Title: Just A Child?

Disclaimer: I don't own Artemis Fowl... and all that jazz... come on ppl you know I don't own it...

Summery: Just random adventure's in the life of a four year old Artemis

Authoress' Note's: Well what can I say!... Nothing much... I just REALLY wanted to write a fic about Arty as a kid... it's fun -


Chapter One: Fowl Manor

Fowl Manor was a very uninviting place, it was over a couple of hundred year's old and was built like a fortress. (AN: I used to know how old Fowl Manor was, but I've forgotten, and I've looked through the books and can't find the info so... I'm guessing here) It housed one of Europe's most dangerous crime lord's and and anyone who trespassed, never came back out the same. The inside was as intimidating as the outside. As beautiful and awe-inspiring every single room was, the Manor was still a cold and at time's scary place. No place it seemed, for children. But one could never guess that there was a child, two in fact that lived here.

The first being the crime lords own off-spring, a son and the second a little girl, who was the younger sister of a man who worked for the family.

There is a room in the Manor that doesn't fit the entire look of the place. In fact most would say it was a little sanctuary in the cold, un forgiving castle, that was Fowl Manor.

The room's walls where decorated with classic Nursery Rhyme and Fairy Tale character's. Such as Mother Goose, Humpty Dumpty, Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, Jack and Jill, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldie Locks and so on. The rooms furnishing's where all made of beautifully polished red wood and gold. There was a small round table, four mini Louie Chair's placed around it. A large book shelf that housed every child's book known to man. A large and beautiful toy chest, made of red wood and had the story of Snow White carved on it's body. The chest was full of pretty hand-made stuffed animals and wooden toys. Hand carved block's lay scattered around a large round play mat, decorated with various Fairy Tale character's.

A large television sat in a custom made hole in the left wall. A video player and a cute cupboard full of children's movies sat under it.

There where also other child friendly thing's scattered around the large bright room. And as you might of guessed, this was a nursery. The nursery it's self was rather old and had been in the house for over 150 year's. But had been carefully re-modeled to fit the child safety rule's for today.

Sitting in this room, at the round table was a small boy. Dressed in a cotton sky blue polo shirt and a little pair of jeans. The child had mid-night black hair and the most stunning blue eyes you have ever seen. His china doll skin contrasted sharply with his dark hair.

The boy was at the momentwriting down some complected math's problemswith his crayon's. I know you are most likely thinking, how on earth would a small child be able tofigure out these problemsor even understand them no less. Well this child was a genius, his vast intellect far surpassed any known to man. He had already finished school and was gaining a strong interest in technology. This child was brilliant and went by the name of Artemis Fowl the Second.


There we go!! Short yes... but I wanted to leave it there!! What do you think? Review please and lend me you're opinion's!

kiss kiss

ozumas girl