Spinning Coin
By: M14Mouse
Summary: Donny's POV as he brews the concoction. 9th in the Kaleidoscope Effect Series. Basic on the Second Movie.
A/N: The second movie is out of the way and on to the third movie which will be including at least seven different points of views. This pov turn out totally different than what I planned but I think it fits somewhat. I like to thank my reviewers, paychus, lunar-ninja, and PossDownUnder.
--The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.—
Albert Einstein
Donny's POV
It is almost done. The doctor's instructions were right.
Just one key ingredient to add and we can pop them into the freezer.
There. It is done. Now, let it pour into the ice trays and put it into the freezer. In few hours, we are set to go. Oh, the coin dropped again. Now, I have to find it. Ouch. There is the coin. It must have roll under my bed. I pick up the coin and set it back on the magnetic platform and twist gently to start it spinning again.
I watch the coin spin in mid air in between the two magnetic platforms for moment. It was a birthday gift from Raph. I don't know where he found it but I treasure it because one of the few things of mine that survived when the Foot trashed our old home. They destroyed the old toaster that Mikey found in dumpster for me. They broke every glass breaker and measure tool that Leo must save and scratch around for months. The little bonsai tree that Master Splinter gave me was uprooted from its small pot and toss aside. I chuckles softly as I remember what he said when he gave it to me.
"It will help cleanse the air around you, my son."
In other words, he was worry about the chemicals that I use for my experiments. He believes that the plant cleanse the air. Maybe, he did not like the smell coming from my room and hope that the plant would cleanse the air. Either way, I felt sad that the little tree was destroyed.
Yet, the spinning coin device survived. It has no purpose but to spin and the Foot probably thought it was a plaything. Yet, it is still here like us. We continue to move and to live. Sometimes, we fall off or go off course but we pick ourselves up and move forward.
Who knew that a little coin could calm me down so much before another battle with Shedder? Hopefully, it will be the final battle.
I think I am going to thank Raph again for his gift when he and Mikey get back from their doughnut run. Of course, that is after I get the last jelly doughnut from the other box.
The End.