys over the head with her book-bag. "Yusuke, that's not nice!" she shouted.

The boy with slicked black hair rubbed his head. "Oi! Keiko, what was that for?"

Keiko glared at him. "That was extremely rude! Don't do that again! Baka!" she slapped him for good measure. Keiko looked over at the ginger-haired boy. "You either, Kuwabara! I'm ashamed of you!"

Lizzi winced. "No amount of therapy will ever make this moment okay..." she mumbled to herself in English.

Yusuke glared back at Keiko. "Hey, she's speaking English! She doesn't even know whatwe said!"

'Now's my chance! Maybe I can stick up for myself!' Lizzi thought.

She walked over to the boys. "Actually," she said softly in Japanese, "I know both Japanese and English, so I could understand you perfectly." she gave him the fakest smile she could muster, and walked away.

'And I know Latin, and French, and Spanish, and Italian...' she went on listing the languages she knew. It could sometimes be handy traveling with Tom. 'And Greek, and German, and-"

"Hey!" she recognized the brunette's voice. "Hey wait up!"

Lizzi turned her head. "What?"

Keiko grinned at her. "My name is Keiko. What's yours?" she asked, holding out her hand.

Lizzi ignored the requested handshake. "My name is Lizzi." she stammered.

The bell rang and Keiko pulled her hand back. "Well, we need to get to class. Would you like me to help?"

"No thank you." Lizzi murmured, walking into the school building by herself.

Keiko blinked, but soon turned to Yusuke. "C'mon Yusuke! Kuwabara! We're going to be late!"


Inurose: Ok, this was chapter one. Please review!